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The dialectic of the familiar and the unfamiliar in Islamic photography
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This research is concerned with the study of (the dialectic of the familiar and the unfamiliar in Islamic photography), and it consists of four chapters.
If you dealt with the problem of the research subject (the dialectic of the familiar and the unfamiliar in Islamic photography, as it appeared realistic, familiar forms and strange and strange unfamiliar forms represented in many of the main schools of Islamic photography that emerged in Iraq and Persia and then the Ottomans and the However, Islamic painting still retains those previously witnessed and unseen images, which pose themselves forcibly in the form of many questions that must be faced and studied by investigation, observation, extrapolation and conclusion through scientific research. The problem of research also lies in asking whether the Muslim artist intended to He puts those familiar forms of man with previously unfamiliar forms of the eye. Either he represents them through reality and myth together, or the fictional narration of the heavenly books, or by combining the two sides of the equation for the familiar and the unfamiliar in establishing its rules and technical principles for such a complex phenomenon Which is: revealing the dialectic of the familiar and the unfamiliar in Islamic photography. The first chapter included the objective, temporal and spatial boundaries and the definition of the most important terminology mentioned in the research. The second chapter was devoted to the theoretical framework, which was divided into two sections. The first concerned the familiar and the unfamiliar in Islamic philosophical thought. The second topic concerned the epistemological and aesthetic approaches to the art of Islamic painting. To reach the third chapter represented by the research procedures: including the research community and its large sample (3) of the artistic depictions of Islamic photography. The fourth chapter was devoted to the results of the research, conclusions, recommendations, and proposals. Among the most prominent results that the researcher reached: the emergence of familiar and realistic images of man and existence together with non-spiritual images Familiar ones, such as people with sacredness, such as images of messengers, prophets, the House, angels, people of knowledge and authority distributed between the world of theology and the world of humanity, where the unseen or unfamiliar spiritual side prevailed in this dialectic that connects the upper world with the lower world or connects everything that is realistic and lived with what is. Unfamiliar and hypothetical by Muslim artist and who
This is what the research came up with, as well as the conclusions, research recommendations, suggestions, and sources.


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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Forbidden Suckling Decision in Islamic jurisprudence
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Forbidden Suckling Decision in Islamic jurisprudence

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Moderation in moderate Islamic thoughts
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Abstract :

The study seeks to highlight the importance of moderate religious discourse and dialogue and the rejection of extremist discourse that renews the crises and wounds of history.  And that is through the means and efforts exerted, which is changing the extremist religious discourse to a moderate religious discourse, as well as calling on religious figures, whether they are followers of Judaism, Christianity or Islam, to search for a common ground for understanding and coexistence, because extremism in the name of God is the enemy for all and not for countries or religions in particular.

 Also, through the necessity of confronting terrorist threats by making more efforts

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Provisions of combat games In Islamic Jurisprudence
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Provisions of combat games In Islamic Jurisprudence

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Labor Partnership in early Islamic Law
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In terms of each party's contribution to the common venture, partnership felt in several categories. It would be a complete partnership, that is, one in which all partnership, both capital and service; It could be an arrangement like the commenda (Arabic : Mudãraba , muqãraba , girãd) in which one party supplied the capital and the other service .
In Malikite and Hanaifite Law, It would take the form of a labor partnership, that is, one in which the only investment on the part of all its members was their skill or labor. In this last category of partnership, the captil itself considered solely or primarily of the labor of the partners.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Provisions related to nails in Islamic Fiqh
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Provisions related to nails in Islamic Fiqh

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2013
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Political pluralism in contemporary Islamic political thought
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The paper deals with the position of the Contemporary Islamic political thought concerning the Islamic of pluralism in party system and the role of political parties in the future Islamic state . this paper focuses on the vision of Mr. mohammad hussain Fadlulah to these topics and his opinion in the legitimacy of alliancy with secular political parties The paper , also discussed his opinion concerning the adaptation of political relations between the Islamic political parties under the rules and lows of secular political system in order to have broad positively the public good

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 04 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Using the Sherrod model in predicting financial failure in Iraqi private banks: an applied study in the Iraqi commercial and Iraqi Islamic banks
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              The phenomenon of financial failure is one of the phenomena that requires special attention and in-depth study due to its significant impact on various parties, whether they are internal or external and those who benefit from financial performance reports. With the increase in cases of bankruptcy and default facing companies and banks, interest has increased in understanding the reasons that led to this financial failure. This growing interest should be a reason to develop models and analytical methods that help in the early detection of this increasing phenomenon in recent year   . The research examines the use of

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2014
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Problematic discourse of modernity in contemporary political Islamic thought
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اشكالية خطاب الحداثة في الفكر السياسي الاسلامي المعاصر

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 09 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Murabaha for real estate and its reflection on the profitability of Al-Nahrain Islamic Bank: applied research
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The Islamic Bank of Al-Nahrain offers a formula for financing the purchase of real estate through a deferred sale contract, through Murabaha to the order to buy, and the payment of the price is in the form of instalments that include (the purchase price of the profit and the mutual agreement on the real estate). This research aims to show the reflection of real estate murabaha on the bank's investments, by measuring the effect of real estate murabaha on the profits achieved by the Islamic Bank of Al-Nahrain Bank. The growth of 'real estate murabaha' realized from the 'amounts granted by Bank X, in addition to analyzing the financial ratios of profitability indicators, including (return on deposits Y2) and for the years (2016 - 20

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 30 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Urban and Architectural continuity to Arab and Islamic heritage
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This study try to discovering continuity in heritage, from its engaged with emotional side, the core of study is Islamic architectural, these architectural result still estate with time, due to role of it with Islam law, importance of continuity from finding real things of essential architects result The research reaching to concept of thoughtstaying, for Islamic heritage, as basic factor in continuity process by it is architecture. The mostly searches seeing imitation of figures as recently events, or as final result to stage conditions state, but we must remember the Islamic thinking as base stone to architecture results


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