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Intellectual Dimensions of Architectural Murals Art in Ancient Iraq (Pottery and Glazes)
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. Mesopotamian art is thase mployed all around him into forms for artistic purposes and different con not at ions help him to understand the world around him and customized for their interests

The mural architectural art has distinguished traits that made it promote to the rank of the prominent arts that have been employed  by the Mesopotamian human to relate to the world  the heroic deeds and exploits  of that civilization ,that formed greatest and most splendid wonderful works that still illustrious and outstanding  till nowadays .The mural  architectural  art of pottery and glazed considered one of the most ancient wonders  of Mesopotamian creation in Old Iraq .The best quintessence of mural architectural art (pottery ,glazed )has been found in Al-Warkaa epoch and its significances ,since the dawn of history . Hence we checked his goal included:

To recognize the intellectual dimensions of the mural art in Old Iraq and to employ them into the architecture .

The  research could be identified by the samples that represented by the intellectual dimensions of the Old Iraq mural architectural (pottery, glazed)from the period (3500 B.C-539 B.C.),since samples of mural  arts have been chosen intentionally to serve the aim of the research .The researcher had chosen (3)samples of the mural Glazed pottery works .

The theoretical framework Bembages:

1-dimensional intellectual in the old Iraq. 2-artistic composition in the old Iraq.

The researcher has con cludedher  research with set of important results:

The intellectual existence has related to the civilized period for historical epochs in a structure considered related to the functional role that in turn,

Cosmic concepts that has made the image of the new reality and quoted the evolution of the philosophy of the state, and hugged form past, present and future in the form of shorthand symbols form, as in the sample (3(.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 02 2017
Journal Name
International Workshop In Physics Applications
Antifungal activity of wide band gap Thioglycolic acid capped ZnS:Mn semiconductor nanoparticles against some pathogenic fungi(Article)
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The manganese doped zinc sulfide nanoparticles were synthesized by simple aqueous chemical reaction of manganese chloride, zinc acetate and thioacitamide in aqueous solution. Thioglycolic acid is used as capping agent for controlling the nanoparticle size. The main advantage of the ZnS:Mn nanoparticles of diameter ~ 2.73 nm is that the sample is prepared by using non-toxic precursors in a cost effective and eco-friendly way. The structural, morphological and chemical composition of the nanoparticles have been investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersion spectroscopy (EDS) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The nanosize of the prepared nanoparticles was elucidated by Scan

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Extraction of Manganese Element from Electric Arc Furnace Steel Slag (EAFS) by Liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) method
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This research investigates manganese (Mn) extraction from Electric Arc Furnace Steel Slag (EAFS) by using the Liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) method. The chemical analysis was done on the slag using X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction, and atomic absorption spectroscopy. This work consisted of two parts: the first was an extensive study of the effect of variables that can affect the leaching process rate for Mn element from slag (reaction time, nitric acid concentration, solid to liquid ratio, and stirring speed), and the second part evaluates the extraction of Mn element from leached solution. The results showed the possibility of leaching  83.5 % of  Mn element from the slag at a temperature of 25°C, nitric acid co

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 20 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Ovonic Research
Manufacture spectral responsivity of n-Fe2O3/p-Si heterojunction with effect Cl doping for high sensitive devices
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Visible-light photodetectors constructed Fe2O3 were manufactured effectively concluded chemical precipitation technique, films deposited on glass substrate and Si wafer below diverse dopant (0,2,4,6)% of Cl, enhancement in intensity with X-ray diffraction analysis was showed through favored orientation along the (110) plane, the optical measurement presented direct allowed with reduced band gap energies thru variation doping ratio , current–voltage characteristics Fe2O3 /p-Si heterojunction revealed respectable correcting performance in dark, amplified by way of intensity of incident light, moreover good photodetector properties with enhancement in responsivity occurred at wavelength between 400 nm and 470 nm.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 18 2019
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Circularization Technique for Strengthening of Plain Concrete Short Square Columns Subjected to a Uniaxial Compression Compressive Pressure
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This paper presents an experimental study for strengthening existing columns against axial compressive loads. The objective of this work is to study the behavior of concrete square columns strengthening with circulation technique. In Iraq, there are significantly more reinforced rectangular and square columns than reinforced circular columns in reinforced concrete buildings. Moreover, early research studies indicated that strengthening of rectangular or square columns using wraps of CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer) provided rather little enhancement to their load-carrying capacity. In this paper, shape modification technique was performed to modify the shape (cross section) of the columns from square columns into circular colu

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 21 2022
Journal Name
Peerj Computer Science
Performance evaluation of frequency division duplex (FDD) massive multiple input multiple output (MIMO) under different correlation models
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Massive multiple-input multiple-output (massive-MIMO) is considered as the key technology to meet the huge demands of data rates in the future wireless communications networks. However, for massive-MIMO systems to realize their maximum potential gain, sufficiently accurate downlink (DL) channel state information (CSI) with low overhead to meet the short coherence time (CT) is required. Therefore, this article aims to overcome the technical challenge of DL CSI estimation in a frequency-division-duplex (FDD) massive-MIMO with short CT considering five different physical correlation models. To this end, the statistical structure of the massive-MIMO channel, which is captured by the physical correlation is exploited to find sufficiently

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison Ridge regression method with some classical methods to estimate the parameters of Lomax distribution by simulation
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In this research provide theoretical aspects of one of the most important statistical distributions which it is Lomax, which has many applications in several areas, set of estimation methods was used(MLE,LSE,GWPM) and compare with (RRE) estimation method ,in order to find out best estimation method set of simulation experiment (36) with many replications  in order  to get mean square error and used it to make compare , simulation experiment  contrast with (estimation method, sample size ,value of location and shape parameter) results show that estimation method effected by simulation experiment factors and ability of using other estimation methods such as(Shrinkage, jackknif

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2014
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Comparison of Fatigue Life Behavior between Two Different Composite Materials Subjected to Shot Peening at Different Times
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This paper investigated the fatigue life behavior of two composite materials subjected to different times of shot peening (2, 4 and 6 min).The first material prepared from unsaturated polyester with E-glass reinforcement by 33% volume fraction. While, the second one was prepared from unsaturated polyester with aluminum powder by2.5% volume fraction. The experimental results showed that the improvement in endurance limit was obtained (for the first material) at 2, 4 and 6 min shot peening times where the percentage of maximum improvement was 25% at shot peening time of 6 min. While, the endurance limit of the second material decreased at shot peening times of 2, 4 and 6 min where the percentage of maximum reduction was 29 % at shot peenin

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Estimate the Best production function of the General Company for Iraqi Cement for the period (1996-2010)
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     The General Company for Iraqi Cement is regarded as one of the companies that contribute to support the Iraqi economy. It contributes to provide the material of cement which fulfils the consumer and investment need in the markets in competitive prices and not to resort to the importing of the cement from abroad. That would save a great share of the purchase parity of the poor sectors of society. The estimation  of production function will contribute to putting the company.

The application functions of  the standard production of  benefit critical to clarify the actual relationship between production & its components, & allow to clarify the i

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Temperature effect on optical properties of nickel (ii) phthalocyanine tetrasulfonic acid tetrasodium salt (NiPcTs) organic thin films
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This study describe the effect of temperature on the optical
properties of nickel(ii) phthalocyanine tetrasulfonic acid tetrasodium
salt (NiPcTs) organic thin films which are prepared by spin coating
on indium tin oxide (ITO-glass). The optical absorption spectra of
these thin films are measured. Present studies reveal that the optical
band gap energies of NiPcTs thin films are dependent on the
annealing temperatures. The optical band gap decreases with increase
in annealing temperature, then increased when the temperature rising
to 473K. To enhance the results of Uv-Vis measurements and get
more accurate values of optical energy gaps; the Photoluminescence
spectra of as-deposited and annealed NiPcTs thin fi

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Chemical Data Collections
Removal of diclofenac from aqueous solution on apricot seeds activated carbon synthesized by pyro carbonic acid microwave
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Pharmaceuticals have been widely remaining contaminants in wastewater, and diclofenac is the most common pharmaceutical pollutant. Therefore, the removal of diclofenac from aqueous solutions using activated carbon produced by pyrocarbonic acid and microwaves was investigated in this research. Apricot seed powder and pyrophosphoric acid (45 wt%) were selected as raw material and activator respectively, and microwave irradiation technique was used to prepare the activated carbon. The raw material was impregnated in pyrophosphoric acid at 80◦C with an impregnation ratio of 1: 3 (apricot seeds to phosphoric acid), the impregnation time was 4 h, whereas the power of the microwave was 700 watts with a radiation time of 20 min. A series o

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