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The art of sculpting human faces (Portrait)
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It has mixed views on the concept or the role (Portrait) carving human faces across historical periods. The counting and historical document recording profiles for individual, promised impression represents promised impression represents the importance and greatness of personal without attention logs features and individual features, and in all cases the (portrait) was working for celebrated personality, glorifying and out of respect for his role heroic or reputation or social status.
But if we intend carving human faces one varieties of art in sculpture became necessary for us to proceed from the statement which affirms "The requirement of art to be liberated from their recovery forms as they are in the outside world" and here we begin to wonder which is the problem of our research: Is (Portrait) art or documentary record of the character ? And if so , is it a true portrayal of the human form, or is it a piece of art embodies the artist's creativity and his imagination of the form to be filmed? What are the differences between (Portrait), which is creation or art , and the craft one?
These questions were motivated by my interest to search for the origin of the sort of the sculpture and trace its roots to learn how to embody the sculptor the people's faces through the ages of civilization, and find out whether this type of sculpture belongs to art and creativity, or not ?

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Amultifaceted Review Journal In The Field Of Pharmacy
Zwitterionic ion chromatography coupled with ultraviolet detection for the quantification of 2-deoxyguanosine in human serum
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Testing the cytotoxic potential of biosynthesized nanoparticles using Conocarpus erectus Leaves against human breast cancer cells
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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Cancer And Medical Genetics
Mitotic activity of cultured human lymphocytes treated with gold nanoparticles
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Potential health and environmental effects of nanoparticles need to be thoroughly assessed before their widespread commercialization. The present investigation was planned with the aims to determine the effects of gold nanoparticles (GNPs) on blast (BI) and mitotic (MI) indices of cultured lymphocytes. The results revealed that BI (50.3±2.3, 30.2±1.9, 10.5±0.7 and 0.0%, respectively) and MI (70.1±2.9, 20.4±1.1, 5.3±0.1 and 0.0%, respectively) showed a gradual decreased percentage as the concentration of GNPs was increased from 0.085 to 0.66 µg/mL, and the difference was significant compared to control culture (81.6±2.5 and 90.2±3.7%, respectively). A maximum inhibition of BI and MI was occurred at the concentration 0.66 µg/mL. In

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
Advancements In Life Sciences
Molecular identification of Epstein-Barr virus in human placental tissue
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Background: The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) relates to the torch virus family and is believed to have a substantial impact on mortality and perinatal events, as shown by epidemiological and viral studies. Moreover, there have been documented cases of EBV transmission occurring via the placenta. Nevertheless, the specific location of the EBV infection inside the placenta remains uncertain. Methods: The genomic sequences connected to the latent EBV gene and the levels of lytic EBV gene expression in placental chorionic villous cells are examined in this work. A total of 86 placentas from patients who had miscarriage and 54 placentas from individuals who had successful births were obtained for analysis. Results: The research employed QPCR to dete

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Review Of International Geographical Education Online
Role of ERP Systems in Improving Human Resources Management Processes
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This study investigates the role of Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) systems in improving human resources management (HRM) processes. The rapid environmental changes led to increased demand on the ERP systems, which have changed the manual effort to technology-based processes, providing solutions focusing on the integration of all departments to achieve goals for the entire organization. HRM processes are mainly made up of two classes: strategic and operational HRM. An ERP system works to integrate both of them, making HRM processes more efficient, effective and feasible to provide support to the organization as a whole (inside and outside). In this article, a modest framework is proposed to describe HRM process integrity in relation to

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design of Robotic Arm Control System Mimics Human Arm Motion
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This paper presents a control system to make the robotic hand mimic human hand motion in real time and offline mode. The human hand tracking system is a wearable sensing arm (potentiometers) used to determine the position in space and to sense the grasping task of human hand. The maskable sensing arm was designed with same geometrical arrangement of robotic hand that needs to be controlled. The control software of a robot was implemented using Visual Basic and supported with graphical user interface (GUI). The control algorithm depends on joint to joint mapping method to match between the motions at each joint of portable sensing arm with corresponding joint of a robot in order to make the robot mimic the motion.

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 07 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Embryos And Infertility Researches
Histochemical Study of Human Placental Tissues in Gestational Diabetic Mellitus
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Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is the most common metabolic disorder that found during gestation and is define as hyperglycemia of variable severity with onset or first recognition during gestation that does not clearly characterize any form of the preexisting diabetes (American Diabetes Association [1]). It affects approximately 16.5% of pregnancies worldwide (Plows, et al.[2]). The placenta is an organ that connects the mother and her fetus during pregnancy (Gul, et al.[3]). In the placenta, glucose can be transformed into glycogen for storage by either glycogen synthase or using glycogenin as a prime. However, the function of glycogen deposition stays a matter of debate, it may be the source of fuel for placenta itself or the storag

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Public Health Research & Development
Isolation of CD34+ Human Melanocyte Stem Cells from Hair Follicles
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Stopping power and range calculations of protons in human tissues
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In this research, the stopping power and range of protons in biological human soft and hard tissues (blood, brain, skeleton-cortical bone, and skin) of both child and adult are calculated at the energies ranging from 1MeV to 350 MeV. The data is collected from ICRU Report 46 and calculated the stopping power employing the Bethe formula. Moreover, the simple integration (continuous slowing down approximation) method is employed for calculating protons range at the target. Then, the stopping power and range of protons value in human tissues have been compared with the program called SRIM. Moreover, the results of the stopping power vs energy and the range vs energy have been presented graphically. Proper agreement is found between the gain

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Hematology
Detection of active human cytomegalovirus in patients with multiple myeloma
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Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection is ubiquitous and successfully reactivated in patients with immune dysfunction as in patient with multiple myeloma (MM), causing a wide range of life-threatening diseases. Early detection of HCMV and significant advances in MM management has amended patient outcomes and prolonged survival rates.


The aim of the study was to estimate the frequency of active HCMV in MM patients.


This is a case–control study involved 50 MM patients attending Hematology Center, Bag

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