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Digital employment of education data in children's television programmes
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The communication inspiration formed an essential foundations for contribute the influence individuals and recipients, whether negatively or positively, through the messages that were published and presented in them with multiple themes and viewpoints that covered all parts of the world and all age groups; it is directed to children addressing the various stages of childhood, as it simulates many goals, including what is directed through the digital use of educational data in television production, as it is considered an intellectual and mental bag to deliver ideas and expressive and aesthetic connotations to children, where the songs and cartoons carrying data on education; within adjacent relations and in a mutual direction, both of them support each other to achieve meaning and awareness. So that, the foregoing, the researcher has taken to delving into the folds of this title and its axes in a group of horizons and depth in its contents in terms of content and form; also, the exposure to the system of educational values in education and the age groups of children, as well as a review of the digital use of educational data in children's television programs and the method of technical treatment of them; the research aims to study the subject in its aspects, and from this point of view, the researcher formulated the research problem to launch his study with the following question; what are the technical and digital uses and treatments of education data in television production, and since it aims to reveal the employment of digital employment of educational data in children’s television programmes, the approach was adopted for descriptive (content analysis) being more appropriate to achieve the goals and reach the desired results, among which lies the plurality of contents and educational values in the children’s television program from the production of data that contribute to the establishment of education through digital software to produce an expressive, semantic and aesthetic level.

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Natural And Applied Sciences Ural
Electron Microscope Study of Human Cerebral Cortex (Left Superior Temporal Gyrus), in Different Age Groups and Gender Electron Microscope Study of Human Cerebral Cortex (Left Superior Temporal Gyrus), in Different Age Groups and Gender
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Human cerebral cortex is the outer folded neuronal layer and represents major part of the cerebrum with enormous functions. It is a laminar structure, easily visualized grossly. Previous studies showed that the Superior Temporal gyrus is one of the thickest cerebral cortex regions, reaching (about 4 mm). The Electron microscope study was made on 6 samples taken to measure the neuronal soma dimension of the large pyramidal cells present in the internal pyramidal cortical layer V in different age groups and gender. Aging process was obvious on the large pyramidal cells of the cerebral cortex, in which their neuronal soma dimensions showed shrinkage with age progression. But statistically there was no differences in the values between males an

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Link between Serum Omentin Level and Insulin Resistance Biomarkers, Lipid Profile, and Atherogenic Indices in Iraqi Obese Patients.
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Omentin (or intelectin) is a main visceral fat secretory adipokine.  There is a growing interest to link omentin, obesity and co-morbidity factors. The aim of the present study is to evaluate serum omentin and its association to insulin resistance biomarkers, lipid profile and atherogenic indies. This cross – sectional study was conducted in Obesity Research and Therapy Unit-Alkindy College of Medicine by recruiting (115) individuals; 49 males /66 females. Subjects between (20 to 60) years of age were selected and classified into two groups according to their Body mass index (BMI). Group1 involved healthy lean volunteers (25 male/ 36 female; BMI 18.5 - 24.9). Group2 involved obese subjects; (24 male / 36 female with BMI ≥ 30). The s

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
SER Y ESTAR EN LA ENSEÑANZA Y EL APRENDIZAJE DEL ELE Verb (to be) in Learning and Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language
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El presente trabajo nace de una inquietud por la enseñanza del español en Irak a nivel universitario especialmente ante las dificultades que los alumnos árabes en general, e iraquíes en particular, encuentran en su proceso de aprendizaje. Nuestra primera inclinación fue, pues, prestar una atención directa  y cercana al alumno como sujeto del aprendizaje, así como a lo que el alumno produce como resultado del mismo. En el presente trabajo pretendemos dotar al estudiante de los conocimientos lingüísticos necesarios para poder interaccionar en una variedad de situaciones y enfrentarse a problemas cotidianos, de manera que desarrolle las destrezas comunicativas que le permitan establecer una co

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 06 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Health Sciences
effect of a training curriculum for the development of some functional variables and the level of achievement in the effectiveness of air rifle shooting
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There are significant differences between the pre and post-tests in favor of the post-test in the tests) stroke volume (S.V), cardiac thrust (C.O.P), left ventricular volume, maximum oxygen consumption Vo2max), which indicates the effect of the proposed training approach.There are significant differences between the pre and post-tests in favor of the post-test in the achievement level test with air rifle shooting for young female shooters, which indicates the effect of the proposed training curriculum.There are no significant differences between the pre and post-tests in the tests (heart rate (HR) before exercise, heart rate (HR) after exercise, systolic blood pressure rate before exercise, systolic blood pressure rate after exercis

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Influence of The Kind of Feeding on The Average of Body Growth for The Infant of The Age (3-6) Months in Baghdad.City
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This paper was conducted to identifying the body growth averages for the infants of the age (3-6) months and their relation with brest (natural ) or artificial feeding The results showed that the higher percentage was for the infants with the natural feeding in comparison with those of the artificial or mixed feeding. Also there was a clear increase in the average of the body growth for those with the natural feeding and such results were closer to the standard criterion. While the averages of body growth for those with the artificial or mixed feeding were low. In addition, it was clear that the averages of body growth of the i

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
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In this paper we study the selection of cognitive elements and criteria of the inflectional structure of the Russian and Arabic languages in the process of speech communication. Phonetic-physiological principle is the main parameter by which the elements and criteria of cognitive activity in the presented study are distinguished. On the basis of the above mentioned parameter, we select the investigated criteria and elements. The first criterion is semantic, reflects the accordance of the elements of thinking to sound combinations in the studied languages, and allows us to distinguish the second criterion – morphonological. The second criterion depends on the phonetic changes of these combinations occurring in the process of speech activit

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The effect of orthodontic relapse on the proliferation of fibroblast and epithelial rests of Malassez in periodontal ligament of rat molars (A histopathological study)
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Background: Relapse of previously moved teeth, is major clinical problem in orthodontics with respect to the goals of successful treatment. This study investigated the effect of orthodontic relapse on the proliferation of fibroblast and epithelial rests of Malassez cells in periodontal ligament of rat molars. Materials and Methods: Sixteen ten-week- old male Wister rats were randomly divided into four groups composed of four animals each: Group I received no orthodontic force (control). In both Group II and Group III, uniform standardized expansive springs were used for moving the maxillary first molars buccally for periods of one and three weeks respectively. The spring initially generated an average expansive force of 20 g on each side.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 03 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Detection of Spectral Reflective Changes for Temporal Resolution of Land Cover (LC) for Two Different Seasons in central Iraq
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The purpose of the study is the city of Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, was chosen to study the spectral reflection of the land cover and to determine the changes taking place in the areas of the main features of the city using the temporal resolution of multispectral bands of the satellite Landsat 5 and 8 for MSS and OLI sensors respectively belonging to NASA and for the period 1999-2021, and calculating the increase and decrease in the basic features of Baghdad. The main conclusions of the study were, This study from 1999 to 2021 and in two different seasons: the Spring of the growing season and Summer the dry season. When using the supervised classification method to determine the differences, the results showed remarkable changes. Where h

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 31 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Study of the Performance of Paraffin Wax as a Phase Change Material in Packed Bed Thermal Energy Storage System
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The present work deals with an experimental investigation of charging and discharging processes in thermal storage system using a phase change material PCM. Paraffin wax was used as the PCM which is formed in spherical capsules and packed in a cylindrical packed column which acted as an energy storage system. Air was used as the heat transfer fluid HTF in thermal storage unit. The effect of flow rate and inlet temperature of HTF on the time of charging and discharging process were studied. The results showed that the faster storage of thermal energy can be made by high flow rate of heat transfer fluid HTF and high inlet temperature of heat transfer fluid. It was found that at 65°C HTF inlet temperature, the melting and solidification pr

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2014
Journal Name
International Journal Of Pharma Sciences
Cytogenetic and Fertility Study for the Effect of Alcoholic and Water Extracts of Gold and Black Raisin in Mice
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raisin on mice in comparison with negative (phosphate buffer saline (PBS) and positive Mitomycin-C (MMC) controls. Moreover, the effect on fertility hormones (follicles stimulation hormone/FSH, lutenising hormone/LH) was also measured. The effect of the extracted samples were measured by employing cytogenetic analysis which included (the mitotic index (MI), chromosomal aberrations (CAs) and micronucleus (MN)) parameters. Results showed that significant increase in MI and significant reduction in both CAs and MN percentage were seen after treatment with both alcoholic and water extracts of the two raisins and alcoholic extracts was more effective than water extracts. On the other hand both the gold and black raisin enhanced the levels of the

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