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Peer Education Strategy and its Impact on the Development of Skill of Perspective Drawing
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       After the twenty – first century become  necessary for us motorcade era in educational a chevements by searching  for the best  strategies and teaching methods and  techniques  artotalbagesh  resorting to the strategy

Did not use in use in the teaching of the foreseeable  material  general by voice and teaching  perspective  for the student of the class fourth science

In particular ,so the researcher asking the question follows:

Can the peer education strategy to have an impact in perspective drawing skill development ?

   From here it demonstrated the importance of current research know the impact of  peer  education  strategy  in   a  skill  perspective  drawing  for student  fourth  grade science  for the academic (2015–2016)development  be a socity current search of  ( 85 ) female students for the  Junior leader( Abdul Karim Kassem )in the district of (Essaouira-Wasit)Province , has a simple chose to deliberat for consideration consisted of(20)female student statistical  analysiswas  perfomed  after  her  test  application  abash  to achieve the null hypothesis using(Alajtbar Altaia) to search with the same

two tests per kit turned out and gelthesela knowledge and skills after they

      realized the validity and reliability tests to apply education strategy to peer reached friendliness statistically significant differencesat the level of

significance (0.05) when the degree of freedom (19) between the pre and post tests in the light of these results concluded researcher that peer education strategy in the subject ofpeer education more read than the way

normal and reliable in the skill of perspective drawing for students fourth

grade and scientific development to be some recommended by it is researcher need to use new strategies in teaching  foreseeable material as the researcher has proposed a similar study for the current search other scholarships to various stages and materials.

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Analysis of the tax pilot phase strategy and its impact on the tax price in Iraq
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The research aims to identify the tax policy strategy adopted in Iraq after the change of the tax system in 2003 and beyond, and then make a comparison of the two strategies on corporate data whether they are charged with progressive tax rates and after the change of the system as the tax rates became fixed, and then indicate the changes In the tax proceeds, and knowing the imensions of the approved tax policy, is it a tax reform strategy or a strategy to attract investments.The research started from the problem of exposure of the Iraqi tax system to several changes, as this led to a reflection on the technical organization of taxes, in terms of the tax rate.The descriptive analytical approach was chosen to study the actual reality of th

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 09 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Impact Cloud Computing On The Development of Accounting Education: Evidence From Sultanate of Oman
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Cloud computing is the new technological trend for future generations. It represents a new way to use IT resources more efficiently. Cloud computing is one of the most technological models for developing and exploiting infrastructure resources in the world. Under the cloud, the user no longer needs to look for major financing to purchase infrastructure equipment as companies, especially small and medium-sized ones, can get the equipment as a service, rather than buying it as a product. The idea of ​​cloud computing dates back to the sixties of the last century, but this idea did not come into actual application until the beginning of the third millennium, at the hands of technology companies such as Apple, Hp, IBM, which had

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 27 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
Special exercises to develop basketball jump shooting skill
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مستخلص البحث كان الهدف من البحث هو إعداد تمرينات خاصة لتطوير مهارة التصويب بالقفز بكرة السلة للشباب، إذ لوحظ ضعفاً ملموساً ولاسيما عند فئة الشباب في إحراز النقاط في مهارة التصويب بالقفز المحسوب بنقطتين وذلك لصعوبة أداءه إذ ان المدافعين أصبحوا متمكنين من قدراتهم فضلاً عن عامل الوقت عند الأداء يكاد يكون قليل جداً عند اتخاذ القرار. وقد اعتمد الباحثان في إعداد التمرينات مبدأ التدرج من السهل إلى الصعب والتنوع في

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
HRA and its Impact on Employees Performance: A Field Research in the Ministry of Education
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          The research aims to determine the impact of Human Resources Accounting (HRA) on employee’s performance. The research’s problem was embodied in the lack of interest in HRA, which was reflected on the performance of employees in the Ministry of Education; the research adopted the descriptive-analytical approach, and the research community included the directors of departments and people at the headquarters of the Ministry of Education. The sample size was (224) individuals from the total community of 533. The questionnaire was adopted as the main tool for collecting data and information, as well as the interviews that were conducted by the researcher. In order to analyze t

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 30 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Engineering Pedagogy
Information and Communication Technology and its Impact on Improving the Quality of Engineering Education Systems
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Scopus (4)
Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Analysis of the tax policy strategy and its impact on the technical regulation of taxes (tax price)
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The research aims to identify the tax policy strategy adopted in Iraq after the change of the tax system in 2003 and beyond, and then make a comparison of the two strategies on corporate data whether they are charged with progressive tax rates and after the change of the system as the tax rates became fixed, and then indicate the changes In the tax proceeds, and knowing the dimensions of the approved tax policy, is it a tax reform strategy or a strategy to attract investments.

The research started from the problem of exposure of the Iraqi tax system to several changes in the tax strategy from 2003 until now, as this led to a reflection on the technical organization of taxes, in terms of the tax exemption.And these many amendments

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Stock Exchange and its Impact on Economic Development In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)
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this research paper aims at measuring and analyzing the influence of the stock exchange on the economic development in the Kingdom. This is done through comparing the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as a changeable factor affiliated with some independent variables in the KSA stock exchange. These variables are (All Share Index {TASI}, Market Value, Trade Volume Index, number of companies and number of shares). The study covers the period from 2003 to 2017 and adapts the measuring method in analyzing this relation using the Multiple Linear Regression (Stepwise) and (SPSS). The study affirmed the validity of the

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Bayer effective strategy in the development of deductive thinking when students fifth grade literary material in history
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Supervised By : Prof. dr. Shaker Jaseem Mohammed This research aims to identify the (effectiveness of Bayer's strategy in the development of deductive thinking among students in the fifth grade literary material European history) and to achieve the goal set researcher null hypothesis of the following: • There is no statistically significant difference between the average scores of the experimental group which studied the use of Bayer's strategy and the control group, which studied the use of the usual way in the development of deductive reasoning. The study sample consisted of (84 students) of the students in the fifth grade literary breeding Baghdad / Karkh second Directorate for the academic year 2015-2016 were distributed Aanhaldras

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effect of (SWOM) strategy on acquiring the psychological concepts of educational psychology course and its retention among education college students
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The current study aims to investigate the effect of (SWOM) strategy on acquiring the psychological concepts of educational psychology course and its retention among education college students. To do this, a sample of (57) male and female student were intentionally selected from first grade, Kurdish department / college of education / Ibin Rushd of human sciences. The sample distributed on two classes, whereby the experimental group consisted of (28) student were taught according to the (SWOM) strategy while the control group made up of (29) student were taught based on the tradition method. The two researchers designed a scale included (50) item to measure students' achievement. The experiment lasted for ten weeks, SPSS was used

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of a Suggested Translation Strategy on ESP Learners’ Achievement in Translation
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In spite of the disappearing of a clear uniform textbook for teaching ESP at different departments and different colleges in both scientific and humanistic studies, the practitioners at those departments and colleges have to teach translation as one of the important requirements to pass the English language exam. The lack of defined translation activities is a noticeable problem therefore; the problem of teaching translation is diagnosed in that the students lack the ability to comprehend the text in English language and other translation knowledge and skills.

The study aims to suggest a translation strategy and then find out the effect of the translation strategy on ESP learners’ achievement in translation. A sample of 50 stud

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