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Metaphysics of theater performance
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The research explores through its three parts, to search for the unconscious and the collective unconscious in order to identify the per-formative stimuli and motives and their motivation to produce a performance that is consistent with the metaphysics of the myth or the epic and its different characters from other human characters. The paper also explores in its second section a sort of sacred performance energy. Together, along with motivating the mind and engaging the subconscious, comes a metaphysical text and with its characters and epic events.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
Journal Name
Intellectual and Aesthetic Relationship between the Public and the Modern Theater (the play Oh Lord!) as a model: فيصل عبد عودة
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The issue of the public in the directions and theories of the theater director in the world theater, especially after the emergence of realism and the crystallization of the term direction and the definition of the role of the director in 1850 AD by the Duke Max Mengen took different paths to the Greek, Roman and even Elizabethan audience because it was here subjected to the theatrical equation from  its production and presentation due to the fact that the  theatrical performance is a technical artistic production, and the audience participation, watching and consumption, and here the participation of the audience was subjected to three directions:  the enlightenment in the sense of arousing sense, the incitement in the se

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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Seit langer Zeit verbindet sich das Theater in Europa mit dem Begriff ''Dramatisches Theater''. Am Namen dieses Theaters erkennt man, dass es sich mit dem Drama beschäftigt. Um diesen Umstand näher zu erklären, braucht man, meiner Meinung nach, eine Erklärung des Begriffs 'Drama'.

,,Dieses Wort wird von dem griechischen- genauer gesagt, dorischen- Verb 'dran' (tun, handeln) abgeleitet und bedeutet Handlung”(1). Die Fixierung auf die Handlung bedeutet, dass alles, was der Zuschauer auf der Bühne sieht, vom menschlichen Verhalten abhängig ist. Dieses Verhalten wird als Experiment dargestellt. Das erinnert uns an Hegels Theorie: ,,Der Kern des Dramas war das menschliche Subjekt in einem Konflikt, einer ''dramatisc

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
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The recepient’s beauty in the algerian theatre and the recepient’s hypothetical bet , reading in stop theater by m’hammed ben gataf
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Meditationsuggetsthat the theatrical world and the receiptindicatethattherie a thread connection or relationshipbetweenthembecausetheateris an art thatfailsinto the abyss of the humanfield ,receivingis a practice thatisreffered to by corners of society and islocated in the context of thisfield. Thus, the relationshipbetweenalgeriantheater and the recepientissanctified by the nature of theaterwhichisbased on a social basis thatbuildsitsexistance and continuityfrom the recepient.Its impossible to imagine a real theaterthatwillbeestablishedunlessit’sassociatedwith an audience so one hand never claps to makesound. This connectionis the first phenomenonthatcanbecome accessible to all people and itremains the second phenomenonthatrequires th

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2022
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The effectiveness of the deconstructive pattern in theatrical performance
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Theatrical art, from (Plato) to (Heidegger), passing through (Husserl) and (Husserl) has propagated the parallel relations between the overlapping formal patterns in the world of hypotheses crowded with diaspora and scattering, leading to the manifestations of implicit meaning in the intellectual and aesthetic discourse, through the deconstructive pattern that restructures The aesthetic image according to the aesthetic data to be employed, so the effectiveness of the deconstructive system had an important role in authorizing the Ghanaian logic and continuity on which the Western meta meaning was based, and the artistic scene was subjected to it in line with literature and art to be able to pay attention to the achievement and clarify it

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Legislative Governance to Evaluate Job Performance
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Governance is a relatively modern term, specially in Arabic, it represents the Arabic translation of English word "Governance", This term refers to standards, approaches and policies to achieve quality and excellence in their application, the need to use these standards has emerged in the legislative field.

Good legislation is characterized by efficiency, realism, transparency, fairness and predictability by those who address them.

This research focuses on subjecting performance evaluation legislation to legislative governance standards to make this legislation high quality and effective.

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Publication Date
Mon May 27 2019
Journal Name
The Performance Variable of the Actor's Techniques in Postmodern Theater Shows: وئام وافي علي
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The postmodern ideas and concepts have produced social, political and economic variables that have been affected by wars, crises, the role of globalization and the information revolution. They have created many variables in concepts and great variables in technological, artistic and cultural innovations. All these changes have contributed to changing the form of the theatrical show aesthetically and intellectually, which cast a shadow over the nature of the actor's performance who has become more demanding to change his performance and to find the mechanisms and new nature of work governing him corresponding to those variables and this prompted the researcher to adopt the subject (the performance variable of the actor's techniques in pos

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Integration between value chain analysis and balanced scorecard to for performance evaluation
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The performance evaluation process requires a set of criteria and for the purpose of measuring the level of performance achieved by the Unit and the actual level of development of its activities, and in view of the changes and of rapid and continuous variables surrounding the Performance is a reflection of the unit's ability to achieve its objectives, as these units are designed to achieve the objectives of exploiting a range of economic resources available to it, and the performance evaluation process is a form of censorship, focusing on the analysis of the results obtained from the achievement All its activities with a view to determining the extent to which the Unit has achieved its objectives using the resources available to it and h

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Requirements for Implementing School Performance Indicators System
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The aim of the research is to find out the availability of the requirements of applying the indicators of school performance system in the public schools in  Mahayel Asir educational directorate through the school planning indicator, the safety and security indicator, the active learning indicator, the student guidance indicator and determining the existence of statistically significant differences between the responses of the research community according to the variable of (scientific qualification - years of work as a principal - training courses). The questionnaire was used as a tool for data collection from the research community, which consists of all the public schools’ principals (n=180) Mahayel Asir educational directorate

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 26 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Evaluation of Financial Performance of the Iraqi Insurance Company
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Insurance Companies perform a prominent role in providing services and bolstering national economy, and they contribute in achieving the aims of the economic development plans in addition to many other social and economic benefits. So it is necessary to evaluate the activity of these companies continuously to define performance level and its nature. Financial analysis is one of the important instruments that helps in analyzing and explanation of data in such a way that enable administration to define performance level and diagnosing strength and weakness points. This study tackles the state of affairs of the Iraqi Insurance Company which is considered as one of the active national institutions, due to its distinguished role in collecting

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2022
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Directorial visions and sociological adaptation of heritage in theatrical performance
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The theatrical performance has an aesthetic, artistic, technical and intellectual vision presented by the theatrical director according to the dualities of theatrical form and content, which depend on the uniformity and interconnection of theatrical elements, as the vision is integrated through the harmony and fusion of these elements and the flow of their coordination with an aesthetic system within the framework of the aesthetic space of the theatrical performance, and when the heritage is presented in the performance, as there will certainly be different readings of that heritage and moving away from the iconization of the event and highlighting it in a manner that is in line with the spirit of the age.
the (researcher) tries, t

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