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Religious references to art of miniatures In the Iranian school (Behzad is a model): عبدالرزاق جبار رحيل
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The study examines the religious references of the art of miniatures in the Iranian school "Bahzad model" completed in Iran during the twelfth century AH, according to the controls and characteristics of the authoritative references. The researcher presented the problem of research, its importance, the need for it and its purpose, defined the terms in the research. The theoretical framework came with three investigations. The first topic of the concept of the reference in the field of knowledge, which concluded the most important features of the reference, is that each symbolic existence corresponds to a real existence and symbolic presence is an input to the realization of the reference. The reference then becomes a sign that acts as a holding entity for the semantics, and the receiver draws through the reference about the cognitive background associated with the text. The second topic, the Islamic art, its characteristics and its components, is a title for it, and what distinguishes Islamic art with characteristics unique to it is religious art. The third topic reviewed the most important Iranian schools in the art of photography. The results of the research came to analyze the selected models of the works of the miniatures artist (Behzad). The results of the research were achieved for its purpose, the most important of which is the arrangement of the photographic composition and the portrayal of human forms of different sizes according to social and religious status.

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Evaluation the Effect of some Plant Extracts in Controlling the Oriental Hornet vespa orientalis Linnaeus, 1771 Near the Apiaries
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Abstract<p>A significant amount of apiaries is destroyed in most areas of Iraq by attacking of the hornet<italic>Vespa orientalis</italic>Linnaeus, 1771, as well as the deterioration of European honey bees’ Apis mellifera Linnaeus, 1758 productivity recently because the environmental changes and pollutions; this effect was evident in the economy and plant production, because the bees as the most popular species of pollinator of crops globally. There is no effective and environmentally safe method yet; Therefore, this study suggested to use essential oils of Mediterranean cypress<italic>Cupressus sempervirens</italic>L., 1753 (Pinales: Cupressaceae), and testing as a repellant substance. In</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri Nov 15 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Impact of Geomagnetic Storms on the Ionospheric Critical Frequency in the Northern and Southern Mid-Latitude Hemisphere Regions
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In this work, the impact of different geomagnetic storm events on the plasma-sphere layer (ionosphere layer) over the northern and southern hemisphere regions was investigated during solar cycle 23. To grasp the influence of geomagnetic storms on the behavior and variation of the critical frequency parameter of the F2 ionospheric layer (foF2), five geomagnetic storms (classified as great, severe, and strong), with Disturbance storm time (Dst) values <-100 nT were chosen. Four stations located in different mid-latitude regions in northern and southern hemispheres were designated, the northern stations are: Millstone Hill (42.6° N, 288.50° W) and Rome (41.90° N, 12.50° E) and the southern stations are: Port Stanley (-51.60° S,

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of aqueous crude extract of ginger on the histology of corpus luteum and the concentration of hormones estrogen and progesterone in pregnant mice
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This study was designed to investigate the effect of aqueous extract of ginger Zingiber officinale Roscoe on the histology of corpus luteum and the concentration of the hormones progesterone and estrogen during the first trimester of pregnancy (0 - 7) days from fertilization. 30 pregnant mice were divided into five experimental groups: control group (administrated with distilled water), and four groups treated at doses (284, 568, 1136,1420 mg / kg), orally administrated , daily with (0.1 ml). Microscopic examination results have shown histopathological changes in corpus luteum included: Pyknosis in some nuclei of granulosa cells, Karyorrhexis, Karyolysis in some granulosa cells, and necrosis in corpus luteum, with additional significant dec

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Application Tools Lean Six Sigma Definition and measurement phases in new product development. In the Electrical Industries State Company. case Study.
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methodology six sigma Help  to reduce defects by solving problems effectively, and works Lean to reduce losses through the flow of the manufacturing process and when integrating these two methodologies (Lean and six sigma), the methodology of Lean six sigma will form the entrance to the organizers of the optimization process and increase the quality and reduce lead times and costs . by focusing on the needs of the customer. this process uses statistical tools and techniques to analyze and improve processes.

 We have conducted this research in the General Company for Electrical Industries and adopted its product (machine cooling water three taps) as a sample for research. In order to determine t

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
The Effect of In-situ Stress on Hydraulic Fractures Dimensions
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Understanding of in-situ stress profiles and orientations plays a vital role in designing a successful hydraulic fracturing treatment. This paper is an attempet to examine the effect of lithology and in situ stress on geometery of hydraulic fractures. A hydraulic fracturing design simulator software called FracproPT with various capabilities for designing most of hydraulic fracture was used for  simulate and optimize the hydraulic fracturing. For studying purpose,  three different cases of stress gradient contrast between different formations  are considered in this study (0.4, 0.5 and 0.75 psi/ft). The results obtained from the simulator showed that  lithologies surrounding the pay zone have an effect on the fracture

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
The Asian Efl Journal
The Habits of Mind in Constructing Typical EFL Teacher's Stereotypes
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Publication Date
Thu Sep 15 2022
Journal Name
Route Educational And Social Science Journal
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The majority of Arab EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners struggle with speaking English fluency. Iraqi students struggle to speak English confidently due to mispronunciation, grammatical errors, short and long pauses while speaking or feeling confused in normal conversations. Collaborative learning is crucial to enhance student’s speaking skills in the long run. This study aims to state the importance of collaborative learning as a teaching method to EFL learners in the meantime. In this quantitative and qualitative study, specific focus is taken on some of Barros’s views of collaborative learning as a teamwork and some of Pattanpichet’s speaking achievements under four categories: academic benefits, social benefits,

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 12 1995
Journal Name
مجلة العلوم الزراعية العراقية 26 (1), 88-92
The Possible Use Of Pollen Radiation in Date Palm Breeding‏
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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Anatomical study of the Carissa macrocarpa (Apocynaceae family) in Iraq
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This study was conducted to examine the anatomical aspects of Carissa macrocarpa, of stem, leaf and leaf venation. The results obtaind showed that the tissue of the studied parts have important anatomical characteristics in terms of the shape of the cross-sectional of stem and vertical-sectional of leaves. The stem section appeared in circular and the midrib was crescent shape and the stomata appeared on the upper surface of the leaf only, Tetracytic in type. Druses crystals and Aleurone granules appeared on both surfaces of leaves. The venation type was Brochidodromous in which the secondary veins do not end at the edge of the leaf, and each secondary race is connected with the higher rac

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
The effect of using Nano iron oxide in radiological shielding
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Abstract<p>In this study, some attenuation parameters of gamma shields were studied. This shields consisting of composite materials of Unsaturated polyester as a base material and Nano iron oxide (Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>) and, micro iron (Fe) as reinforcement materials at different percentages (1, 3,5,7and 9)wt%, and with different thickness (1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5and 4) cm. The results showed that the use of nanoparticles is better than the microparticales in the field of radiation shielding. It has been shown that the values of attenuation parameters of gamma it bitter in the case of nanoparticles than case of the use of micro material.</p>
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