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Time in the Cinema...The Two Films (The Knife and The Deceived) -A Model: كريمة ناوي
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This study deals with the time property in the cinema through two films: (The Knife) directed by Khalid Hamada and (The Deceived) directed by Tawfiq Saleh. These two films were excerpted by the cinema from two novels of the Palestinian writer Ghassan Kanafani, the first is from the novel (What is Left for You) and the second is from the novel (Men in the Sun).  If the Palestinian novel has imposed its presence on the Arab creative scene through a group of novelists who took it upon themselves to communicate their cause to the world,   the Palestinian cinema has been far from being a purely Palestinian, because many of the cinematic works have been provided by Arab countries on the issue, while this cinema is still seeking to establish its existence and to get distinguished on the level of privacy and creativity.

 This study tries to address time in the two films and how the cinema has been able to do so with its various techniques that are under its control.  The    flashback is one of the most popular techniques used by the cinema to present time outside which the film cannot be performed. 

The cinema has succeeded through many techniques which it employed to present a film narrative that is close to time in its reality and spontaneity without affecting its credibility by the viewer. Through these two films, the ingenuity of the two directors emerged in dealing with the idea of time. The director Tawfiq Saleh tried to control the time in his film (The Deceived) through focusing on the presence of the characters in the tank in which Abo Al-Khayzoran moved them to Kuwait. The expression was to set the time by hour and sometimes by other signs. While the film director Khaled Hamada in his film (The Knife) used the clock as a constant time alarm throughout the film.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 11 2017
Journal Name
Employing American Cinema Technology In Establishing Globalization In Film
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It boils down search is marked by (employing technology in the establishment of globalization in the Film Art), and walk parallel plan between the technical and artistic movements and the impact of globalization on the final performed in the film Film of innovations and technology and rapid capital that provided the filmmakers and Kartalatha which focused entirely in the embodiment of the idea and published in the service around the world. And distributes research on four chapters first chapter dealt with the methodological framework of the research, which included research problem marked by the following question: (What are the modalities to employ technology in the establishment of globalization in the Film Art?) And the importance of

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Time in (what and whatever) conditionals
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This is a research in which I studied the opinions of Arab scholars, in their studies
For (what) and (whatever) the two conditionals and their indication of time, and its name
B (time in (what) and (whatever) the two conditions), and I mentioned their opinions in it
This issue was discussed and discussed, and in this study it relied on the sources of the Arabic language.
Especially the books of grammar, interpretation, and the opinions of the scholars of the principles of jurisprudence are mentioned,
I also mentioned the opinion of the scholars of jurisprudence, and how they likened (whatever) to (everything).
In its indication of repetition, and as long as it indicates repetition, it indicates
time Because repetitio

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Critical mindset in the philosophy of Sadruddin Shirazi         (D 1050 AH)              And the concepts of originality of existence and what time
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The researcher deals with an important issue in her research - especially as she progresses to the doctoral stage thanks to God (Almighty) and his mentor - the relationship of philosophy to nodal origins. Therefore, she studied the philosophy of Shirazi, which is the key to the mental solutions that the speakers and philosophers stopped. And to conclude scientific results as well as the study of philosophy researcher as a station in the doctoral stage, to be familiar with the philosophical interpretation and the origins of the faith and its philosophical vocabularies such as existence, self, movement, astronomy, time and others. At the same time draw the attention of science students to the issue of philosophical interpretation and its r

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Concept of Time in the Poetry of Abdulhaq Hamid: Abdülhak Hamid'in Şiirlerinde Zaman İncelenmesi
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     After Organization literature era, two literary schools appeared in Turkey and Abdulhaq Hamid is one of this period most prominent poets. During his stay in France with a group of colleagues sent by Turkish Government, he was greatly influenced by the French modern literature and the French modern literary authors.

     The study discusses the concept of time in the poetry of Abdulhaq Hamid. Reading his poetry, it can be noticed that time is important where he frequently refers to day and night, morning and evening as time insinuations. Hence, the present paper gives a brief study of the poet’s life, and sheds lights on his poems that deal with time- concept.

Ön Söz

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 19 2018
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The Mechanisms of build up the dramatic construction in the films of the world of nature - National Geographic's films as a model-
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The subject of  research entitled "The Mechanisms of build up the dramatic construction in the films of the world of nature - National Geographic's films as a model" emerges from the importance of the subject of the dramatic construction and its departure from its classic style due to the evolution of the visual  presentation and its instruments and the specificity and emergence of a form of television production represented by the films of the world of nature which began to occupy an important space in the map of television and television channels specialized in this subject, which drove the researcher to study the mechanisms of producing the dramatic construction in this kind of film s. This research came in three  chapt

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 19 2015
Journal Name
Ideology and Film : a study in the expressive requirement: عمار هادي العرادي
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Film and literature exchanges it’s influences since the early beginning of the motion pictures appearance .it was a phenomenon in other genres such as theatre ,short stories and novels .the film used out of this interaction with literature the content , themes and subjects whish were more attached to the society. based on that , the film gains it’s successes and wide spread of influences on it’s audiences who became more familiar with the motion picture style.Astrok , the French film critic wrote about “Camera the pain “ and called it as the a way of writing in the future .he was talking about the future’s role of the film .It is the importance of the film in the creation and documenting the life and its various fields.Becaus

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 25 2019
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Melodic Characteristics of Oud Instrument Compositions with the Iraqi Symphony Orchestra (Saleem Salim) A Model: رعد عدنان علوان
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The variety of ideas and freedom of expression among the authors who are looking for everything new that serves the goals of musical and aesthetic expression, which calls for the use of traditional musical instruments with the great composition of musical instruments known as the orchestra represents a great challenge in several aspects. The incompetence of some of these instruments or limited capabilities or its costly method of performance sometimes forbids its use permanently in this great composition. It was necessary to have some problems facing the composer and the player on the one hand and the recipient on the other hand, who must be looking for perfection. Among those instruments that are used regularly in the works of the orche

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 19 2018
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Problematic employ magical realism in Arab cinema Nadine Labaki's Film (HLA Lewin) example
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Magical realism potential bulwark plastic art and literature، and won great fame and Research cash innumerable، and like other currents of literary found his outlet in the art of cinema، quoted cinema of literature magical realism and influenced his concepts، and Arab cinema، it was necessary to have a vulnerability to stream، either Tools employing magical realism، unintentionally since the early beginnings dating back to the time of World Wars I and II، or in deliberate more mature in the twenty-first century، due to the emergence of film-makers more aware and culture، and more friction global currents.

      But this raises a number of problems that need to be addressed from the maker of

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2016
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Expressive and aesthetic role of the scenes in the initiation speech the picture (Cinema Togravea)
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Construction is the opening of the important pillars of the construction of the film as a whole for this, we find that the first of any narrative of my film begin at the borders of this construction is the window that we look through the contents tale and puzzle narrative is of significance that degrade traveler when reservoirs expression later in reasoning and find justifications ills that came by those initiation, this initiation may be the window that lead us to the core, understanding the story through signals received to the recipient to sail because of the paths of pickling what is which is encoded, but this initiation may serve as keys that understanding the be puppies and signals that beset and surrounded to what He holds inevita

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 03 2018
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The metaphoric problem of topography In the scenario of war films Model the film (fury)
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The study of topography most important studies and depth of any literary or artistic text and occupy the thinking of many who work in art at generally. There is hardly any film scenario from description in general of the indispensable elements of the composition and place one. So the place starts form since the scriptwriter begins to view the result of the description begins to feature the emergence of there are simple operations in the scenario soon to receive growth as a final achievement in the film. The description of the place begins to take on an allegorical character as a language version in the script, soon translated into another language, the language of the picture. Which in turn complement the creative ring of cinematic art a

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