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The dialectic of climate extremes between reality and fiction
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This research studies the conflict issue regarding climate rapid change  as a fact which occupied scientists and specialists  alike, who research in this particular field, especially in recent years and how this matter has been dealt with according to real and in fictional structures via films and TV.

The researcher dealt with two researches in this study :

The first : climate extremes, human and drama rituals.

The second : realistic and imaginary construction in the cinematographic medium.

The study is based on the analysis of the film "GeoStorm", which focuses on the issue of global natural storms and the dangerous weather phenomena that threaten our planet as a result of neglect and tampering especially living resources in particular, without paying attention to  dangers resulting from it as well as highlight on the political exploitation to control to control the climate system, In a fictional drama based on reality.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
The Asian Esp Journal
A Linguistic Study of ''and'' (و) in Arabic and English.
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The conjunctive ''and'' and its Arabic counterpart ''و'' are discourse markers that express certain meanings and presuppose the presence of other elements in discourse. They are indispensable aids to both the text writers and readers. The present study aims to show that such cohesive ties help the writer to organize his main argument and communicate his ideas vividly and smoothly. They also serve as explicit signals that help readers unfold text and follow its threads as realized in the progression of context. The researcher has utilized the Quirk Model of Semantic Implication for data analysis. A total of 42 (22 for English and 20 for Arabic) political texts selected from different elite newspapers in both Arabic and English for the analy

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 27 2023
Journal Name
Korean Journal Of Materials Research
Preparation and Structure Properties of LaBa2Cu2O9, LaBa2CaCu3O12 and LaBa2Ca2Cu5O15 Perovskites
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In this study we examine variations in the structure of perovskite compounds of LaBa2Cu2O9, LaBa2CaCu3O12 and LaBa2Ca2Cu5O15 synthesized using the solid state reaction method. The samples’ compositions were assessed using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis. The La: Ba: Ca: Cu ratios for samples LaBa2Cu2O9, LaBa2CaCu3O12 and LaBa2Ca2Cu5O15 were found by XRF analysis to be around 1:2:0:2, 1:2:1:3, and 1:2:2:5, respectively. The samples’ well-known structures were then analyzed using X-ray diffraction. The three samples largely consist of phases 1202, 1213, and 1225, with a trace quantity of an unknown secondary phase, based on the intensities and locations of the diffraction peaks. According to the measured parameters a, b, and c, every sa

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Publication Date
Wed May 31 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Prepare and Study Wear Rate of Single and Hybrid Composites
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   This research  studyies  wear  rate  of  composite  materials  by using Epoxy Resin and Polyurethane Rubber as a matrix  of weigt percentage (90:10) (Ep/Pu) and reinforced by PVC fibers and Aluminum fibers two dimension knitted mat with fractional volume(15 %), in different conditions like: lab conditions and after submerge the samples in water for different periods of time. . four kinds of materials were prepared: (Ep+pu), (Ep+Pu+PVC), (Ep+Pu+Al.F), (Ep+Pu+PVC+Al. F) .And the results have shown that the best wear resistance are for the hybrid composite material    (Ep + Pu+ PVC + Al. F) and wear rate of  all samples increased when it was submerged in water

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Simulation and Assessment of Groundwater for Domestic and Irrigation Uses
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The alluvial fan of Mandali located between latitude 30˚45’00” N longitude 45˚30’00” E in east of Diyala Governorate, Iraq. Thirty-five wells were identified in the study area with average depth of 84 m and estimated area of 21550 ha. A three-dimensional conceptual model was prepared by using GMS program. From wells cross sections, four geological layers have been identified. The hydraulic conductivity of these layers was calculated for steady state condition, where the water levels for nine wells distributed over the study area were observed at same time. Afterward, PEST facility in the GMS was used to estimate the aquifer hydraulic characteristics. Other characteristics such as storage coefficient and specific yield have

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2006
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Grammarians’ opinions on stopping and tilting in Al-Kanz by Al-Wasiti
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Praise be to God, and may blessings and peace be upon our master and Prophet Muhammad and those who follow him, and may God be pleased with him

Taha is my guardian and whoever follows their path until the Day of Judgment. And after... The book (The Treasure in the Ten Recitations), written by Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin Abd al-Wasiti, who died in the year 710 AH, is considered one of the important books in recitations: because it included the universal custom that it contained in the books Al-Taysir by Al-Dani and Al-Irshad by Al-Falanisi, as the first of them was specialized.

Satisfy the second with the ten readings

May God bless my time, through His grace and generosity, to achieve this treasure and to publish it

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 18 2018
Journal Name
The Effect Of Using Two Strategies For Active Learning ( Jigsaw Strategy & Problems Solving) In Learning Some Balanced Beam's Skills In Artistic Gymnastics
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The aim of this study to identify the effect of using two strategies for active learning ( Jigsaw Strategy & Problems Solving) in learning some balanced beam's skills in artistic gymnastics for women , as well as to identify the best of the three methods (jigsaw strategy , problems solving and the traditional method) in learning some skills balance beam , the research has used the experimental methodology, and the subject included the students of the college of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / University of Baghdad / third grade and by the lot was selected (10) students for each group of groups Search three and The statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) was used means, the standard deviation and the (T.test), the one way a n

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Financial Innovation as an Entrance to Sustainable Financing A Case Study of Islamic Banks in the State of Qatar (2014-2018)
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While the impact of the fourth Industrial Revolution on the economy keeps accelerating, the signs of the fifth industrial revolution, whose key is innovation and creativity started to evolve. However, the challenge of achieving sustainable development and its goals remains faced by the global organizations; In this situation, Islamic banks are exposed to many challenges among which is the challenge of keeping themselves abreast of the latest developments in the modern technology which in turn is a tool for continuity and competition. On the flip side, to avoid the negative impact that these changes can have such as an increased gap between financial innovations and the requirements of sustainable development. Islamic banks in the

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 13 2019
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Media coverage of the 2018 African Youth Games in its third edition in Algeria - An analytical study of Al-Nahar newspaper
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This research revolves around the study of sports press coverage to the third African Youth Games that took place in Algeria from 19 to 28 July 2018. The games featured approximately 3000 athletes from 54 countries who competed in 27 sports. Five sports were qualified for the Youth Olympic Games in Argentina. The aim of this study was to analyze the content of the Algerian newspaper Ennahar El-Djadid by focusing on the discussions of various sports activities during the event. Thus, the descriptive approach and content analysis method were adopted for this research. They were used to highlight the newspaper's interest in this sports phenomenon. The chosen study samples were ten issue numbers of Ennahar El-Djadid newspaper

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Implementation within strategic planning and its impact on banking service quality: (An applied research on a sample of Iraqi banks)
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In the midst of rapid changes and difficultiesand the tough competition faced by the Iraqi banks, it has become necessary to focus on a significant aspect of administrative work; that is strategic planning and the key role of implementation within this process in improving the banking service quality. It has emerged as a critical and main competitive weapon for distinguishing the services provided by banks from each other in an effort to participate in increasing market share of the bank in question in question; in its growth, continuation and profit increase.

The research has addressed the relation between the independent variable (implementation within strategic planning), and the dependent variable (banking service quality and

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Association of potent inflammatory Cytokine and Oxidative DNA Damage Biomarkers in Stomach cancer patients
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The infection with H. Pylori stimulates a signaling cascade that causes the generation of Cytokines and provokes Oxidative stress that is involved in the chronic inflammatory response leads to Gastric cancers. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) produce 8-Hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), the persistent oxidative DNA damage product. The study objective was to assess if there was a link between inflammatory cytokine levels and the presence of Oxidative DNA damage in Gastric tumor patients. In addition, evaluation of the diagnostic and prognostic value of Oxidative DNA damage and inflammatory cytokine biomarkers for Stomach cancers is being conducted. The study was accomplished on medically diagnosed Stomach cancer patients before any form of trea

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