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The effect of dramatizing characters within the social subject of the basic education stage on student achievement
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The researcher used the experimental approach due to its suitability and the nature of the research problem. The research community was represented by the eighth-grade students in the Rozak Elementary Mixed School affiliated with the General Directorate of Education in Erbil / the center, for the academic year (2021-2022), the number is (96) students, and the research sample consisted of (63) male and female students, with (31) in the experimental group, and (32) in the control group, and (11) students were excluded by (5) students from the experimental group, and (6) students from the control group, as the excluded, are students who failed and were absent from the lessons, and accordingly, the research sample became composed of (52) male and female students, by (26) male and (26) female students, and to collect information, an achievement test was built for the subject the date, And then it was applied after the availability of scientific conditions in it, and the data were processed statistically using the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, percentage, coefficient of difficulty of objective items, coefficient of ease of objective items, discriminatory power of objective items, Pearson correlation coefficient, Spearman-Brown equation, Guttmann coefficient, The post-test for two independent samples, and the researcher concluded the following:
- The students of the experimental group, which is taught according to the strategy of dramatizing characters, excelled in the achievement test of history over the students of the control group, which is taught according to the method used in teaching

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Modern Sport
اثر تمرينات خاصة بأستخدام جهاز المدافع الضوئي المصمم في تنمية بعض القدرات البدنية والاداء المهاري المركب لدى لاعبي كرة اليد
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اتجهت دول العالم الى تسخير جميع الإمكانيات والخبرات والعلوم من اجل الوصول الى مستويات متقدمة في الرياضات المختلفة ويهدف التدريب الرياضي إلى إعداد اللاعبين إعدادا جيدا تكمن مشكلة البحث من خلال خبرة الباحثتان الميدانية ومتابعة تدريبات لاعبي المدرسة التخصصية كرة اليد فقد لوحظ هناك ضعف واضح في الأداء المهاري ولابد من تطوير أوجه الضعف لتحقيق مستوى انجاز افضل . ويهدف البحث اعداد تمرينات خاصة بأستخدام جهاز ا

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 27 2022
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الحركة العلمية في المغرب الاسلامي من خلال كتاب معجم البلدان لياقوت الحموي ( ت 626هـ / 1229م) العلوم الشرعية انموذجا
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    The Dictionary of Countries by Yaqut al-Hamawi is one of the most important sources that researchers rely on in everything related to geography in knowing the names of places and countries, and the important historical information it contains about different cities and countries

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Madenat Alelem University College
دراسة خلايا البشرة والمعقدات الثغرية للسيقان والكساء السطحي لبعض المراتب من عائلة عرف الديك Juss. Amaranthaceae في العراق
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Gompharena globosa L., Irisene herbistii Hook. ex Lindl. The results of this study showed that the anatomical characters of the stems epidermis and the indumentum covering different parts of the plant have an important anatomical characters such as the cell wall shape of ordinary epidermal cells also the shape and type of stomata, their presence in some taxa and abscent in others. The hairs also differentiated by their shapes and them types, either they glandular or eglandular also they are different in distribution between the different taxa or in the some taxon.

Publication Date
Tue Sep 27 2022
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
آل البيت ( عليهم السلام ) من خلال كتاب درر السمط في خبر السبط لابن الابار البلنسي الاندلسي ( ت658هـ/1260م)
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One of them one of the important books due to its containing valuable information written by the author. Information include the life of the Messenger (Peace be upon him)

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
تصميم نظام مقترح لتخصيص مهام العمل لمحطات العمل وباعتماد الطرق الاجتهادية دراسة حال في الشركة العامة للصناعات الكهربائية
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This research work dealt with the problem of layout the production line of engine of fan roof at the General Company for Electrical Industries (GCEI). It was observed that the assembly line of engine was unstable and subject to severe fluctuations. In addition the execution of tasks at some stations was observed to be very fast while at other stations was slow. This phenomenon resulted into bottlenecks between workstations, idle time, and work in process. The system design was used to assign tasks to work stations according to different heuristics (Ranked Positional weight techniques, longest Task Time, Most following tasks, Shortest tasks time, Least number of following task).

The study revealed that th

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
‏Framing war against ISIS in New York Times/ from 10/17/2016 to 4/16/2017
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The research is aimed at investigating how the New York Times framed the war against ISIS in its news coverage and which news sources it adopted while reporting on this war.
‏ The research could be classified under descriptive researches. The survey methodology has been adopted and the content analysis has been used. The research sample consists of all the news stories the New York Times have published about the war against ISIS from 10/17/2016 to 4/16/2017 according to the comprehensive sampling method. The number of news stories that were analyzed was (155) news story. The research tool was (coding scheme).
The research has reached the following conclusions:
‏ 1. In its news coverage of the war against ISIS, the New York T

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Personality for Managers
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The purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship between the emotional intelligence and the leadership personality of the managers . the research was tested at the college of administration and economics – university of Baghdad through applying it on a sample of (67) members and units of the college. a questionnaire was used as a major tool for collecting data and information . for the purpose of researching to conclusion, the research aimed to test two main hypotheses related to the correlation coefficient and the effect correlation between the two main variable of the research, some statistical techniques such as (the mean, student deviation, percentages, correlation coefficient spearman, simple regression) were us

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Qur'anic rhetorical nuances in Persian literature: تاثيردقایق و لطایف بلاغی قرآن كريم در ادب فارسی
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Abstract: Persian literature, after the spread of Islam in Pars, received a lot of influence from the subtle and rhetorical details of the Holy Quran. This effect is more in poetry than in prose because the weights of Persian poetry are closer to the melody of the Qur'an and its weights.The effectiveness of most of the prose works is only in the Quranic themes and words. Persian poetry that has benefited from various sciences of rhetoric, including semantics, eloquence and rhetoric. The degree and manner of influence of each of the didactic, lyrical, epic and travelogue literary types is different from the rhetorical points of the Quran. The instructions under educational literature have benefited the least from Quranic rhetoric. The max

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 27 2022
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الحركة العلمية في المغرب الاسلامي من خلال كتاب معجم البلدان لياقوت الحموي ( ت 626هـ / 1229م) العلوم الشرعية انموذجا
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The Dictionary of Countries by Yaqut al-Hamawi is one of the most important sources that researchers rely on in everything related to geography in knowing the names of places and countries, and the important historical information it contains about different cities and countries

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
استخلاص عامل التلزن ( اللكتين ) من بكتريا لخلاياEnterococcus faecalis EM1 ودوره في تلزن انواع من البكتريا السالبة لملون غرام
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استخلص عامل التلزن من E. faecalis EM1 بعد تكسير بالكرات الزجاجية والترسيب بالكحول الاثيلي , واجري فحص التلزن وقياسه لمستخلص لخلايا  E. faecalis  مع انواع من البكتريا السالبة لصبغة غرام تضمنت     Escherichia coli  و Klebsiella  pneumonia  و Serratia marcescens   و Pseudomonase aeruginosa و Salmonella typhi , بينت النتائج ان اعلى نسبة تلزن للخلايا والمستخلص تكون مع بكتريا    ٍK. Pneumonia  حيث بلغ66.5 % مقارنة بالسيطرة79.5 % , واوطا قيمة للتلز

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