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The Effectiveness of the Symbol in Iraqi Monodrama Texts: محمد علي ابراهيم
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This research studies the effectiveness of the symbol in the Iraqi monodrama texts. The methodological framework is devoted to the research problem and the need for conducting it, its importance, the purpose of research, and the definition of the most important terms. The research problem dealt with the concept of the effectiveness of the symbol, the monodrama, and the working levels of the symbol in the monodrama texts of the author, in addition to the disclosure of the artistic vision embodied by the playwright in the use of the symbol within the literary product, as well as the development of the creative process. The research problem was defined by the following question: How effective is the symbol in the Iraqi Monodrama texts?
The purpose of the research is: the effectiveness of the symbol in the Iraqi monodrama texts. This chapter consisted of the limits of the research, and the identification of the most prominent terms, while the theoretical framework included three sections: in the first one, the researcher addresses the symbol concept and effectiveness and clarified the most important terms adjacent to the symbol in terms of working convergence, while the second section was devoted to studying the effectiveness of the symbol by the language scientists. As for the third section, it was devoted to studying the effectiveness of the monodramatic symbol through tracking the concept of monodrama and the theoretical framework indicators.
The researcher chose the play (Oil Spot) as a sample for the study. The most important results reached at were: the monodramatic texts of the writer Mahmoud Abu Al-Abbas were characterized by the dramatic and artistic perfection and the symbols are inspired by the character's social and psychological material and utilizing them according to the situation in the current age. The research ended with the conclusions and a list of sources and references.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 28 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Effectiveness of Instructional Scaffolding Strategy in the Development of Academic Achievement and Critical Thinking in Female Second Year Secondary Students in Mathematics: محمد بن صنت الحربي , آمنة بنت سعيد بن جبل
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This study aims to find out the effectiveness of instructional scaffolding strategy in the development of academic achievement and critical thinking of female second grade secondary mathematics students. Semi-experimental and relational descriptive method was used. The sample of the study consisted of (50) students divided into an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group was taught using scaffolding strategy whereas the control group was taught using traditional method. Pre- and Post-tests were used to achieve the objective of the study. The results of the study revealed that there are statistically significant differences in the mean scores of the experimental and control groups in the posttest for both the academi

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 19 2015
Journal Name
Employment aesthetic to the sitting position in contemporary Iraqi Sculpture: سلام محمد سعيد هاشم
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This paper deals with aesthetic and a sitting position in contemporary Iraqi sculpture and studied this situation, an analytical study to reveal how to employ them in aesthetically pleasing work of art has been research in a sitting position to a lack of technical library for such research, this study includes four chaptersChapter I contains the research problem and its importance in terms of the released address and its objectives in the detection of this situation, how to employ the HDL research is to detect how the aesthetic of the Employment sit position and limits Find business is bronze and stone-dimensional exclusively carried out from 2000 to 2009 AD.Chapter II included the Framework theory and previous studies and with three Inv

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Employing semantic coding to build meaning in action films: ابراهيم خلف جاسم
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Action films employ many artistic and literary elements that contribute greatly to building the general meaning of the film and push the wheel of the film forward. The element of mystery and suspense is used as two basic elements in action films. The cinematic language in action films depends on global coding, which is not models as it might be. It is based on logic, rather as units that aspire to morphology and not their homogeneity as the physical sense, but as the logical harmony of interpretive authority and enlightenment and in action films as a field of communication and a field in its origin in which the signifier contrasts with the perceptions of the meaning and in it takes a certain number of units preventing each other and thro

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Publication Date
Wed May 18 2016
Journal Name
The Variation of The Designing in decorative the Calligraphic authorization: حسـين علي يونــس
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Formed a decoration element Tzeigna important holidays linear, since regulating mechanism of vocabulary and formative elements Btnoatha through activation design with space linear in order to add value expressionistic, and achieve career goals and aesthetic, has promised these diversities and one of the finest artistic achievements that excelled the designer patterned through expertise and skill in the output of the design artwork beautiful image to fit with the importance degree in the field of calligraphy and set the rules, and was questionably basic research problem is the following:
What are the variations in the design of linear motifs Vacations?
In order to solve these problems and to reach the desired outcomes research ai

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 15 2020
Journal Name
Cloud platform functionality in visual media: علي صباح سلمان-ثائر علي جبر الله
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The rapid changes in the field of transferring and exchanging information via cloud platforms have revolutionized the field of modern visual media, as cloud computing technology has greatly influenced the media institutions, providing effort, money and high-quality materials. The research included five chapters, the first came under the methodological framework for the research and the second Theoretical framework, the first two included the concept of cloud computing and the second platforms for cloud computing in the visual media and the third chapter Research procedures and the fourth chapter The sample analysis and the fifth chapter The research results were the most prominent
1. The cloud service made the benefit beyond the typic

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
The aesthetics of the imagined in Saad Shaker ceramics: صبا علي حسن
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The study of the current study (to the concept of the aesthetics of the imagined in Iraqi ceramics (Saad Shaker) as a model for the study, as it represents one of the most important plastic arts that was characterized by renewal and modernity and its possession of many creative potentials. And by glazing, and the use of color oxides or by the creative act of borrowing the cultural heritage to turn it into a vocal piece of art for creation and innovation.
The researcher (Saad Shaker), being one of the first potters, his ceramics had a lot of development and semantic transmission, studying and decoding codes written in ceramic works. The current study included the theoretical framework in the first research (the philosophical beauty) an

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
The Role of the Passive Conditioning in Achieving Thermal Comfort in Temporary Hotel Units: سماح محمد طالب الدويك-سامي أبوطالب-محمد صابر
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This research is based on monitoring the local and environmental technologies in the design of the temporary hotel units (nomadic tents) in the desert in the south of Jordan in order to air condition them in summer and winter, maintaining the Jordanian identity, that they are presented with the form and technologies of the age in order to get to the universality.
The research adopted the descriptive analytical method and the researcher conducted the analysis of SWOT specified for the analysis of the positive and negative aspects in the design of the temporary hotel units and comparing them with the case studies available in the chosen research area "the Jordanian golden triangle", through the elements of the case under study. The res

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effectiveness of the Iraqi banking system in dealing with the effects of fiscal austerity policy
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    Under the state scenario, fiscal policy will not be able to use the oil surpluses optimally and economically and society, as long as these surpluses are not directed by public expenditure towards new productive investments and by following the path of fiscal policy after one year 2003 and until 2013 we note that it is based on the method of spending (excessive) consumption, and did not take any action towards the budget deficit planned at the beginning of the fiscal year, and the actual surplus at the end of the fiscal year, which represents the highest expenditure in the budget, Salaries and wages of workers in various government agencies with the expansion of spending on the security side.&n

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 19 2018
Journal Name
The Effectiveness of the Movement in Graphic Design
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The movement is considered one of the important factors which attracts the receiver attention in designing artificial works in general, and especially in the advertisements, moreover the subject of the movement in the designing advertisements needs more care and study by the scholars. From this importance and from reaching to the basic streams of the research topic (the effect of the movement in the graphic design) the problem of the research has been set according to the following wonder:

  • What is the designing process that establishes the movement in the commercial advertisements designs?


      The researche

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Deconstruction and the Acting Performance for the Shakespearean Character in the Iraqi Theatre: هيثم عبد الرزاق علي-اياد طارش ساجت
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Researchers classified deconstruction as a strategy concerned with reading the philosophical, literary, artistic and critical texts according to (construction and deconstruction) binarism, which is an applied procedural space that calls for researching the layers of meaning and its non-closure. It establishes reversals in the text level.  The center changes into a margin and vice versa.  Thus the two researchers sought to study the deconstruction strategy and its work in the theatre field, that deconstruction is considered one of the most important modern currents  that actively inters in reading the theatre show.  The research studies the procedure of the construction and deconstruction of the Iraqi theatre actor reg

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