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Reading beauty through the views of philosophers and its reflection in graphic design
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The creative production of the philosophy of beauty in artistic works constitutes a step towards development and progress by meeting the growing and changing needs of humanity according to various factors, including those related to the human situation and others related to technical outputs, as well as the multiplicity of the field for the emergence of new artistic currents and movements concerned with graphic production and communication and communication processes that It is associated with imagination and freedom from social and cultural constraints, in which the design production seeks to link more realistic intellectual contents with the achievements of the creative artwork as a communication system to involve the recipient (the viewer) in achieving paths of development in the aesthetic taste. Rather, research, excavation, and exploration of beauty and its artistic goals in order for the recipient to move from the role of the viewer or listener to the role of the participant as a reader and critic with his philosophy, experience, and culture that are determined by his social and cultural conditions and intellectual orientations, especially for those posts through social networking sites that strip thought through openness and freedom from all restrictions. Accordingly, the viewer recipient has a role in expressing opinion, admiration, analysis and characterization according to skills that have been acquired gradually, conditional and unconditional. Most institutions seek to achieve their readings in all dimensions, including the aesthetic dimension, to reach the highest level of achieving aesthetic reception and absorption of the productions in all their graphic, photodigital, fixed and mobile classifications.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
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An Educational Model in Journalistic Production Course to Develop the Creative Thinking Skills of Printing Design Students
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The printing designer's creative thinking is a deliberate  mental process based on specific skills that stimulate the motivation of  the student to learn and call for  new information for the investigation and research to discover the problems and attitudes and through reformulating the experience in new patterns depending on the active imagination and the flexible scientific thinking through providing the largest number possible  of various unfamiliar  printing design models, and testing their suitability and then readjusting the results with the availability of  suitable educational, learning and academic atmosphere.

The designer's creative thinking depends on main skills. Fluency skill is to put t

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Development of Japanese Military Abitity and its Reflection on the New Japanese Role
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خلاصة (استطاعت اليابان بعد الحرب العالمية الثانية ان تنهض من جديد، وان تحقق تجربة تحديث سياسي جعلها تشهد تبدلات جذرية من الفقر الى الغنى ومن سيطرة الحكم العسكري الى الدولة المنزوعة السلاح ومن التخلف الى التكنولوجيا الاكثر تطورا في العالم, ومن الانغلاق والعزلة وذهنية سكان الجزر الى الانفتاح على ثقافات عصر العولمة ووسائل اعلامها. فكيف يمكن الاستفادة من هذه التجربة الحديثة سياسيا بل وحتى اقت

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Res Militaris
The Role of Internal Auditing in Governance of Strategic Operations and Its Reflection on Management Decisions
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The international business environment faces many challenges, including the intensity of competition, the speed of expansion, and control of the market. This leads to its shadow on the local business environment, which prompted many economic units to adopt modern strategies, including mergers and acquisitions, for expansion and prosperity. The research was conducted to verify the role of internal audit in the governance of strategy operations (Mergers and acquisitions) and its reflection on management decisions and making them efficient and effective. Internal auditing is the independent variable related to the other variable, the governance of strategic operations and its impact on management decisions for strategic operations as a depende

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
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Consumer Subjective Values and their Reflection on Fashion Design: وسن خليل إبراهيم
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This paper deals with the subjective reflections of consumer values ​​on fashion design. The   consumer self is determined by the consumer's idea of ​​himself, according to the intellectual, spiritual and social values, and these values ​​take their intellectual reflection in the form of material values ​​that the consumer finds in fashion design. These values ​​are based on considerations between what is intellectual represented by the values ​​of the consumer, and what is material determined by the fashion design, which also proceed from values that are visible or implied in costume design, such as the function, beauty and symbol. The   consumer self gets its material image represented in the

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Developing the Complexity and Security of the Twofish Algorithm Through a New Key Scheduling Design
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     The Twofish cipher is a very powerful algorithm with a fairly complex structure that permeates most data parsing and switching and can be easily implemented. The keys of the Twofish algorithm are of variable length (128, 192, or 256 bits), and the key schedule is generated once and repeated in encrypting all message blocks, whatever their number, and this reduces the confidentiality of encryption. This article discusses the process of generating cipher keys for each block. This concept is new and unknown in all common block cipher algorithms. It is based on the permanent generation of sub keys for all blocks and the key generation process, each according to its work. The Geffe's Generator is used to generate subkeys to make eac

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Safety Research
Analysis of prevention through design studies in construction: A subject review
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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The intellectual Umbrella for the strategic scenario in business organizations - The Opinions and the Spotlights
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Today, more than ever before, the business organizations’ initiatives should seek to design themselves and delivery them to the environment because of its change, and the increasing of uncertainties and the growing opportunities. What is required by the business organizations is that to adopt good approaches to stimulate the modern thinking and non traditional thinking and exploit the valued concepts and overcome the old thinking. Substantially, the scenario planning is the art of thinking about what is unexpected.

       Therefore the research’s problem is reflected to answer the following questions:

  • What

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Diffusion of Italian language through literary texts: Diffusione dell’italiano attraverso i testi letterari
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  This work intends to illustrate the methods of using the authentic literary text in the process of spreading Italian, especially in Baghdad where there is a strong propensity to learn the Italian language. The concept of the language that arises from literature is an idea closely linked to the mentality of the Arab learner towards Italian culture: an idea also created by the first Arabisations of literary texts in the early years of the previous century. The research was carried out in Baghdad by two researchers, an Italianist from Baghdad and an Italian mother language linguist, with the aim of bringing together the two sectors in favor of the diffusion of the Italian language. The study also aims to clarify the models from Italian l

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Skills of Intended Meaning behind the Context when Reading Poetry among Fifth Grade Students- Literary Branch from Teachers’ Perspectives
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        The current research aims to investigate the skills of the intended meaning beyond the context when reading poetry among fifth literary students. To achieve the aim of the research, the researcher has followed the descriptive approach and used two tools: an open questionnaire that includes an inquiry about the skills of the intended meaning beyond the poetic context, and a closed questionnaire that were examined by the juries, and modified accordingly. Besides, its validity and stability were examined by applying the study on an exploratory sample of (15) teachers to reach its final version and determine the time required to answer it. Then, the researcher applied it on the research sample of (9

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 11 2017
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The reflection of diode technology light emitting (LED) on the modular design of external lighting
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Search marked (the reflection of diode technology light emitting (LED) on the modular design of external lighting) is an analytical study of the units, external lighting for gardens and adopted in its work on the diode technology emitting light to reach the magnitude of the effect and the change happening where according to this technique was the problem of the research in which is (what emotion the formal and functional units of external lighting according diode technology light emitting) and identified in the first part of it, including the goals came Search of b (statement reversal winning technical transformation of lighting from incandescent bulbs to light emitting diode technology (LED) on each of shape design and the nature of the

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