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Decorative aesthetic aspects and their use in Islamic architecture
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The architecture of the richly decorated mosques demonstrated that the Islamic culture is one of the most significant and greatest civilizations in the history of humanity. The plant decorative units are one of the key areas in which the Muslim artist excelled. As a result, he created various plant forms that he took from nature, which led him to invent the arabesque art consisting of plant motifs with curved and rounded lines or wrapped between them. These shapes with curved borders include leaves, twigs, and flowers. Buildings and artefacts from the nineteenth century AD have this shape. they achieved their objectives during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. There was another kind of vegetable decorative unit, made up of stems and flowers drawn in arranged geometric patterns. This sort of design, which deviates from the standard in Islamic art and takes on a form more akin to that of nature, was particularly popular in Persia. The types and shapes of flowers vary, as well as the shapes of the leaves, their edges, or their miniatures. The artist also painted more plant branches with circular and spiral curves, leaves, and flowers emerging in a geometric artistic relationship in which repetition, contrast, symmetry, and overlap, which is distinguished by a hint of modification and inspiration. This later influenced art schools in the architectural decorative unit methods. Do not construct from nature.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Numerical Simulation of Unsaturated Soil Water Flow from a Trickle Point System, Considering Evaporation and Root Water Uptake
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This research was carried out to study the effect of plants on the wetted area for two soil types in Iraq and predict an equation to determine the wetted radius and depth for two different soil types cultivated with different types of plants, the wetting patterns for the soils were predicted at every thirty minute for a total irrigation time equal to 3 hr. Five defferent discharges of emitter and five initial volumetric soil moisture contents were used ranged between field capacity and wilting point were utilized to simulate the wetting patterns. The simulation of the water flow from a single point emitter was completed by utilized HYDRUS-2D/3D software, version 2.05. Two methods were used in developing equations to predict the domains o

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2024
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Synthesis and characterization of some Metal ions complexes with mixed ligand of azo dye and Metformin and evaluation of its effectiveness on the growth of some pathogenic bacteria clinically isolated and study of its Toxicity on normal and cancerous Hepatocytes
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Publication Date
Mon Dec 31 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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Microbial activity of Ellagic acid when mixed with some types of candy toward Streptococcus mutans microorganism was studied. The main purpose of carrying out this study is to produce a new type of candy that contains Ellagic acid in addition to xylitol instead of sucrose to prevent dental caries. The results show that the inhibitory action of Ellagic acid was more effective when mixed with this type of candy for the purpose of reducing Streptococcus mutans microorganisms, while sensory evaluation was applied in this study to 20 volunteers to that candy sample evaluated which contain (5 mg/ml) Ellagic acid with 100g xylitol to determine consumers acceptability of this sample of candy. The results were expressed as mean value, slandered d

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Spatial Regression Model Estimation for the poverty Rates In the districts of Iraq in 2012
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Theresearch took the spatial autoregressive model: SAR and spatial error model: SEM in an attempt to provide a practical evident that proves the importance of spatial analysis, with a particular focus on the importance of using regression models spatial andthat includes all of them spatial dependence, which we can test its presence or not by using Moran test. While ignoring this dependency may lead to the loss of important information about the phenomenon under research is reflected in the end on the strength of the statistical estimation power, as these models are the link between the usual regression models with time-series models. Spatial analysis had

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Publication Date
Thu May 04 2023
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Assessing the complete blood count in Graves’ ophthalmopathy patients treated with RAI-131 in Iraq
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Introduction and Aim: Graves ophthalmopathy is one of the pandemic public health disorders in Iraq. The current investigation attempts to determine the variation in the complete total blood cells on the recovery of individuals with Graves' ophthalmopathy following low and high-dose Radioactive Iodine 131 (RI-131) exposures.   Materials and Methods: The complete blood CBC level in people with Graves' illness and healthy, normal controls were quantitatively identified using the CBC counter. Thyroid stimulating hormone was utilized to compare the recovery of ophthalmopathy patients in comparison to a control group.    Results: In comparison to healthy controls, patients with Graves' ophthalmopathy disease who received 10 mci of RAI-

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Radon concentration measurements in sludge of oil fields in North Oil Company (N.O.C.) of Iraq
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In this study the assessment radon concentration in sludge of Oil
Fields in North Oil Company (N.O.C.) of Iraq have been studied
using CR-39 solid–state nuclear track detector technique. A total of
34 samples selected from 12 oil stations in the company have been
placed in the dosimeters. The average radon concentration was found
to be 162.29 Bq/m3 which is fortunately lower than the standard
international limit. The potential alpha energy concentration and
annual effective dose have been calculated. A proportional
relationship between the annual effective dose and radon
concentration within the studied region has been certified.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The frequency of IgM-anti HAV in the sera of patients with hepatitis in Iraq
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Three hundred and fifty five patients with hepatitis were investigated in this study all cases gave negative result with HBs Ag , IgM-anti HCV , IgM-anti HEV, IgM-anti HDV and anti-HIV tests . The frequency of IgM-anti HAV was 113 and the percentage was 32 % in all ages but when these patients divided into five groups dependent on ages. The highest percentage of IgM-anti HAV was (45%) in age <10 and the percentage declined with age increase till to 9% in age >41 year.

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 02 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Changes in The Percentage of Spermato Genic Cells in White Mice Associated With Cadmium Administration
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The effect of different doses (75,100,150 ppm) and periods of

treatment (3,6,9 days) on the spermatognic cells in white mice was studied. It was found that there was a significant decrease (P<0.05) in the percentage of spermatogonia specially in concentration 1 00 and

150 ppm lasted six and nine days and of primary spermatocytes at period of nine days. A significant decrease (P<0.05) was noticed in the percentages of secondary spermatoytes and spermatids, while the percentage of sperms illustrated a significant increase for all concentrations and treatment periods.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the Effect of Plant Pathogenic Fungi in solid media in comparison with common Fungicide
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A study carried out for study effect of furfural that extracted from corn cobs by using specialized reaction system laboratory on phytopathogenic fungi: Pythium aphanidermatum, Rhizoctonia solani, Macrophomina phaseolina and Fusarium solani in addition to biocontrol fungus Trichoderma viride were isolated from infected plants and from their rhizosphere . The preparation results of different concentrations from stock solution in concentration 1% of furflural showed that The concentration was 100 ppm of furfural was inhibited the growth of P. aphanidermatum46.7 % and the was in concentration 400 ppm. while the concentration 500 ppm caused inhibition 50% and 41.1% of R. solani and F. solani respectively. Whereas the concentration 500 pp

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Green Synthesis Zinc Nanoparticles in the Treatment of Heavy Metals in the form of Complexes
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Myrtle plant was washed, dried, and powdered after harvesting to produce a fine powder that was used in water treatment. created an alcoholic extract from the myrtle plant using ethanol, which was then analyzed using GC-Mass, Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy, and ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy to identify the active components. Zinc nanoparticles were created using alcoholic extract. We used FTIR, UV-Vis, SEM, EDX, and TEM to characterize zinc nanoparticles. Using a continuous processing procedure, zinc nanoparticles with myrtle extract and powder were employed to clean polluted water containing heavy metals.

Firstly used 2g with 20ml polluted water and the result was ( Fe 96.20%, Cr 84%, Pb 100%, Sb 93.70, Cd 100%, andCu

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