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The art of sculpting human faces (Portrait)
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It has mixed views on the concept or the role (Portrait) carving human faces across historical periods. The counting and historical document recording profiles for individual, promised impression represents promised impression represents the importance and greatness of personal without attention logs features and individual features, and in all cases the (portrait) was working for celebrated personality, glorifying and out of respect for his role heroic or reputation or social status.
But if we intend carving human faces one varieties of art in sculpture became necessary for us to proceed from the statement which affirms "The requirement of art to be liberated from their recovery forms as they are in the outside world" and here we begin to wonder which is the problem of our research: Is (Portrait) art or documentary record of the character ? And if so , is it a true portrayal of the human form, or is it a piece of art embodies the artist's creativity and his imagination of the form to be filmed? What are the differences between (Portrait), which is creation or art , and the craft one?
These questions were motivated by my interest to search for the origin of the sort of the sculpture and trace its roots to learn how to embody the sculptor the people's faces through the ages of civilization, and find out whether this type of sculpture belongs to art and creativity, or not ?

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 11 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Effects of The Pharmaceutical Discovery Process on The Researcher
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The process of discovering pharmaceuticals is of great importance in our contemporary life, in a way that without life becomes almost impossible, as this process is the first building block in the field of pharmaceutical industries to search for new methods and means of treatment and treatment. But in fact, the fact that talking about this process is not that simple and easy, because this process is complicated and difficult in a way that makes it take a time range that in some cases reaches what is permissible ten years to reach a chemical formula that can be used later in the manufacturing process Pharmacokinetics, and during this long period of time, this process will have a set of effects, some of which are specific to the researcher di

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The sayings of the Scotty report in the six books
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The study of this topic is not to underestimate the previous studies but to the great importance of the Sunnis of the report. The reasoning of the Hadiths of the report is a kind of invisibility in that the significance is not a phenomenon such as the emergence of reasoning in the words of words and deeds. With the introduction of all types of Sunnah and protest, there is no difference between them, and that the Sunnis argument like other Sunnah. What we will see in the research.

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Publication Date
Mon May 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effects of the Opticals Properties on the (PMMA) Puerty
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 In this research, we studied the effect of (β-rays) on the optical properties of pure  (PMMA) films prepared by using casting technique, and the optical properties for these  films was studied before and after irradiation  by recording the Absorption and Transmission spectra  for a range of wavelength range (190-1100) nm. and then the absorption and Transmission and the reflectivity, extinction coefficient, refractive index, and real and imaginary parts of dielectric constant was studied

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2022
Journal Name
The aesthetics of the symbol in the Iraqi theater scene
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Theatrical performances began with the Greeks when the theatrical scenes and skeletal figures were encoded, where the large wall of the Alskina, which contains three doors, the middle of them with a high height, and the two sides took the natural size, where the middle door indicated a symbolism of the god or demigods, as we find the condensation of the symbol in the architecture of the theater, and the symbol was taken In the theatrical scene, the development semantically and aesthetically, and interpreting and interpreting the current day, where the laser light formed the symbolism of the contemporary virtual scene, and in order to identify the aesthetics of the symbol in the theatrical scene, the current research was evaluated into fo

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 18 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Linguistic Term and the Problems of the Arabic Reception
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        The linguistic researcher reads a systematic crisis, idiomatic problems within the linguistic term coming to the Arab culture. Where most of them return back to problems of receiving these sciences which are represented by phenomena like the multiplicity linguistic term, disturbance translated idiomatic concept and its duality.

Aims of the research :

1-Initializing new textbooks to form linguistic project and Arabic linguistic theory.

2-Determination adjusted knowledge, concepts of Arabian heritage linguistics subject

3-Observation  the causes of disturbance crisis of linguistic term and its relation to

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2022
Journal Name
Mechanism of feedback in the theater of the oppressed
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The art of theater penetrated various scientific and human fields, as well as touching the facts and events surrounding it, and scientific innovations had a wide field, so it adopted feedback in interactive theater performances, especially the theater of the oppressed. Then came the indicators that resulted from the theoretical framework for the formation of the tool by which the research sample is analyzed, and then the chapter concluded with previous studies. As for the third chapter, it involved the research procedures, and through the research tool and the research method, and by selecting the intentional sample, the sample represented by a play (the story of Shahrour) was analyzed. As for the fourth chapter, it included the results

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2008
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The role of Japan in the reconstruction of Iraq
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The Role of Japan in the Reconstruction of Iraq 

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The contemporary political history of the State of Zimbabwe
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Abstract: This study aims to identify mainly the experience of development of the state of Zimbabwe. The purpose of this study is to explain African studies in our Arab countries . The approach followed in this study is analytical description using also the comparative method as needed. This research division an introduction ,fourth topics and conclusions .The first dealt with the geographical location of the state of the Zimbabwe and explain of the main cities and a general introduction to the Republic of the state of Zimbabwe . The second section reviewed the historical development since the advent of colonial British colonialism and the declaration of Rhodesia Nyasaland in 1953 . As well as to clarify the position of stats and interna

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The provisions of luxury in the performance of worship
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The luxury of the grace and the extension of the vioa of the subjects that attract two teams of opinion,
QF Faba believes that
And poverty is the best in human life, and others see it
And Joe titling
Grace, and not for man to suffer as long as stigmatized and

Try not to have money.
And in recent years

A lot of people bypassing
I see who says austerity in
Thou shalt not see grace
Color of and
Luxury has been promoted to the religious life of

A lounge
And others, and a team of worshipers to distance themselves from the mantle of turquoise,
Faleh me
I was looking at this part because I did not
See my opinion

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 29 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Studying the Improvement of the Solubility of Cellulosic Fibers
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This study focuses for improving the increase the solubility of fiber cellulose in sodium hydroxide solution in concentrations ranging from (4- 12%), from one point of view and from other point of view in (sodium hydroxide and urea) solution concentration (6% NaOH + 4% urea), under  low temperature (- 15, - 20 Co) , depending on the principle of  reducing the degree of polymerization for  fiber cellulose, which is represented in our tests cotton linter who its represent  (Whatman filter paper, Grade 1), some samples subjected to chemical pretreatment as simulation the method of decomposition of cellulosic materials by white or brown fungi that grow on trees, this method involves the use of

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