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Melodic Characteristics of Oud Instrument Compositions with the Iraqi Symphony Orchestra (Saleem Salim) A Model: رعد عدنان علوان
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The variety of ideas and freedom of expression among the authors who are looking for everything new that serves the goals of musical and aesthetic expression, which calls for the use of traditional musical instruments with the great composition of musical instruments known as the orchestra represents a great challenge in several aspects. The incompetence of some of these instruments or limited capabilities or its costly method of performance sometimes forbids its use permanently in this great composition. It was necessary to have some problems facing the composer and the player on the one hand and the recipient on the other hand, who must be looking for perfection. Among those instruments that are used regularly in the works of the orchestra are the traditional Oud instruments or what we call popular instruments.
(What are the melodic characteristics of the Oud instrument in the works of Saleem Salim for the Iraqi Symphony Orchestra?).
The researcher, in the theoretical framework, addressed the melodic characteristics of the Oud instrument and the melodic construction in the compositions of the Iraqi symphony orchestra. The research procedures included a melody analysis by Saleem Salem. The researcher came up with the following conclusion: Many different types of quartet species appeared in the sample. This indicates the melodic richness and the diversity of the maqam transitions. It also means that the melody did not depart the oriental Arabic maqam environment, although the work is written for the Oud instrument with the accompaniment of the orchestra

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
On New Weibull Inverse Lomax Distribution with Applications
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In this paper, simulation studies and applications of the New Weibull-Inverse Lomax (NWIL) distribution were presented. In the simulation studies, different sample sizes ranging from 30, 50, 100, 200, 300, to 500 were considered. Also, 1,000 replications were considered for the experiment. NWIL is a fat tail distribution. Higher moments are not easily derived except with some approximations. However, the estimates have higher precisions with low variances. Finally, the usefulness of the NWIL distribution was illustrated by fitting two data  sets

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2013
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Ruling on dealing with Jews in Muslim countries
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Praise be to God, who is satisfied with Islam as our religion, “He opened a clear conquest for us,” and whoever works with us through the Shari’ah works and protects us. And that our master and Mawlana Muhammad His servant and Messenger is a prophet who has been merciful and compassionate. "
And after:
The occupation of Iraq and the accompanying bone events, and the following severe obstacles, resulted in a set of problems that require legitimate stances, and satisfactory answers, remove confusion and delusion, amid the clash of opinions and contradictions of jurisprudence. Work and application.
Among the difficult problems that surfaced in light of the new political developments on the land of Iraq: (the ruling on dealing

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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Walter Lippmann, speaking about man, says : ” Gradually he makes for himself a trustworthy picture inside his head of the world beyond his reach. “. This means that the picture, whether it was good or bad, it doesn’t happen for nothing, but rather for intentional purposes. Some orientalists make their judgements even before getting to the place concerned with the study.

The mental image is one of the most misused terminology, although the world today has become the world of image, it witnessed the disappearance of the theories that used to consider the media as a reflective mirror for society, also it was confirmed that the media creates what varies from reality and sometimes completely different from reality. The image of

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Publication Date
Sat May 16 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Quantitative analysis of the economic characteristics of the land transport network
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Highway network could be considered as a function of the developmental level of the region, that it is representing the sensitive nerve of the economic activity and the corner stone for the implementation of development plans and developing the spatial structure. The main theme of this thesis is to show the characteristics of the regional highway network of Anbar and to determine the most important effective spatial characteristics and the dimension of that effect negatively or positively. Further this thesis tries to draw an imagination for the connection between highway network as a spatial phenomenon and the surrounded natural and human variables within the spatial structure of the region. This thesis aiming also to determine the natu

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Analysis of the relationship between the Premiums and compensations in Life Insurance: An Applied Research in the General Iraqi Insurance Company
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           Communities seek to achieve the economic growth through the optimal use of resources. The human resource is considered the most important of those resources where the insurance institutions take the larger role in the protection of this resource and reducing the impact caused by dangers realization that endures. The general Iraqi insurance company is considered the leading in the field of life insurance since it was founded, and until now.

          This research is based on an analyzing the relation between premiums and compensations   of life insurance, for individual and the group insurance, and a reality of the

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Underwriting policy and its impact on the productivity of the life insurance portfolio: Analytical study in the "Iraqi General Insurance Company
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The research aims to study the basic concepts of the underwriting policy with its various indicators. The researcher studies the underwriting policy with its various indicators (sex, health status, age of the insured, insurance amount, The method of acceptance, payment method, and duration of insurance) where each of these indicators constitute an important factor in the productivity of life insurance policies, where the productivity of life insurance policies face many difficulties because insurance is a service and not a tangible material commodity and its benefits and not current. Therefore, the life insurance company needs to use a prudent underwriting policy so as not to endanger its financial position due to the expansion of the un

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
The Bifurcation analysis of Prey-Predator Model in The Presence of Stage Structured with Harvesting and Toxicity
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Abstract<p>For a mathematical model the local bifurcation like pitchfork, transcritical and saddle node occurrence condition is defined in this paper. With the existing of toxicity and harvesting in predator and prey it consist of stage-structured. Near the positive equilibrium point of mathematical model on the Hopf bifurcation with particular emphasis it established. Near the equilibrium point E<sub>0</sub> the transcritical bifurcation occurs it is described with analysis. And it shown that at equilibrium points E<sub>1</sub> and E<sub>2</sub> happened the occurrence of saddle-node bifurcation. At each point the pitch fork bifurcation occurrence is not happened. </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2024
Journal Name
Latin American Journal Of Pharmacy
The protective effect of iraqi Juniperus oxycedrus plant on acute kidney injury induced by lipopolysaccharide in mice model
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Inflammatory control is essential to diminish injury and make renal injury treatment simpler. Proposed therapeutics have primarily targeted pro-inflammatory variables. Juniperus oxycedrus was frequently used to treat a variety of infectious disorders, hyperglycemia, obesity, TB, bronchitis, inflammation, and pneumonia. Juniperus oxycedrus twigs and leaves were defatted with n-hexane using Soxhlet apparatus then the residue of plant material dried and re-extracted sequentially by two different solvents Ethylacetate and methanol. The pro-inflammatory markers IL-1 and iNOS, as well as the potential kidney biomarker KIM-1, TNF-α, and transcription factor NF-KB were measured using the RealTime Quantitative qPCR method. The results showed that J

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis, Spectroscopy and Biological Activity Study of Some New Complexes with Schiff Base Derived From Malonic Acid Dihydrazide with 2-pyridine Crboxaldehyde
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تم تحضير ثلاث معقدات جديدة Ni (II)و Cu (II) و Zn (II) باستخدام الليكند المحضر الجديد من تفاعل حامض مالونيك ثنائي هيدرازايد مع 2-بيريدين كربوكسالديهايد. حيث شخصت المعقدات لمحضرة وكذلك الليكند باستخدام تقنيات مختلفة مثل FT-IR و UV-Vis و Mass و 1H-NMR و 13C-NMR وتحليل العناصر CHN و تقدير محتوى  الكلور والموصلية المولارية والحساسية المغناطيسية والامتصاص الذري لتشخيص هذه المركبات. لكل معقد محضر جديد من النيكل والنحاس والزنك ، كشفت نتائج ا

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Revision of some Biomarkers with Cytokines in Breast Cancer
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Breast cancer is the most repeatedly detected cancer category and the second reason cause of cancer-linked deaths among women worldwide. Tumor bio-indictor is a term utilized to describe possible indicators for carcinoma diagnosis, development and progression. The goal of this study is to evaluate part of some cytokines and biomarkers for both serum and saliva samples in breast cancer then estimate their potential value in the early diagnosis of breast cancer by doing more researches in saliva, and utilizing saliva instead of blood (serum and plasma) in sample collection from patients. Serum and salivary samples were taken from 72 patients with breast cancer and 45 healthy controls, in order to investigate the following

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