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The art of sculpting human faces (Portrait)
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It has mixed views on the concept or the role (Portrait) carving human faces across historical periods. The counting and historical document recording profiles for individual, promised impression represents promised impression represents the importance and greatness of personal without attention logs features and individual features, and in all cases the (portrait) was working for celebrated personality, glorifying and out of respect for his role heroic or reputation or social status.
But if we intend carving human faces one varieties of art in sculpture became necessary for us to proceed from the statement which affirms "The requirement of art to be liberated from their recovery forms as they are in the outside world" and here we begin to wonder which is the problem of our research: Is (Portrait) art or documentary record of the character ? And if so , is it a true portrayal of the human form, or is it a piece of art embodies the artist's creativity and his imagination of the form to be filmed? What are the differences between (Portrait), which is creation or art , and the craft one?
These questions were motivated by my interest to search for the origin of the sort of the sculpture and trace its roots to learn how to embody the sculptor the people's faces through the ages of civilization, and find out whether this type of sculpture belongs to art and creativity, or not ?

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 27 2021
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DNMT3B Is an Oxygen-Sensitive De Novo Methylase in Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells
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The application of physiological oxygen (physoxia) concentrations is becoming increasingly commonplace within a mammalian stem cell culture. Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) attract widespread interest for clinical application due to their unique immunomodulatory, multi-lineage potential, and regenerative capacities. Descriptions of the impact of physoxia on global DNA methylation patterns in hMSCs and the activity of enzymatic machinery responsible for its regulation remain limited. Human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-hMSCs, passage 1) isolated in reduced oxygen conditions displayed an upregulation of SOX2 in reduced oxygen conditions vs. air oxygen (21% O2, AO), while no change was noted for either OCT-4 or NA

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Estimates of Palestinian University Students in Gaza Governorate to the Contribution Degree of Teaching Human Sciences in their Political Education: محمود عبد المجيد عساف
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The study aims to examine the estimation of a sample of Palestinian University students in Gaza governorate to the contribution of teaching human sciences in their political education. It further aims to reveal whether there are statistically significant differences at a significance level (α≤ 0.05) between the averages of the sample. Such differences might be attributed to the following variables: sex, residential area, specialization. To achieve this, the researcher used the descriptive approach by applying a tool of (50) items on (618) randomly chosen male and female students from the largest Palestinian universities in the governorates of Gaza. Results have shown that: the overall degree of estimation to the contribution of teachi

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science,
Detection of human leukocyte antigen and celiac disease auto antibodies in serum of patients with multiple sclerosis
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To determine the important pathogenic role of celiac disease in triggering several autoimmune disease, thirty patients with Multiple Sclerosis of ages (22-55) years have been investigated and compared with 25 healthy individuals. All the studied groups were carried out to measure anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies IgA IgG by ELISA test, anti-reticulin antibodies IgA and IgG, and anti-endomysial antibodies IgA and IgG by IFAT. There was a significant elevation in the concentration of anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies IgA and IgG compared to control groups (P≤0.05), there was 4(13.33%) positive results for anti-reticulin antibodies IgA and IgG , 3(10%) positive results for anti-endomysial antibodies IgA and IgG . There were 4 pos

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Description of Surveillance System of Sexually Transmitted Diseases , Human Immunodefiency Virus and Acquired Immunodefiency Syndrome in Iraq
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Abstract A descriptive study using evaluation technique was carried at the health organizations concerning STIs/HIV/AIDS, mainly the AIDS Researches and Studies Center in Baghdad and many of the AIDS sections in the Health Directorates in the Governorates throughout the period of May 15th , 2003 through September 30th, 2003( to describe the surveillance system for the period 1993 through 2002). The study aimed to describe the STIs/HIV/AIDS surveillance system in Iraq. System evaluation questionnaire was adopted from WHO and developed for the purpose of this study. Content validity of questionnaire was establis

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Detection of human leukocyte antigen and celiac disease auto antibodies in serum of patients with multiple sclerosis
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To determine the important pathogenic role of celiac disease in triggering several autoimmune disease, thirty patients with Multiple Sclerosis of ages (22-55) years have been investigated and compared with 25 healthy individuals. All the studied groups were carried out to measure anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies IgA IgG by ELISA test, anti-reticulin antibodies IgA and IgG, and anti-endomysial antibodies IgA and IgG by IFAT. There was a significant elevation in the concentration of anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies IgA and IgG compared to control groups (P≤0.05), there was 4(13.33%) positive results for anti-reticulin antibodies IgA and IgG , 3(10%) positive results for anti-endomysial antibodies IgA and IgG . There were 4 pos

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Jordan Journal Of Biological Sciences
Extraction of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Candida albicans Biofilm and Studying their Cytotoxic Effects on Human Lymphocytes
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Computer, Communication, Control And System Engineering
Recognition of Upper Limb Movements Based on Hybrid EEG and EMG Signals for Human-Robot Interaction
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Upper limb amputation is a condition that severely limits the amputee’s movement. Patients who have lost the use of one or more of their upper extremities have difficulty performing activities of daily living. To help improve the control of upper limb prosthesis with pattern recognition, non-invasive approaches (EEG and EMG signals) is proposed in this paper and are integrated with machine learning techniques to recognize the upper-limb motions of subjects. EMG and EEG signals are combined, and five features are utilized to classify seven hand movements such as (wrist flexion (WF), outward part of the wrist (WE), hand open (HO), hand close (HC), pronation (PRO), supination (SUP), and rest (RST)). Experiments demonstrate that usin

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Using Different Types of Projectiles to Make Avalanches to Avoid Human Being Disasters and Properties Destruction
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Some geological phenomena as landslides and the mobilization of the accumulated rocks or soil are discussed in this research by using projectiles that cause mobility and falling of these land masses which are present at the top of mountains and edges of roads and streets to avoid accidents and human disasters which will occur if they are left falling by effect of climate or vibrating factors that are produced by performing dams, bridges and reservoirs. According to the different divisions of land masses groups, primary and secondary, which depend on type of movement and material arrangement that form the mobile masses, this research had shown the effect of projectiles for every type of cannons on the mobility of every groups of these rocks

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of Nd-YAG, XeCl, and Nitrogen Laser Radiation on Human Aorta , and Some Arterial Tissues
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The effect of laser radiation on human aorta, coronary, and pulmonary arteries, and pulmonary veins has been investigated. Xenon-Chloride (eximer), Nitrogen, and Nd-YAG pulsed lasers of wavelengths 308, 337, and 1060 nm respectively were used. Their effects on fresh postmortem tissues, normal and diseased, was studied. The diameter and depth of ablation of the exposed tissues, in air, were measured as a function of many factors related to the type of laser and nature of the tissue. The effect of properties of the applied lasers, such as average power density and deposited energy density, on the exposed tissue surface were studied. The increase of these two parameters cause an increase in the depth and diameter of ablation. However the di

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Veterinary Sciences
RAPD-PCR and phylogenetic analysis of E. coli isolated from human and cattle urinary tract infections
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This study aimed at isolating uropathogenic Escherichia coli from urinary tract infections (UTIs) of human and cattle to examine the molecular diversity and phylogenetic relationship of the isolates. A total of 100 urine samples were collected from UTIs of human and cattle. The isolates identification was done using routine diagnostic methods and confirmed by Vitek2. Antimicrobial susceptibility was tested against 10 antimicrobials. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was applied to identify the genetic diversity among E. coli isolates from human and animal origin by using five different octamer primers. The gelJ software for the phylogenetic analysis created Dendrograms. Out of 50 human urine samples, E.

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