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Presence and Absence in the Iraqi Theatre Performance: Summer's Rain Play as an Example
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The presence and absence binary is an essential part of and a motivation for the direction vision which depends on the principle that the components of the theatre performance move in contrast with each other; one is directly informative which is the presence relations and the other is structural that is identical to the absence relations. The first is material band visual that evokes the incorporeal mental absent. Hence, the present study(Presence and Absence in the Iraqi Theatre Performance :Summer's Rain Play as an Example) aims at explaining those relations and their transformations between presence and absence in the performance

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
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Metaphysics of theater performance
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The research explores through its three parts, to search for the unconscious and the collective unconscious in order to identify the per-formative stimuli and motives and their motivation to produce a performance that is consistent with the metaphysics of the myth or the epic and its different characters from other human characters. The paper also explores in its second section a sort of sacred performance energy. Together, along with motivating the mind and engaging the subconscious, comes a metaphysical text and with its characters and epic events.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
Semiotics of Musical Sign in Iraqi Pantomime Show (Ahriman) as a Model: علي عدي صاحب-شيماء حسين طاهر
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The musical sign was associated with the first appearances of acting that are based on human gestures and expressive and silent movements, and they contributed in accentuating and clarifying these gestures and explain their meanings and indications, and they remained with them until these gestures turned into artistic theatrical shows so that the musical sign would have many functions and constitute the main pillars for this kind of show.
The musical sign is a language not much different than the human language in the semiotic analysis. There has been an increased interest in it and its use in the mime shows by the graduates who realized its necessity and significance in the pantomime show intellectually, artistically and aesthetical

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 11 2017
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The approach of deliberation in the ontemporary Iraqi theater text - theatricality Afwah-as a odel
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The deliberative system of communicative studies is exposed to cultural openness, according to modern cultural studies, to establish a verbal language system that achieves reciprocal and cross-cultural relations. This research has examined the concept of deliberative approach in the contemporary Iraqi theater text by studying the deliberative system of text and its interrelationship with The stage of the verbal embodiment of the dramatic event, because the dramatic text achieves in its construction of racism, a deliberative approach between the verbal event and the language, and what later leads to the completion of the dramatic action. The research included four chapters. The first chapter was the systematic framework of the research, T

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 20 2016
Journal Name
Indicative coding of the actor’s performance in the Iraqi theater show: راسل كاظم عوده
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Summary Search Alachtgalat process semantic encoding carried out by the actor inside the theater to deliver the intellectual sense, and social, as well as the aesthetic to the recipient, the fact that the code is the function is operated relationship in accordance with the prior intent to deliver the implications of a particular intent, too, and the fact that encryption is the best way to transfer messages in system theater, where should the actor that has the ability to create images (sensory) or intellectual new in human consciousness on the basis of conversion of impressions collected from reality and re technically formed inside the theater, allowing the recipient to arrange these marks to obtain the meaning that lies in them. So he

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 14 2023
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fashion and Contrasting in the contemporary Iraqi theater show
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Since its inception, the theatrical performance has been based on the principle of permanence, continuity, renewal and innovation in the structure of its visual elements. These innovations and the effectiveness of continuity cannot be achieved without searching for everything that is new and different at the level (form and content) in order to create an image with innovative and effective features in the theatrical discourse, and from Among the elements of the theatrical performance (theatrical costumes) that have been subject to variation since the beginning of the theater until now, and for this purpose, the current research was conducted with the question of the research problem: What are the variations of costumes in the contemporar

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Publication Date
Wed May 18 2016
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The Application of Experimentation in the Iraqi theatre shows "Othello in the Kitchen" As a model: عادل كريم سالم
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The researcher tackles the most outstanding conditions of experimentation, the importance of the study lies in being helpful to the workers in the field of theatre in general and directors in particular which the conditions of experimentation that should be taken.The study aims at knowing the experimental basis which the director (Sami Abdulhamid) followed in the realization of this.The researcher tackles in the First inquiry the concept of experimentation and the second tackles the conditions of experimentation.In the methodology of study the researcher analyzed the show of the "Othello in the Kitchen" and comes up to the following: 1. the dhows has cone with the nature of the previous shows experienced the methods that were not familia

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 15 2022
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The operations of the hypertext in the contemporary Iraqi theatrical show
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The theater benefited from the concept of (hypertext) to create different virtual worlds. The four chapters of the research included the first (methodological framework), the second (theoretical framework) came in two sections (hypertext, its concepts and applications) and (hypertextual space in theatrical performance), and the investigations resulted in indicators, including:
1- Hypertext is interacting interactively, but it is organized by correlation as a basic feature that defines it with different manifestations.
2- The hypertext combines the word with other formative elements that reduce a set of tagged information (word, image, light, shadow, color, number).
In the third chapter (research procedures) (Lord play) was

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 19 2018
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Directing Techniques to Process the Radio Drama Script ( Khata'a Play as a Sample)
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     The radio drama is considered to be one of the arts that is discovered after a long period of theater's discovery. Initially , it was the broad framework of the theater's work when radio was broadcasting the shows on the huge theaters. This beginning encouraged many of the radio specialists to correlate plays with radio and make a novice and distinctive type of art. Thus, radio drama made its first step including the following   ( plays, short and long series drama as well as other types of radio arts). Because of the above mentioned , the researcher is stimulating  to study directing techniques to process the radio drama script ( Khata'a play as a sample).

The first chapter deals with the

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Methods of Acting Performance and Watching Industry in Street Theatre- Play (Sold) - A Model: بهاء زهير كاظم
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  The audience is one of the important practical elements in the theatrical show and its importance is not confined to its static activity as a receiver element only, rather it went beyond that issue as an effective and influential element in the proceedings of the show and the process of meaning construction, that it gains an active role in the construction and production of the connotation that influences and is influenced by the actor, where the communication channels are open between the two sides, consequently a kind of watching and joint interaction happens between them. Thus, it has become necessary for the actor to create a suitable environment for the onlookers in order for it to be an essential part of the show system. The

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 19 2017
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Place Sexuality in the Arabic Text Theatre
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     It is doubtless that the sexual place has some common indicators due to the masculine and feminine bodies which may be natural or deviated (homosexual). The female has an act of voice in the imaginary masculine place whereas the male has an act of image recognized in the parental mind in both the secular and sacred place. Those places create different limits and perceptions according to the auditory and visual readings in search of identity, text and body in the feminine dramatic text.

    The research includes four chapters; the first, the methodological framework, involves the problem which is centralized in the following enquiry: What is the relationship between the place and the term of

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