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Formal-semantic metaphor in print advertising design
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The research problem lay in the existing of this direct relation between the increasing and the big variety of the goods and the producing companies which mean the increase of the competition and the directing techniques of the commercial advertisings, which become spread everywhere and in an age characterized with the great varieties in the tests and the stances which requires the designers to seek designing accomplishments that are characterized with creativeness , seriousness and unsallity through the designer depending in constructing his / her texts and his/ her visual items on reference forms metaphors to achieve his / her designing purposes.
So the researcher through her primary flying study seek the identifying the manner of the form followed in the designing of printed commercial advertisements , and she evoke in the light of what came above, the following questions which some of which are:
1. Is there a suitability between that which is metaphor taking for and the goods?
2. Did the metaphor acquire aesthetic reference added to the designed work and the centers of attraction ?
The study included fiove chapters, chapter one tackled the research problem, its importance, its goals, its limits and identifying its idioms, as for chapter two, it contain the theoretical frame and its divided into three inquiries the firsat tackled the concept of metaphor –sources types and its reference function, as for the second inquiry it tackled the concept of reference in designing and form reference in designing of commercial advertisements , while inquiry three tackled the sign reference in the commercial advertisement, and then followed in the indicators which come from the theoretical frame. Then the researcher tackled the research procedures in chapter three and in chapter four the samples were analyzed and discussed basing to the theoretical frame indicators, while chapter five came to include the results and the inferences reached by the researcher.
The most important results :
the designer ability in building the advertisement subject, its embodying, his / her awareing with the directing techniques frames "the technique of showing the idea" and his / her seeking the reference form metaphors, represent main variable in the building of modern advertisement in designing and in directing.
The designer depended in her designing on the receiver awairing and his / her awairing to the reference mark mentally –illusion in a way that the written texts may vanish except the titles.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The Transitions in Contemporary Urban Space
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It is the dynamic tension between the relatively fixed built environment and the constantly changing in social life that determines the nature of urban spaces belonging to different historical periods, and considered as a tool for diagnosing transformations in urban spaces, that’s why, the characteristics of urban space became unclear between positive spaces and negative spaces, so emerged the need to study contemporary urban space belonging to the current period of time and show the most important transformations that have occurred in contemporary urban space to reach urban spaces that meet the current  life requirements. Therefore, the research dealt with a study of the characteristics of contemporary urban space and the most pr

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 14 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The political system in North Korea
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النظام السياسي في كوريا الشمالة

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Use of Idioms in Advertisements
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The power of advertising is immense. Producers of commercial goods and services routinely pour vast sums into promoting their wares through the advertising media, knowing  that a successful campaign can win them vital market share , and that failure to advertise effectively can have devastating results . The function of advertising is promotional ; to draw our  attention. In order  to achieve this function it must reach its target  audience , then capture that audience with a message that is both attractive and memorable.

         From a linguistic point of view, the language of advertising must be informative, instructive , distinctive and persuasive . It must employ&nb

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
cosmic phenomena In Surat Al-Raad
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Examining the pictures of the scientific miracles in Surat Al-Ra’d revealed to us - as all other verses of miracles revealed - the truth of the prophecy of our noble Messenger (may God bless him and his family and grant him peace) in receiving the verses of the Qur’an from God Almighty through revelation. It is not possible to talk about cosmic phenomena and their secrets in this way. Fourteen centuries ago, when scientific techniques, observational devices, space surveys, and means of science were non-existent, except for what is related to eye observation, transmitted experiences, and even observation is unable to explain many phenomena near as well as distant ones. The interpretations that are tainted by myth in the books

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 03 2018
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Metaphorical correlation in the contemporary sculpture
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The present research is concerned with the way in which different dialects interact with each other in contemporary sculpture through the use of the metaphor for various shapes, meanings and materials and placing them in contexts that conflict with the familiar. These attempts come in harmony with the spirit of the times in seeking exoticism, surprise and splendor as a means of renewal. modern Art . Therefore, the research was divided into four axes, the first of which included the research problem, its importance and its aim, which is to attempt to uncover the metaphorical metaphorical relational mechanism in modern sculpture. The second axis included the theoretical framework. The third axis included the research procedures of determin

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Polar structure in the international system
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Conclusion The observation of the phenomenon of structural evolution of the international system and its instability on a particular situation, by its transition from unipolar to polarity to bipolarism and then to unilateralism in the early 1990s led by the United States, and to the present moment, To say that the structure by which the hierarchy of superpowers or the regime is directed in terms of its various capacities that qualify it, and with the consent of the rest of the States directing the regime to lead and lead the world's first place, has no direct relation to the stability of this system, I hope other more influential in its stability. The structure of the new international order will be completely different in terms of the r

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Censurer’s dialogue in Classical Arabic Poetry
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Censure in poetry is a pattern of poetic construction, in which the poet evokes a voice other than his own voice or creates out of his own self another self and engages with him in dialogue in the traditional artistic style whose origin remains unknown. Example of the same may be found in the classical Arabic poets’ stopping over the ruins, crying over separation and departure and speaking with stones and andirons; all in the traditional technical mould. Censure confronting the poet usually emanates from the women as blaming, censure and cursing is closer to woman’s hearts than to the man’ hearts. Censure revolves around some social issues, such as the habit of over drinking wine and extravagant generosity taking risks, traveling,

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Babis and Baha’is in Iran
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The person who wants to learn. The history of Bab’is will notice a very
starnge phenomenon that they (Babis and Baha’is) resort to visions to prove their
The believers usually reach to each other by their visions. This phenomenon
are shared among them from Al- Ahsa’ai time till the last phase of their propaganda
which is the Baha’is propaganda, and this is due to their ignorance and under
development in doctrine of islam which was widespread in Iran and the Islamic world.
The whole secrets of Babis and Baha’is movement were restricted among
particular group, most of them were Al- Rashti’s students and knew the basic
principles of their movement which deperding or (the principles) declarati

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Approaches in media, role and mobilization
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There is a natural problem raised by the issue of media performance. As a separate activity and express its own capabilities. This problem can be framed in the form of a question: Is media performance merely a reflection of the activity of other sectors of society, especially political and economic, and what links them to other societal sectors of interrelated relations? Is the media limited to mere transfer, or is it an industry with its own mechanisms and rules? The answer may seem somewhat complicated if we handle media with research and study in general, but the issue may be less complicated when it comes to Arab media, because its data may add another setback to the overall Arab setbacks.

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 06 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Linguistic deposits in the Arabic language
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Abstract of the research:

     This research sheds light on an important phenomenon in our Arabic language, which is linguistic sediments, and by which we mean a group of vocabulary that falls out of use and that native speakers no longer use it, and at the same time it happens that few individuals preserve the phenomenon and use it in their lives, and it is one of the most important phenomena that  It should be undertaken and studied by researchers;  Because it is at the heart of our huge linguistic heritage, as colloquial Arabic dialects retain a lot of linguistic sediments, and we usually find them at all levels of language: phonetic, banking, grammatical and semantic.  In the

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