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Violence in contemporary Iraqi drawing
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The current research (violence in contemporary Iraqi drawing) study the nature of the manifestations of violence, Kdoual effective in technical text and give these functions of the images have multiple connotations psychological symbolism, and has read the text in the light of the impact of the Iraqi social reality after the recent occupation of events and to study the impact of this stage on Iraqi contemporary painting, and this research consists of three chapters included the first chapter defines the research problem, which is illustrated through the following questions which are real problems require study and research .

Is constitute an objective treatment of the Academy of artistic representations of a phenomenon in the form of violence, whether representations of violence apply with what you stated them in the events that took place in Iraq, or are there to see in the recruitment of violence in the pictorial surface.

The current research also aims to: disclosure of representations of violence in contemporary Iraqi drawing

The search limits contained in the first chapter, it was confined to the limits of this study manifestations of violence in contemporary Iraqi drawing and for the period spanning 2003-2011.

The second chapter has included theoretical framework, which included the theoretical framework of three sections, the first section, (violence in philosophical thought). The second topic dealt with (violence in the psychological aspect), while the third section dealt with (the manifestations of violence in contemporary Iraqi drawing.

Ring discussing the theoretical framework and extraction of indicators him to take advantage of them and relied upon as a research tool in the analysis of the sample .

The third chapter has included actions related to research and community sample and research methodology, and then the sample was analyzed.

Chapter IV included the search results and conclusions as well as recommendations and suggestions, and the most prominent findings of the researcher:

  1. manifestations of violence, sabotage and destruction and fear, deprivation and frustration worthwhile reality Ocean.
  2. pessimist space, has implications in the sense of alienation, anxiety and aggression, sadness and vandalism and destruction.

One of the main conclusions:

  1. colorful images of violence multiplicity of artists who have been exposed to this topic, and this means that Souranv has appeared expression of the evil inherent in the Iraqi reality.

Artist deal with reality devoutly practiced including absolute

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
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The influence of the Bauhaus in contemporary graphic design
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This research aims to study and reveal the influence of Bauhaus principles in contemporary graphic design. The researcher determined the objective/spatial/temporal limit: Study of the Bauhaus influence in the design of the graphic poster in Germany in 2020. The theoretical framework in the first section dealt with (the emergence and factors of the emergence of the Bauhaus school and its characteristics), while the second topic dealt with (the intellectual, functional and aesthetic data of the Bauhaus School), after which the indicators that resulted from the theoretical framework were produced.

He mentioned four previous studies, one of them was discussed in detail. In the third chapter he defined the methodology, society, and sam

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Publication Date
Wed May 18 2016
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The Application of Experimentation in the Iraqi theatre shows "Othello in the Kitchen" As a model: عادل كريم سالم
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The researcher tackles the most outstanding conditions of experimentation, the importance of the study lies in being helpful to the workers in the field of theatre in general and directors in particular which the conditions of experimentation that should be taken.The study aims at knowing the experimental basis which the director (Sami Abdulhamid) followed in the realization of this.The researcher tackles in the First inquiry the concept of experimentation and the second tackles the conditions of experimentation.In the methodology of study the researcher analyzed the show of the "Othello in the Kitchen" and comes up to the following: 1. the dhows has cone with the nature of the previous shows experienced the methods that were not familia

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 20 2018
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Spatial transformations and visual construction in the contemporary theater
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The current research deals with the subject of spatial transformations and visual construction in contemporary theater. How the visual system works to create spatial diversity in the contemporary Iraqi theater performance and how visual construction contributes to a spatial development process capable of building a tourism system that creates an architectural architecture that leaves the topography of the scriptural architecture. And the production of various indications and patterns in the scene of theatrical presentation in order to produce the new foundational meaning by creating a new structure that leads to diversity and diversity in the visual system and the beginning of visual constructions and their applications. Knowledge and te

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
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The dramatic act and its transformations in the Iraqi theatrical show "Black Astronomy play as a sample"
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The subject of the act and its transformations in the presentation is of great importance at the level of study, analysis and interpretation, and through that the researcher adopted the following title (The Dramatic Act and Its Transformations in the Iraqi Theatrical Show). The play of Black Astronomy was chosen as a sample for analysis, and the aim of the research came in order to achieve a special knowledge of the extent of the transformation that occurred between the dramatic structure of the act and theatrical embodiment and its multiple elements of operation in the Iraqi theatrical shows. It was limited to the show of the Iraqi theater in the year (2020) and included the theoretical framework that accommodated three sections. As for

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 03 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The adequacy of foreign reserves and their role in the stability of the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar
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Many countries are very important in their interest not only in diversifying foreign reserves, but in determining and planning their volume in accordance with the goals set, namely facing potential external shocks, as the research aims to determine the extent of the strength of foreign reserves in the possession of the Central Bank in relation to every influential variable in the Iraqi economy. , in order to determine the minimum level of reserves that requires reconsideration of the exchange rate, as the research adopted the inductive analytical method in analyzing real (Quantitative data) for the research variables in the years of study, as the research adopted a set of analytical indicators approved by the International Moneta

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
العنف السيكولوجية و العلاج
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من المؤسف حقا ان نجد أنفسنا نعيش في ظروف عصيبة لم تشاهده أعيننا ولم تطرأ على مسامعنا من قبل، وجاء الاحتلال البغيض بكل تبعاته السلبية افرز عنه اليوم تفرقاً ملحوظا وصراعا اليماً وتناحراً أضر بمكانتنا ووحدتنا،  ولنا في كل يوم مصيبة وعويل، حتى صارت عبارة عن مذاهب وطوائف وأشخاص، تتنازعهم الأهواء والخرافات والتقليد والتعصب وأمراض أخرى، وباتت تلك الأشلاء يلعن بعضها بعضاً وينفي أحدها الآخر.


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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
العنف الاسري ضد الاطفال
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اولاً : اهمية البحث والحاجة اليه :

تعد الطفولة مرحلة مهمة من مراحل حياة الانسان لانها ثروة مجتمعاتنا ومستقبلها وهي تمثل اللبنة الاولى في تركيب المجتمعات اذا ما صحلت صلح المجتمع وأذا ما فسدت فسد ذلك المجتمع ، لذا فأن تنمية القوى العقلية والبدنية والنفسية للطفل لمراحل نموه المختلفة هي مرحلة مهمة وخطيرة في الوقت ذاته لكي تسهم في بناء شخصيتهم في المستقبل واستثمار طاقاتهم من اجل تطوير وخدمة مجت

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Art, Design And Music
The Aesthetic Variable in Contemporary Sculptural Formation
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The deviation in the formal idiomatic circulation of the body is nothing more than a response to the new currency; The (things) that surround us mean that they represent the new interests that the artist transforms into meanings and symbols after he invests them as aesthetic visual formations. Art establishes a reality other than the one that was established by (the body), which is always subject to a system of deliberative relations, and in general we can diagnose it in three paths, it is either linked to what represents the changing objective reality with the change of general systems or causes them, or it is a subject to the logic of general thought in its changing space-time limits, or it is a subject to the principle of benefit and ad

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 25 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
Semantic image coding in contemporary Theatrical performance
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تعد مجالات الصورة وعلاماتها الحركية حضوراً دلالياً للاتصال العلامي واتساعاً في الرابطة الجدلية ما بين الدوال ومداليها، التي تقوم بها الرؤية الاخراجية لإنتاج دلالات اخفائية تمتلك جوهرها الانتقالي عبر الافكار بوصفها معطيات العرض، ويسعى التشفير الصوري الى بث ثنائية المعنى داخل الحقول المتعددة للعرض المسرحي، ولفهم المعنى المنبثق من هذه التشفيرات البصرية، تولدت الحاجة لبحث تشكيل هذه التشفيرات وكيفية تح

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 02 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences And Humanities
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Feminism is a diverse set of social theories, political movements and ethos driven by women's causes. Feminists and feminists agree that the ultimate goal is to eliminate the forms of gender-related oppression It should be noted that feminism originated at the beginning as an emancipation movement aimed only at lifting the injustice and suffering of European women, but over time evolved and crystallized to form an independent thought in itself swimming against all the universals known to humanity in the relationship between male and female nature This study posits a hypothesis that the feminist movement is characterized by multiple and varied trends, different in its analyzes of the causes of women's oppression, but all agreed on the need t

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