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Intellectual Dimensions of Architectural Murals Art in Ancient Iraq (Pottery and Glazes)
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. Mesopotamian art is thase mployed all around him into forms for artistic purposes and different con not at ions help him to understand the world around him and customized for their interests

The mural architectural art has distinguished traits that made it promote to the rank of the prominent arts that have been employed  by the Mesopotamian human to relate to the world  the heroic deeds and exploits  of that civilization ,that formed greatest and most splendid wonderful works that still illustrious and outstanding  till nowadays .The mural  architectural  art of pottery and glazed considered one of the most ancient wonders  of Mesopotamian creation in Old Iraq .The best quintessence of mural architectural art (pottery ,glazed )has been found in Al-Warkaa epoch and its significances ,since the dawn of history . Hence we checked his goal included:

To recognize the intellectual dimensions of the mural art in Old Iraq and to employ them into the architecture .

The  research could be identified by the samples that represented by the intellectual dimensions of the Old Iraq mural architectural (pottery, glazed)from the period (3500 B.C-539 B.C.),since samples of mural  arts have been chosen intentionally to serve the aim of the research .The researcher had chosen (3)samples of the mural Glazed pottery works .

The theoretical framework Bembages:

1-dimensional intellectual in the old Iraq. 2-artistic composition in the old Iraq.

The researcher has con cludedher  research with set of important results:

The intellectual existence has related to the civilized period for historical epochs in a structure considered related to the functional role that in turn,

Cosmic concepts that has made the image of the new reality and quoted the evolution of the philosophy of the state, and hugged form past, present and future in the form of shorthand symbols form, as in the sample (3(.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The intellectual Umbrella for the strategic scenario in business organizations - The Opinions and the Spotlights
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Today, more than ever before, the business organizations’ initiatives should seek to design themselves and delivery them to the environment because of its change, and the increasing of uncertainties and the growing opportunities. What is required by the business organizations is that to adopt good approaches to stimulate the modern thinking and non traditional thinking and exploit the valued concepts and overcome the old thinking. Substantially, the scenario planning is the art of thinking about what is unexpected.

       Therefore the research’s problem is reflected to answer the following questions:

  • What

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Structural and contextual dimensions For the connection of static T feminization An analytical study
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After looking at the books of the first two grammarians, may God have mercy on them and reward them for what they have provided us with the rules of service to the Book of God and service to Arabic, we must highlight some of the things that the grammarians wanted to clarify, which did not come out of what they proved, but we are working on the statement of the issuance of the passport Provisions from the syntactic industry, and whether it is intended to prove a rule is not very added to the statement of speech, and we know that language, any language was the function of understanding; therefore they said: (speech is a useful word that indicates the benefit improves silence on them), and this concept between Grammatical controls and conte

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Formal trespass and its intellectual manifestations in the contemporary interior space: ريم باسل نوري
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The Interior design is concerned with designing and creating internal spaces and reformulating their ideas, thus separating their capacities for influence and achieving suitability and comfort for their occupants, and enabling them to use them in a manner that achieves their goals and requirements, and this is unfolded by the integrity of the functional, aesthetic and expressive performance that these spaces achieve, The behavior of its users includes a variety of activities in harmony with the influence of those spaces and their forms, so the designer was keen to have these spaces in a form with an effective role in harmony with the needs of the times and its complexities in formation and construction, familiar with the strong cultural,

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
Journal Name
Intellectual And Artistic Concepts of The Cultural Context And Their Impact On Contemporary Ceramic Sculpture
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 The current specialized research tagged (intellectual and artistic concepts of the cultural context and their impact on contemporary ceramic sculpture) paves the way for the emergence of the context in ceramics active in life, so that this relationship will indicate the development and presence of ceramics or not and the volume of its circulation in the joints of the culture of the Arab recipient. As a result, the researcher collected scientific materials to serve the subject of the research in four chapters: Chapter One (General Methodological Framework) To clarify the problem of the research, the importance of the research to achieve benefit in higher education and education for scholars and teachers, while the research aims to revea

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Criticism of the Green Political Thought of the Modernist Intellectual Output
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In the last decades of the twentieth century, ideas emerged that were increasingly being floated, stating that the planet is suffering from a population explosion, depletion of resources, and environmental problems that require action to be addressed. Although these problems in practice need scientific solutions, the problem is that these solutions collide with ideologies. Here the green political thought emerges, based on the criticism of many ideological axioms. The owners of green thinking agree that most environmental damage is due to the humanist doctrine. It criticizes modernity accompanied by a scientific revolution, where this criticism centered around (the rationality of the scientific and technological mind), here the green pol

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 15 2020
Journal Name
The intellectual significance of comedy and cynicism in Arab dramatic cinematic discourse: محمد اكرم عبد الجليل
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  The majority of the arts share a goal directed at employing art works for the purpose of conveying the intellectual and symbolic connotations in order to work on a directed message and to achieve expression and aesthetic, and highlights the cinematographic mediator who shares with the other media in the use of intellectual properties through its tools and works. Consciousness and establishment of multiple visions with different views to reveal the intellectual, aesthetic and expressive devices located opposite the advertiser to perform functions with goals that intellectually deduce, insights and ideas emerging within the general context of the drama narrative and highlights among the discourse operators the cinematographer, And t

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 03 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Political Intellectual Structures of open society according Karl Popper's Thought
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This research is trying to study the Intellectual political structures of the Open Society according to British Thinker –with Austrian origin- Karl Popper (1902-1994). In First Axe we dealt with the context of Open and Closed society in the Popper's thought. While in the Second Axe we studied the Utopian and graduated Engineering. Finally in the third Axe  for the Rationalism, Freedom, Individualism, and the Democracy of Equality. 

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Challenges of Spreading the Culture of Peace in Iraq from the point of view of Leaders and Intellectuals Elites
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The research problem lies in identifying the challenges facing spreading the culture of peace in Iraq, and the most important factors of its instability from the point of view of leaders and intellectual elites.The research derives its importance from the fact that the peace imposed by justice leads to a stable Iraq and a prosperous future.

The study aims to identify the most prominent challenges and obstacles created by wars and faced the process of spreading the culture of peace and instability in Iraq, and to shed light on the reasons leading to the employment of the capabilities of community leaders in spreading the culture of peace.The objective of the current research is to identify the challenges of spreading the culture o

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
Journal Name
The Relationship Between Using Diverse Materials to the Intellectual Context's in the Art of Contemporary Ceramic
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The use of different materials in the art of ceramics is considered a new form of contemporary philosophical trends. That was introduced to art as a result of societal changes and transformations and rapid technological development. And it plays a very essential part in the beauty of the artistic structure. The contrast of using different materials in ceramics is considered a part of the old historical achievements since the art of ceramics used to follow strict standards. Which does not apply to contemporary ceramic, Because recently, it has become free from any religious and social control and created a whole new intellectual context, heading to new horizons in which it works with the newly added materials as a strategy to ensure the a

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
Intellectual Concepts of Skepticism in Industrial Product Design: مصعب حسن عبد-شيماء عبد الجبار
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  The industrial design occupies an important status in public and private life activities, because it contains a group of interactive, productive, and interconnected institutions, which is confirmed by Descartes who is credited for promoting the method of skepticism on sound foundations, showing that in order for us to search for the truth, we must suspect everything that we confront let it be once in our life time, especially our options in the scientific research and industrial design and product, starting from the knowledge heritage and the intellectual concepts that ascend to the levels of the functional, aesthetic and environmental performance, the significance of skepticism becomes clear. The research problem lies in this que

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