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The dialectic of the familiar and the unfamiliar in Islamic photography
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This research is concerned with the study of (the dialectic of the familiar and the unfamiliar in Islamic photography), and it consists of four chapters.
If you dealt with the problem of the research subject (the dialectic of the familiar and the unfamiliar in Islamic photography, as it appeared realistic, familiar forms and strange and strange unfamiliar forms represented in many of the main schools of Islamic photography that emerged in Iraq and Persia and then the Ottomans and the However, Islamic painting still retains those previously witnessed and unseen images, which pose themselves forcibly in the form of many questions that must be faced and studied by investigation, observation, extrapolation and conclusion through scientific research. The problem of research also lies in asking whether the Muslim artist intended to He puts those familiar forms of man with previously unfamiliar forms of the eye. Either he represents them through reality and myth together, or the fictional narration of the heavenly books, or by combining the two sides of the equation for the familiar and the unfamiliar in establishing its rules and technical principles for such a complex phenomenon Which is: revealing the dialectic of the familiar and the unfamiliar in Islamic photography. The first chapter included the objective, temporal and spatial boundaries and the definition of the most important terminology mentioned in the research. The second chapter was devoted to the theoretical framework, which was divided into two sections. The first concerned the familiar and the unfamiliar in Islamic philosophical thought. The second topic concerned the epistemological and aesthetic approaches to the art of Islamic painting. To reach the third chapter represented by the research procedures: including the research community and its large sample (3) of the artistic depictions of Islamic photography. The fourth chapter was devoted to the results of the research, conclusions, recommendations, and proposals. Among the most prominent results that the researcher reached: the emergence of familiar and realistic images of man and existence together with non-spiritual images Familiar ones, such as people with sacredness, such as images of messengers, prophets, the House, angels, people of knowledge and authority distributed between the world of theology and the world of humanity, where the unseen or unfamiliar spiritual side prevailed in this dialectic that connects the upper world with the lower world or connects everything that is realistic and lived with what is. Unfamiliar and hypothetical by Muslim artist and who
This is what the research came up with, as well as the conclusions, research recommendations, suggestions, and sources.


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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Possibility of glucose level assessment using the blood of gingival probing and dental socket after tooth extraction
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Background: The association between diabetes and inflammatory dental diseases had been studied extensively for more than 50 years. A large evidence base suggests that diabetes is associated with an increased prevalence, extent and severity of gingivitis and periodontitis and loss of teeth. Many patients do not aware that they are diabetic.Objectives:The aim of the current study was to assess a fast, non-invasive, safe procedure to screen for diabetes and its severity in dental clinics and to assess the change in blood glucose level before and after tooth extraction during periodontalResults: there were no significant differences between the blood samples collected before tooth extraction from finger puncture method (FPB) and the gingival

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The Effects of Different Investment Materials on Dimensional Accuracy and Surface Roughness of Thermosens Maxillary Complete Dentures
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Background: Limited data are available on the dimensional stability and surface roughness of ThermoSens, which is a material used in denture processing. This study aimed to measure the vertical teeth changes and surface roughness of ThermoSens dentures prepared using three different investment materials. Materials and methods: For the dimensional changes test, 30 complete maxillary dentures were prepared using different investment methods: group I, dental stone; group II, silicone putty; and group III, a mixture of dental stone and plaster (ratio, 1:1; n = 10 for each group). Four screws were attached to the dentures: two were attached to the buccal surface of the canine and first molar, and the other two were attached in the flange areas o

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 21 2023
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees22fr
Study of the x-ray diffraction lines of calcium titanate nanoparticle using SSP method and Scherrer method
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In this study, the modified size-strain plot (SSP) method was used to analyze the x-ray diffraction lines pattern of diffraction lines (1 0 1), (1 2 1), (2 0 2), (0 4 2), (2 4 2) for the calcium titanate(CaTiO3) nanoparticles, and to calculate lattice strain, crystallite size, stress, and energy density, using three models: uniform (USDM). With a lattice strain of (2.147201889), a stress of (0.267452615X10), and an energy density of (2.900651X10-3 KJ/m3), the crystallite was 32.29477611 nm in size, and to calculate lattice strain of Scherrer (4.1644598X10−3), and (1.509066023X10−6 KJ/m3), a stress of(6.403949183X10−4MPa) and (26.019894 nm).

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A comparative study of the effects of argon laser and continuous Nd: YAG laser on blood vessel
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Several types of laser are used in experimental works in order to study the effects of laser on blood vessel. They differ from each other by a lot of properties mainly in wavelength, energy of the laser and pulse duration. In this study argon laser (488 nm- 514 nm) and continuous Nd: YAG laSer (1064 nm), have been applied to 50 samples of sheep blgod tesselS. Histologically, tha results of the study were different According to the txpe of L`sar used; apgon larer had distrabtave effects on $he blood vessal while continuous Nd: YAG laser Appeaped to be the safesd one on the blmod vessel architecture. This study concluded that argoj laser has da-aging ef&ect on

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Ready-made clothes for students of the University of Baghdad between reality and ambition ( A field study )
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     تعد الملابس وسيلة هامة لكل مايقوم به الانسان في حياته العامة ، فهي الانطباع والكلمة الخارجية عن ذاته الداخلية فهي تعكس فكرة الفرد عن ذاته وعن شخصيته , كما تعد وسيلة تعبير جمالية وفنية , فهي تساعد على اخفاء عيوب الجسد وابراز محاسنه . ويتوقف اختيار الفرد لملابسه على مجموعة  عوامل منها احتياجه , قدراته المالية , سنه , مركزه الاجتماعي , طبيعة عمله ,الظروف الجوية التي يعيش فيها وعلى مايُؤمن به من قيم و

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation the efficiency of different techniques for extraction and purification of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV)
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This study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of different techniques for extraction and purification of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV). An isolate of the virus free of possible contamination with other viruses infecting the same host and transmitted by the same vector Bemisia tabaci Genn. was obtained. This was realized by indicator plants and incubation period in the vector. Results obtained revealed that the virus infect Nicotiana glutinosa without visible symptoms, while Nicotiana tabaccum var. White Burley was not susceptible to the virus. The incubation period of the virus in the vector was found to be 21 hrs. These results indicate that the virus is TYLCV. Results showed that Butanol was more effective in clarification the

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 21 2013
Journal Name
Pharmaceutical Development And Technology
Effect of ethylcellulose and propylene glycol on the controlled-release performance of glyceryl monooleate–mertronidazole periodontal gel
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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
اطروحة دكتوراه
The role of Asospirillum brasiliense bacteria isolated from soil of produce some regular growth and hydrolysis enzymes
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
The Conductivity of AC, Loss Tangent, and Relative Permittivity for Composites of PVC Paste/Graphite Electrode Waste
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The behavior of AC conductivity (σac), loss tangent (tan δ), and relative permittivity (ε′) for composites of PVC-P/graphite electrode waste (GEW) was investigated, and a qualitative explanation was provided as a function of PVC-P weight fractions (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25) wt. percent, temperature (30-90) °C, and frequency (100Hz-2MHz). The behaviors of the composites' ac. conductivity and impedance as a frequency function and temperature have been examined. The permittivity was shown to rise with increasing temperature (Tg). The relative permittivity increased as the GEW filler concentration increased and was highest in the low-frequency range; nevertheless decreased as the frequency increased.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Clinical evaluations for the masticatory efficiency of heat cure resin and flexible types of denture base materials
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Background: The aim of this study was for estimation and comparism of masticatory efficiency in patient wearing heat cured acrylic and flexible base partial denture, finding out the role of peanuts and carrots on the measurement of chewing efficiency, and to find out whether the types of P.D. (being single or two opposing each other) has any effect on the masticatory performance. Materials and methods: Twenty partially edentulous patients were selected. Five of these patients were selected having Kennedy class I with no modification against natural dentition, other 5patients having Cl.I against Cl.I . The other 5 patients having Cl.III against natural dentition and the last 5 patients were with Cl.III against Cl.III. several ways were used

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