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Aesthetic relations and their role in achieving sensory excitement between interior and exterior spaces
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The current research deals with the study of aesthetic relations in the field of interior design and the extent to which its mechanisms achieve sensory stimulation between the internal and external spaces, to generate a continuous visual connection that is an extension of it, achieving in turn sensory stimulation for the users of those spaces. The internal and external spaces meet the desired purpose of feeling pleasure and beauty.” The current research aims to “discover the nature of aesthetic relations between the internal and external spaces and the extent to which mechanisms can achieve sensory stimulation in residential spaces.” The first topic included the concept of aesthetic relations, sensory excitement, and perception at the level The relationship between the part and the whole on the one hand, and sensory stimulation and the laws of perceptual organization according to the Gestalt laws on the other hand, while the second topic dealt with the concept of external spaces and internal spaces and their borders, leading to the third topic that dealt with the aesthetic relations between the inside and the outside with applications for global internal spaces of the type (outdoor living room ) for the living space in the residential building in a way that secures closeness to the aesthetic completion of relations and arouses in the recipient a sense of pleasure and attraction, which made the designers emphasize working according to this type of space according to modern technologies of our current era and at the level of material and lighting. The research reached a set of conclusions, which It represented an objective analysis of the aesthetic relationships that make sensory excitement achievable in interior design, including:
1-Aesthetic relations were embodied through unity and repetition in the use of plants that achieve sensory stimulation at the level of the principle of perceptual organization (gestalt), through the principle of convergence between the external and internal spaces by employing green plants to enhance belonging to each other, as well as the principle of convergence in the employment of environmentally friendly materials in the furnishing elements. to enhance unity.
2-Visual equilibrium contributes to achieving sensory excitement through varying the degree of transparency and what it achieves of openness through continuity and an extension of visual penetration between the external and internal spaces and in a smooth manner, by employing transparent materials such as glass in the facades, walls and barriers overlooking the outside in a continuous manner.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Study of properties structure and some optical properties forcopper Oxid (CuO) Thin film prepared by thermal evaporation in Vacume
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in this paper copper oxide (cuO thin films were prepared by the method of vacum thermal evaporation a pressure.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Comparative Study of the outcome of the treatment with Danazol and or without Sports Brassieres in the Management of Mastalgia
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Background Mastalgia is described as diffused or itching pain of the breast. Usually, active movement of heavy breast supported by weak suspensory ligaments contribute mainly to the etiology of mastalgia which is considered the most frequent complaint of women attending Al-Elwiya teaching hospital for consultation.
Objective:- The aim was to minimiged breast pain in mastalgic women By wearing the sport brassieres with or without the Use of danazol
Patient and method :- Tow hundred and fifty cyclic and non cyclic women suffering
from some degrees of mastalgia were chosen randomly from breast clinic of AL-Elwiya teaching hospital from June 2004 till August 2005. The mastaligic women were divided into 3 groups: group A

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Studying the Effect of Aqueous Extract from Curcuma Longa on Some Parameters of Cytogenetic, Immunity and Fertility in Female Mice
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The research work was conducted to investigate the effect of oral administration of aqueous extract of turmeric at doses of (5, 10) mg/kg body weight for two weeks daily by determining the genotoxic effect (mitotic index), evaluation of immunological effect (IgG, IgM, IgA, C3, C4) and measuring fertility hormones (follicles stimulation hormone/FSH, lutenising hormone/LH) levels with histological examinations of female albino swiss mice ovaries in comparison with control (normal saline). A clear effect in increasing mitotic activity was reveled for both doses in comparison with control. Results also showed a significant increase in the value of all immunological parameters at both doses, in comparison with control. Also, obvious raise was se

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Study of the Nutritional Behavior and Body Mass Indexes for Students of Age (17-25) Years In Baghdad, Iraq.
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The aim of this study was to assess the nutritional status for samples at the age of 17-15 years. These samples were taken from secondary schools and universities in Baghdad area, 123 of them were male and 261 were female. Data on weight, height and body mass index (BMI) were determined in each individual. Smaller sample of 215 individuals (male and female) from the original sample was taken in order to record their nutritional behavior and daily food intake during the 24 hours prior to the visit through personal meeting using special questionnaire. The results showed that the weight and the height were within the range of the people of neighboring Arab countries, who are in the same age. Beside 44.4- 55.95% of these samples were within t

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical Study for the Tube Rotation Effect on Melting Process in Shell and Tube Latent Heat Energy Storage LHES System
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Although renewable energy systems have become an interesting global issue, it is not continuous either daily or seasonally. Latent heat energy storage (LHES) is one of the suitable solutions for this problem. LHES becomes a basic element in renewable energy systems. LHES compensate for the energy lack when these systems are at low production conditions. The present work considered a shell and tube LHES for numerical investigation of the tube rotation influence on the melting process. The simulation and calculations were carried out using ANSYS Fluent software. Paraffin wax represents the phase change material (PCM) in this work, while water was selected to be the heat transfer fluid (HTF). The calculations were carried o

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Crossref (7)
Publication Date
Fri Jun 24 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Morphological Study of the Pollen Grains of Some Species belong to Genera Urtica L. and Parietaria L. (Urticaceae) in Iraq
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The paper comprise comparative palynological study of six species belong to the genera Urtica L. and Parietaria L.(P.alsinifolia Del., P.lusitanica L., P.judaicaL., U.urens L., U.dioica L., and U.pilulifera L.) of the Family Urticaceae in Iraq. All pollen grains were small size and found to be porate, Stephanoporate, Zonoporate. Characters such as shape of pollen grain, number and Dimention of pores, and Sculpturing of pollen grains were overlapped between species and of limited taxonomic value.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 22 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
The Prevalence of UGT1A1*93 and ABCC5 Polymorphisms in Cancer Patients Receiving Irinotecan-Based Chemotherapy at Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf
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Irinotecan (CPT-11) is a semisynthetic derivative of the antineoplastic agent camptothecin used in a wide range as an anti-cancer agent in many solid tumors because of its cytotoxic effect through the interaction with the topoisomerase I enzyme. The major limiting factors for irinotecan treatment are its association with potentially life-threatening toxicities including neutropenia and acute or delayed-type diarrhea, results from distinct interindividual and interethnic variability due to gene polymorphism.

This is a cross sectional pharmacogentics study was conducted on 25 cancer patients to estimate the prevalence of UGT1A1*93 and ABCC5 allele single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in Iraqi cancer patients treated with irinotecan

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Oct 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Correlation Study of Retinol Binding Protein4, Vitamin A with Liver Function Enzymes in Iraqi Fracture Patients with and without DM2
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A fracture is a damage to bone tissue that causes damage to the tissue surrounding the bone and may penetrate the skin. Subjects and methods: the present study included (80) fractured Iraqi patients (and 40) patients with DM2 and (40) without DM2 and compared them with (40) healthy control. Patients and control are matched in age. This study showed a significant increase in retinol-binding protein 4 (RBP4) and a considerable decrease in Vit .A GPT and GOT in fracture patients with and without DM2. In addition, there was a significant negative correlation between RBP4 with (GPT and GOT) in fracture patients with DM2 and a significant positive correlation between RBP4 with (GPT and GOT) in fracture patients without DM2.          

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Notes on the ecology and distribution of the annual fern Anogramma leptophylla (L.) Link. (Pteridaceae) in Northern districts of Iraq
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The study involved the description of the environmental characters and distribution of Anogramma  leptophylla  (Annual  Maidenhair fern)  in Erbil and Garmian districts during May- 2017 in Kurdistan of Iraq. The geographical distribution of the taxa was recorded in Bani Bee region for the first time within the Garmian district but it was recorded before in the Zar Gali region within the Erbil district. The climatic characters of the studied site in Erbil district were: moist, cold and the elevation was up to 560 m above sea level with sandy clay soil texture whereas in the Garmian district: dry, hot, and the elevation was only 330 m  above sea level with sandy stone soil. Plant up to 13 cm long, megaphyl

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 10 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Quantitative study of some trace elements and blood parameters in the third trimester of Iraqi pregnant women with Pre-eclampsia
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Pre-eclampsia complicates 2-8% of all pregnancies and it is one of the leading causes of maternal mortality and pre-term delivery in the world. Unfortunately, there is scarcity of documents discussing the circulating level of several essential trace elements in Pre-eclampsia patients in Baghdad especially in the last trimester of the pregnancy. The present study was designed to quantitative evaluation the whole blood concentration of two trace elements, copper (Cu), and iron(Fe), in pre-eclamptic women in the third trimester of pregnancy. The study was conducted on 18 Pre-eclamptic pregnant women as patients group with clinical detected high blood pressure ≥140/90 mmHg and 13 normotensive pregnant women as control group from Al-Alwiya

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