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Digital employment of education data in children's television programmes
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The communication inspiration formed an essential foundations for contribute the influence individuals and recipients, whether negatively or positively, through the messages that were published and presented in them with multiple themes and viewpoints that covered all parts of the world and all age groups; it is directed to children addressing the various stages of childhood, as it simulates many goals, including what is directed through the digital use of educational data in television production, as it is considered an intellectual and mental bag to deliver ideas and expressive and aesthetic connotations to children, where the songs and cartoons carrying data on education; within adjacent relations and in a mutual direction, both of them support each other to achieve meaning and awareness. So that, the foregoing, the researcher has taken to delving into the folds of this title and its axes in a group of horizons and depth in its contents in terms of content and form; also, the exposure to the system of educational values in education and the age groups of children, as well as a review of the digital use of educational data in children's television programs and the method of technical treatment of them; the research aims to study the subject in its aspects, and from this point of view, the researcher formulated the research problem to launch his study with the following question; what are the technical and digital uses and treatments of education data in television production, and since it aims to reveal the employment of digital employment of educational data in children’s television programmes, the approach was adopted for descriptive (content analysis) being more appropriate to achieve the goals and reach the desired results, among which lies the plurality of contents and educational values in the children’s television program from the production of data that contribute to the establishment of education through digital software to produce an expressive, semantic and aesthetic level.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Intellectual Stress of Basic Education Faculty Professors
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   1-Identifying  the intellectual exertions have basic education faculty professors.

2-. Identifying the differences in intellectual exertions as a variable type (male-female) current research society is determined by the basic education college professors and both sexes Mustansiriyah University and academic year (2018-2019) and sample (200) textbook and teaching staff researcher has built a scale term This intellectual and extract his results showed statistical characteristics:-.  The College of basic education teachers suffer from stress. There were no differences between males and females in intellectual exertions.  Depending on the results, the researcher has developed a number of recommendations and

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 09 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Impact of Education Program upon Nurses' Knowledge towards Children under Mechanical Ventilation at Pediatric Teaching Hospitals in Baghdad City
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Objective: impact of the education program for nurses' knowledge toward children under mechanical
ventilation, and to find out the relationships between nurses' knowledge and their general information.
Methodology: Quasi experimental study was carried out at the respiratory care units of Baghdad
Pediatric Teaching Hospitals started from February15th, until September 26th, 2011, A purposive (nonprobability)
sample of (23) nurses working in the respiratory care units, were selected from Children
Welfare and Pediatric Central Teaching Hospitals. The data were gathered through using of the
constructed multiple choice questionnaire using to evaluate the nurses knowledge using checklist, The
questionnaire consists of two p

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Digital Presence of Algerian Females via Virtual Satellite Channels: Analytical Study of Women Issues through Facebook
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The platforms of social networking sites, with their distinctive communication and technological features, create a social movement that led to the establishment of a new pattern of communication in a modern context. This allows the users on the internet to carry out many social interactions based on the interests and commonalities among them. Algerian women have a share of this digital presence by representing their views and discussing their issues on several sites like Facebook, for example.
In this research, we have analyzed the pages of Algerian women on Facebook site to find out the most important issues addressed by Algerian women so that we can organize their concerns in the digital channels and discover their different orie

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Philosophy of John Dewey and his Role in Education: رفاء عبد اللطيف حسن
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  John Dewey is an American philosopher and psychologist. He is one of the primary figures of the philosophy of pragmatism. He is considered one of its founders and one of the leaders of the philosophy of pragmatism. He is one of the most famous figures of the modern education on the international level. His name is associated with the philosophy of education, because he delved in defining the purpose of education and went on talking about linking the theories with the reality without being subject to the existing system and the inherited traditions no matter how ancient they were. He is the godfather of progressive or gradual education, and he is one of the pioneers who established the experimental school in America in cooperation

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 05 2024
Journal Name
References of the directed education to the Member Teaching Stuff performance in the departments of the art Education
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This study has came as a result to discover on the references of the educational theories which leads the professors in the educational art departments in the Iraqi universities through knowing these ideological references indeed in an important slice of the society. This slice is: the members of professoriate. The study goal knows the ideological references to these theories for the professors in these departments.
In order to approve the research's goals. The researcher has selected a sample contains (50) professoriate members in these departments in the Iraqi universities which they have the educational art profession among the next scientific degrees (assistant teacher. teacher. assistant professor & professor).
The resea

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Forced Displacement during the Syrian Forced Displacement during the Syrian Crisis, and its Impact on Jaramana’s Children's Education: A Field Study , and its Impact on Jaramana’s Children's Education: A Field Study: نهال ريحاوي جلب , قاسم الربداوي
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The study aims to examine the problem of forced displacement and its social and economic problems in light of the Syrian crisis. Such an aim helps to know the difficulties and challenges facing the children of displaced families in learning, and the reasons for their lack of enrolment. It also clarifies whether there are significant statistical differences at  among the attitudes of the children of the displaced families towards education regarding the following variables: (the work of the head of the family, the economic level of the family, and the work of the children). The study has adopted the descriptive-analytical approach;  a questionnaire was adopted as a tool to collect information. The study was applied to a sample o

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 07 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Participation of the Students of the Colleges of Education in the Iraqi Universities in Literacy and Adult Education in Iraq. The Students of the Departments of Holy Quran and Islamic Education (A model)
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The study focuses on the problem that Iraq is approaching an increasing rate of literacy;the available data refers to a rate of (18% -19%). In addition to the fact that the generalcurrent role of the programs directed to literacy is not actually effective enough to limit the expansion of this rate.

The importance of this study highlights the fact that the Iraqi universities are an important tributary among the tributaries of human development, especially in spreading the education of the voluntary work in literacy field and confirming the connection between the students and their society and their role in solving one of the prominent challenges that face the development, i.e., literacy.


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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Employment material in the Interior spaces of the directorates of queries in the city of Baghdad: آراء عبد الكريم حسين العبادي
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this research concern with material function subject by using it in Baghdad education in formational places , because it considered as one of the most important spaces which needs a material presentation for the interior consistings that shares with prepairing the right mode for thos who use these spaces, regarding to that this research includes four chapters: Chapter one: concern with the research problem represented by the following question: can we use the material to place the hole spaces of information place ? So the aim of the research seems very obvious in functioning the material these places, and to take a close view on the importance of the research the theory , implementation and objective limits also concerning the terminolog

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Measuring wisdom of guidance department students in college of education
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The present research aims to measure the wisdom among university students and the differences of the concept of wisdom according to the gender of students in college of Basic Education. The sample of the research reached (300) male and female students in the morning studies upon the four stages of the psychological guidance department, the Scale of wisdom has been designed by the researcher herself and the psychometric feature were obtained as validity and Reliability. the researcher used Chi- square to Know the differences between the number of agreed and disagreed students for the wisdom scale, as well as the researcher used person correlation coefficient to Know the reliability of the scale by re test method for wisdom scale , t- test

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Use digital classification to follow change detection of al Razzazah sebkha For the period(1976-2013)
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The Sebkha is considered the evaporative geomorphological features, where climate plays an active role. It forms part of the surface features in Mesopotamia plain of Iraqi, which is the most fertile lands, and because of complimentary natural and human factors turned most of the arable land to the territory of Sebkha lands. The use satellite image (Raw Data), Landsat 30M Mss for the year 1976 Landsat 7 ETM, and the Landsat 8 for year 2013 (LDCM) for the summer Landsat Data Continuity Mission and perform geometric correction, enhancements, and Subset image And a visual analysis Space visuals based on the analysis of spectral fingerprints earth's This study has shown that the best in the discrimination of Sebkha Remote sensing techniques a

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