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Avatar connotations in the works of sculptor Morteza Haddad
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Me researcher in this research study and discover the symbolic indications in the work of the Iraqi sculptor Morteza Haddad, has corrupted search of four chapters first chapter contains research problem and its significance and objectives of the research, which was to detect signs symbolism in works of contemporary Iraqi sculptor Morteza Haddad and terminology, which included significant the GTA and idiomatically and Velsfatta and conduct,

It also included the symbol for GTA and idiomatically and Velsfatta and hold, while the second chapter includes three sections are straight, semantics and icon, a brief on Iraqi contemporary sculpture, About the lives of contemporary Iraqi sculptor Then choose the terms of the research sample, The analysis of the business, which contained five acts chosen by the researcher deliberate way that serves the orientations of the search, and then the fourth quarter, which included the conclusions summarized,First, the sculpture of the Iraqi general with the same semantic in nature and Ashari special and symbolic, carries deep into its components spirit of originality dissolved heritage of cultural and intellectual heritage, the nation's art refined and rooted identity and Mughal-footed, we're seeing the real pure form antiquity of the gene inherited from generation to generation, which has the honor to carry it all iconic Iraqis, Creativity, who carried his banner own identity pioneers realized the survival of the environment in which they were born of them,And being loaded and full of references and symbols, it must be clearly reflected with most of the technical, cultural and humanitarian outcomes related thereto, whether scientific or ideological or intellectual or historical ... etc, all the pictures, what was such a mythical or epic or narrative or my status ... etc, Kgaya inherited and transmitted lessons and folk traditions, including, in particular, works of art, and accurately Description sculpture, in terms of he finest record that moved us most of the joints of this knowledge through the ages.Second, semantic effect and hermeneutical, in the ancient and the modern Iraqi sculptural works, part of a coherent and parcel of the rest of the components work. Most business sculptural Mesopotamian, it has to carry between Jnabadtha a lot of signs and symbols that translate eternal relationship between art and the environment and the artist as an indication aware.Third: the alphabet of our language multiple meanings and different dialects and a variety of names and different interpretations and creations Mbdeina reflect these scripts in various ways, and that carried the same implications indicative and symbolic.Fourth, the most important features artwork plastic sculptured Iraqi ..ho contain different connotations, increase the impact of the Iraqi receiver gourmet.Fifth: knowledge of academic sculptor Morteza mourning Mosusath intellectual capacity, enabled him to employ the code to work, perhaps employing the work of the code sometimes, and this privacy make this business a distinct characteristic different from what distinguishes other Iraqis innovators in this field. The recommendations and suggestions.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Hydrodynamics, Mass and Heat Transfer in Reactive Distillation
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      The ethyl acetate synthesis via heterogeneous reactive distillation is studied experimentally using ethanol and acetic acid. Three types of cation exchanging resins were used as catalysts: Zerolit 225, Zerolit 226 and Ambylite 400. Experiments were carried out in two units of the same dimensions. Each unit consisted of three sections: rectifying, reactive and stripping sections of heights (60+25+20) cm respectively and 2.5cm column diameter. The first unit (column-A-) was a fractionation type and the second unit (column-B-) was packed column. The packing type was hollow glass cylinders with 10 mm height, and 4, 5 mm inner and outer diameter respectively.

      The experiment

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2013
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Effect of Additives on the Properties of Different Types of Greases
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The aim of this research is to study the influence of additives on the properties of soap greases, such as lithium, calcium, sodium, lithium-calcium grease, by adding varies additives, such as graphite, molybdenum disulfide, carbon black, corrosion inhibitor, and extreme pressure.
These additives have been added to grease to obtain the best percentages that improve the properties of grease such as load carrying, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, drop point, and penetration.
The results showed the best weight percentages to all types of grease which give good properties are 1.5% extreme pressure additive, 3% graphite, 1% molybdenum disulfide, 2.5% carbon black.
The other hand, the best weight percentage for corrosion inhibit

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Materials Today: Proceedings
Evaluation of the thermal conductivity of middle part of Iraqi soil
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Thermal properties of soils are important in buried structures contact problems. Although laboratory is distinctly advantageous in measuring the thermal conductivity of soil under ideal condition, given the ability to simulate relatively large-scale in place of soil bed, the field thermal conductivity of soil is not yet commonly used in many types of research. The use of only a laboratory experiment to estimate thermal conductivity may be the key reason for overestimation or underestimation it. In this paper, an intensive site investigation including field thermal conductivity tests for six different subsoil strata were performed using a thermal probe method (TLS-100) to systematically understanding the effects of field dry density, water c

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Water balance of the basin of Mandali/ east part of Iraq
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Mandali Basin is located between latitudes (33◦ 39' 00" and 33
54' 55") to the north and longitudes (45ο 11' 00" and 45ο 40' 00") to the
east; to the east of Diyala province at the Iraqi-Iranian border; the
basin area is approximately 491 km2.
From the study of climate reality of the basin between 1990-
2013and assessment of the basic climate transactions, it was found
that the annual rate of rainfall is 253.02 mm, the relative humidity
(44.4%), the temperature (21.3 ◦C), wind speed (2.08 m /sec.),
sunshine (8.27 h/day) and evaporation of the basin class (a) (271.98
mm) and corrected potential evapotranspiration (80.03 mm). The
results of the data analysis show that, there are

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 07 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Measurements of Radon-222 and its Daughters Concentrations in Buildings of Department Physics in College of Sciences of Baghdad University
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The present work aims to investigate approaches, measures and detection of indoor radon level in buildings of the department of physics in college of science of Baghdad University. CR-39 solid state nuclear track detectors were used to measure the radon concentrations inside the rooms, including five laboratories and five workplace rooms in ground and first storey of the department. The average radon concentration at first storey was found to be 43.1±13.2 Bq/m3 and 40.1±13.4 Bq/m3 at the ground storey. The highest level of radon concentration at the first storey in the radioactive sources store was 87.5±29 Bq/m3 while at the ground storey in room(2) was 70.2±24 Bq/m3 which is due to the existence radioactive sources in some selected

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Mathematical-procedural Knowledge ant its relation to logical-mathematical intelligence among students at the third stage in mathematics department
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Statistical Sciences
Use the robust RFCH method with a polychoric correlation matrix in structural equation modeling When you are ordinal data
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 04 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Spectroscopic Study for Resonance Effects on the Carbonyl Double Bond Order in Urea Schiff Bases Which Contain Conjugated System
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In this work we prepared some schiff bases by condensation urea and benzaldehyde or its derevative ( bromo benzaldehyde or hydroxy benzaldehyde ) as ( 1 : 1 ) mole ( urea : benzaldehyde or its substitution ) to prepare compounds ( A1 , B1 , C1 , D1 , E1 , F1 , G1 ) and ( 1 : 2 ) mole ( urea : benzaldehyde or its substitution ) to prepare compounds ( A2 , B2 , C2 , D2 , E1 , F2 , G2 ) . The prepared compounds identified spectroscopic by infrared spectroscopy FT-IR and Thin layer chromotography T.L.C . The force constant calculated from the wave number for the carbonyl stretching from FT-IR chart and by using the following equation K = 4?2C2?'2? The change in double bond order for carbonyl deteremined in according with some past re

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 20 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Form a proposal to audit the mutual operations with related parties program in accordance with international standards: Proposal pattern
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The relationships between the related parties constitute a normal feature of trading and business processes. Entities may perform parts of their activities through subsidiary entities, joint ventures and associate entities. In these cases, the entity has the ability to influence the financial and operating policies of the investee through control, joint control or significant influence,  So could affect established knowledge of transactions and balances outstanding, including commitments, and relationships with related to the evaluation of its operations by users of financial statements, including the risks and opportunities facing the entity assess the parties. So research has gained importance of the importance of the availability

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Study the correlation between Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Hormone and Some Biochemical Parameters in Iraqi Women with Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension
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