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Technical Variation in Scientific Model
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The present study tackles the scientific model and the mechanisms of operating in the formation of the image of the artistic work to create a scene that cares for the aesthetic decoration through raw and techniques and employing them to express the aesthetic values that care for what is not familiar and deviation from the familiar in the visual exhibition and the care for the employment of the technical abilities, lighting, and sound as well as the employment of multiple materials. The research presents the objectives of his study in the exhibition hall of Natural History Museum (University of Baghdad) to create an aesthetic and expressive state at the same time. Then, in the theoretical framework the researcher traces the experiments of the contemporary world art and operating with the scientific and artistic models in the exhibiting halls of international museums; the technical role in building any artistic work through the dialogue of the accumulated expertise of the artist’s imagination and his ability to form ideas and manifest them by choosing the test for the aesthetic solutions of the various raws.
The research, after that, operated with applied samples of the research including the Dodo bird and beehive sample that are placed for display in the Museum. The function content and expression were taken into consideration for each sample whether in formal building or in the content, to create a harmony among the raws and ideas to be conveyed to the viewer in a manner that achieves the trace of amazement and feel of the aesthetic values and knowledge simultaneously.
In the fourth section the results and the conclusions which the researcher comes up findings like: the technical variation in the scientific model contributes to enrich the relation of the raws and the items of the artistic work and opens the way for experimentation towards the diverse use of the materials and techniques. That forms the main role in the accumulation of the aesthetic expertise of the artist. The variation of the scientific model in the museums by the use of different techniques like the collage, assembly, photographs, ready-made form, light, sound, piercing , excavation, sculpture, embalmment, and the employment of electronic devices, computers, monitors and video shows. All that has contributed to the development of the scientific and artistic museums alike

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
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Lecture Notes In Mechanical Engineering
Development and Validation of a Free Piston Engine Linear Generator Simulation Model Including Cycle-To-Cycle Variation and Ignition Timing Sub-Models
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Technical methods in foreign language teaching as a new method in foreign language learning
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Unter dem Titel " Technische Methoden im Fremdsprachunterricht als eine neueste Methode im Fremdsprachlernen, die Spiele als Muster"

versteht man, dass die Forschung  sich mit einer neuen Methoden im Fremdsprachunterricht beschäftigt. Von den neuen Methoden im Unterricht sind die Spiele. So man sieht  in den letzten Jahren viele Artikel zum Thema Spiele im Fremdsprschunterricht. Davon gehen wir aus, dass die Spiele im Unterricht eine groβe Rolle spielt, denn diese Methode macht Lust, Spaβ im Lernenprozeβ. Die Spiele im Unterricht bezeichnen als ein Mittel, um Unterricht etwas Schönes , Nützliches und Lebendigs zu sein. Die Spiele sind vielfälltig und unterscheidet sich nach den Themen und Materialien. In dieser F

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
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Visual illusion in Contemporary Theatre décor A Study in technical Variables: سامي علي حسين
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Our research deals with the role of theatrical decoration in creating visual thumbs and the effect achieved as a result in the theatrical presentation in terms of supporting the idea of centralization of the dramatic construction of the show, as the researcher emphasizes that this topic has begun with a new horizon removed many technical concepts and knowledge in the theater.
Horizon knowledge and discoveries based on the structures of light and sight to achieve an existing transformation from steel to ethereal. According to these new concepts, systems other than those based on old methods of presentation have been formed.
In light of this, the researcher divided his research into:
First: the problem of research and the need fo

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Technical image sources In the poetry of Muhammad Salih Bahr al-Ulum
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يتناول البحث شخصية شعرية وأدبية فذة هو محمد صالح بحر العلوم الشاعر العراقي المعروف والمولود في بيت ثوري من بيوتات النجف المعادية للاستعمار البريطاني في مطلع القرن العشرين، وينحدر من أسرة عريقة مشهورة بالعلم والأدب، عاش بحر العلوم شاعراً ينقل بصوره الجمالية كل ما يقع في حواسه، وتجربته تثري من اتصاله ببيئته فنجد الشاعر اشبه بالمصور يستمد صوره من واقع بيئته المتنوع. ونحن في بحثنا هذا نحاول أن نرصد أهم المصادر

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Ahmed's net hair dry         Technical study
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The poet (Ahmed Safi Najafi), who came to the poet was a fabric alone, and gathered all the writers and critics who wrote in his poetry as a phenomenon worthy of research, study and meditation as he turned to poetic topics, some strange did not pay attention to poets who preceded him and went to poetic horizons not worn by other poets Those who lived in his time, he refused to gain poetry and attacked hypocrisy and his poets and critics, and rejected the festivals of poetry (festivals on the sidewalk is held) and called for renewal and renunciation of tradition, and ushered in a new world predominant humanism, and gave money to his companions, and played for women and the world, and married Alaqqam and pain, and sincerest For his hair, T

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
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Scopus (1)
Publication Date
Tue Sep 07 2021
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مجلة دراسات تربوية
Spatial variation of students in secondary school in Iraq for the 2006- 2011 period
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The research, whose goal was to study students' failure in secondary school in Iraq, found that 50% of the Iraqi governorates achieved the lowest student failure rates, and Baghdad governorate had the highest percentage of repeaters. And that half of the provinces in Iraq have males constitute 70% of the repeaters, and failure in the exam represented 79.7% of the reasons for failure, and that half of the students who failed are confined to the first and third intermediate grades at a rate of 51.9% , and the research revealed that the security instability was the most influential factor in Students fai

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
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Digital modeling and its technical variables in contemporary interior design
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The current research sheds light on an important aspect of the great and rapid development in the field of science and technology and modern manufacturing methods as a result of the scientific revolution resulting from the accelerated cognitive development, which prompted designers in general and interior design in particular to exploit and invest in digital technology and the development of digital control in the process of designing the industrial product for the purpose of creativity and innovation through these digital programs Digital models achieve the requirements and desires of the interior designer according to the creative skill using modern software with high efficiency And extreme accuracy that is consistent with the requirem

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 31 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Spatial Variation of the Manifestations of Visual Pollution in the Municipality of Shula
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The research deals with the problem of visual pollution, as it is one of the most important urban problems that cities suffer from. The concept of visual pollution has recently emerged to describe the deformation and degradation of the urban environment. Visual pollution is defined as any component of the surrounding environment that is inconsistent and not homogeneous with its natural and human components. The volume of visual pollution has doubled due to the non-compliance with the laws, regulations and controls set by the Municipality of Baghdad by the citizens, and to the weak municipal role that the municipality plays in implementing these laws. Therefore, it has become necessary to know the manifestations of visual pollution and th

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Publication Date
Wed May 18 2016
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The Variation of The Designing in decorative the Calligraphic authorization: حسـين علي يونــس
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Formed a decoration element Tzeigna important holidays linear, since regulating mechanism of vocabulary and formative elements Btnoatha through activation design with space linear in order to add value expressionistic, and achieve career goals and aesthetic, has promised these diversities and one of the finest artistic achievements that excelled the designer patterned through expertise and skill in the output of the design artwork beautiful image to fit with the importance degree in the field of calligraphy and set the rules, and was questionably basic research problem is the following:
What are the variations in the design of linear motifs Vacations?
In order to solve these problems and to reach the desired outcomes research ai

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