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Designing a module in light of cognitive learning theories and their impact on the achievement of students of the Department of Art Education and their motivation in learning the subject of aesthetics.
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This research aims to:
1 – Make a proposed module for (aesthetics) for the second stage - Department of Art Education under education theories.
2 - Verification from the effect of the proposed module on student achievement and motivation towards learning aesthetics material.
To verification the second goal we wording these two hypotheses:
1- There are no individual differences with statistically significant at level (0.05) between the student's scores average. (Experimental group ) who studied according to the proposed module and the average student's scores (control group) who studied in the usual way for the achievement test for the Aesthetics material.
2- There are no individual differences with statistically significant at level (0.05) between the student's scores average. (Experimental group) who studied according to the proposed module and the average student's scores (control group) who studied in the usual way for the motivation measurement for the Aesthetics material.
This research is limited to the following determinants.
1 – The times temporal: first semester in the academic year 2011-2012
2 – The area temporal for second stage - Department of Art Education - college of Fine Arts in Baghdad
3-The objectivity temporal: The proposed module for Aesthetics according to under the education theories .
The second chapter includes two units, the first units (oriented cognitive science), and the second unit handled (relationship aesthetic experiences stereotypes units), and we can notes these two units in chapter two .
Third chapter show the search procedures of (module design, make the achievement test, and design experience of the unit).
The fourth chapter discussed the most important result after application module proposed (Experimental group.) according to plan teaching
And the researcher supported his opinion with the most important conclusions of the results, and the Researcher gives some recommendations in light of the results and the conclusions of research, at the end of the chapter researcher suggested some useful suggestion for Subsequent study.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of the Alternative Evaluation Strategy on the Achievement of Fourth-Grade Female Science Students in the Subject of Biology
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The aim of the current research is to identify the Effect of the alternative evaluation strategy on the achievement of fourth-grade female students in the subject of biology. The researchers adopted the zero hypothesis to prove the research objectives, which is there is no statistically significant difference at the level (0.05) between the average scores of the experimental group who study according to the alternative evaluation strategy and the average scores of the control group who study in accordance with the traditional method. The researchers selected the experimental partial adjustment design of the experimental and control groups with the post-test. The researchers intentionally selected (Al-fed

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Listening to music and its reflection on the artistic output of the students of the Department of Art Education: سميعه فاضل كعود
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The relationship between music and plastic arts can be viewed as an interdependent relationship, as they both develop imagination, focus and sensory perception, as well as the presence of some artistic concepts that music shares with the art of drawing, on this basis the rationale for this research aimed at identifying (the influence of music) was dealt with On the artistic output (drawing) of students of the Department of Art Education - College of Fine Arts) In the first chapter the problem of research, importance, terminology, boundaries and goal was addressed, and in the second chapter the researcher dealt with in the first topic the relationship between music and painting, and in the second topic the use of music in education. As fo

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effect of the probing questions in the collection of literature for students of the Kurdish language department in the College of Education / Ibn Rushd for the Humanities
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    The goal of this research to identify the effect of the probing questions in the collection of material literature with students of the Kurdish language department, to achieve the aim of the research, the researcher has chosen a sample from the students of third stage of the Kurdish language Department, Faculty of Education / Ibn Rushd as a field for the application of experiment.The number of sample  reached (71) students divided into two groups represented two divisions of the experimental groups under study to the style of questions sounding by (35) students, and represented the other division of the control group, which studied in the way normal and by (36) students, as rewarded r

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 14 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Cognitive Balance of Students in the Kindergarten department
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Balance is a psychological need and a requirement of importance as the individual seeks to maintain it.  The research problem is summarized in the question: do students in the kindergarten department have a cognitive balance? The research aims to identify the cognitive balance of students in the kindergarten department and to identify if there are differences among students of the four stages according to the cognitive balance. The research community was limited to the students in the kindergarten department at the University of Baghdad / College of Education for Women and Al-Mustansiriya University / College of Basic Education and Iraqi University / College of Education for Women for the academic y

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
An Instructional Design According to the Active Learning Model and Its Effect on Students' Achievement in Chemistry for Fifth Intermediate Stage
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The objective of the research is to identify the effect of an instructional design according to the active learning modelsالباحثين in the achievement of the students of the fifth grade, the instructional design was constructed according to the active learning models for the design of education. The research experience was applied for a full academic year (the first & the second term of 2017-2018). The sample consisted of 58 students, 28 students for the experimental group and 30 students for the control group. The experimental design was adopted with partial and post-test, the final achievement test consisted of (50) objectives and essays items on two terms, the validity of the test was verified by the adoption of the Kudoric

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
Effect of Teaching Competencies in Enhancing Self-Confidence among Students of Department of Art Education during Application: كنعان غضبان حبيب
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The results of previous scientific studies showed that knowledge is something and application is something else, that's why teachers' preparation programs focused, in the present time, on special standards for knowledge and performance, i.e., who has knowledge is not necessary able to apply it in his life or in his field of work, which led to the existence of a gap between knowledge and application. Based on that, those interested in (teachers' preparation) reconsidered their work evaluation, thus the concept of competency appeared at the end of the sixties of the past century to address the negative in teachers' preparation.
The following contains a number of competency features in teachers' preparation programs:
Teachers' effec

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of Teaching impact of the Reflex Learning Strategy on the Fifth Class Female Student Achievement of the Geography Content Material
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 The research aimed to find the effectiveness of teaching impact of the reflex learning strategy on the fifth class female student achievement of the geography content material). The researcher adopted the null hypotheses (there are no statistically significant differences at (0,05) level between the women score mean of the experimental group student who has been taught by the cement material assigned by the reflex learning strategy, and that of the control group who have been taught by the traditional method on the achievement test. The researcher adopted the post-test experimental design to measure students’ achievement. The population of the present study has been limited to the fifth literary class female stud

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 07 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of KWL Strategy on the Achievement of the Students of the fourth class literary in the subject of History and the Development of Cognitive Thinking skills
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Whereas conventional methods of teaching history do not meet the sometimes purpose has suggested some educators strategies modern help to improve the level of students in the education process through activating prior knowledge and employed in positions of current learning, and focus attention on the points and the outstanding elements of the content and practice techniques Calendar criticof ideas and meanings and mental and linguistic activities used to verify the extent of reaching understanding.                                       &n

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 07 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The impact of The Bransford and Stein Model on the Achievement of Fifth-Grade Literary Students for Geography and their Reflective Thinking
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The current research aims to identify the effect of the Bransford and Stein model on the achievement of fifth-grade literary students for geography and their reflective thinking. To achieve the objective of the research, the following two null hypotheses were formulated:

  • There is no statistically significant difference at the significance level (0.05) between the average scores of the experimental group students who studied geography using the Bransford and Stein model and the average scores of the control group students who studied the same subject in the usual way in the achievement test. 2- There is no statistically significant difference at the significance level (0.05) between the average scores of the experimental gr

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of the Self-Questioning Strategy on the Achievement of the Fourth Grade and Their Reflective Thinking in Physics
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The aim of the research is to identify the effect of using the self-questioning strategy on the achievement of fourth-grade students in science and the development of their reflective thinking in physics in the city of Baghdad. The research sample was divided into two groups: an experimental group of (20) students and a control group of (20) students. The researchers developed two tools: a test of (40) multiple-choice questions. The second tool is a test to measure the reflective thinking skills of fourth-grade students. It consists of (25) multiple-choice questions distributed on skills as follow: reflection and observation, detection of inaccuracies, reaching conclusions, giving clear explanations, an

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