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Expressive Topics in Plastic Art Achievement A comparative study between Gustav Klimt and Star Kauusch
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 Schools and artistic trends derive their themes from artistic styles and styles as methods followed by the artist to express his themes embodied in the values of artistic and plastic elements as symbols and signs that can be described according to the type of art school and the extent to which the artist is influenced in employing them as a goal to achieve the plastic achievement in the painting, and from those vocabulary (human beings nature Life) as encoded messages that have an appearance and an interior, the appearance of which are forms, colors, formats and distributions of space and their interior meanings and semantics embody attitudes, events and circumstances that stem from the social depth and daily life and derive their components from those intellectual approaches to plastic art, including expressive arts, which simulate the insides of the artist and his sense of the direction of the surrounding subjects, and are presented in a formative style and an intellectual direction that has its aesthetic and semantic dimensions.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 11 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Comparative Study in the (myth of Pygmalion) between Bernard Shaw and Sadik Hidayat: University of Ferdowsi - Iran
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  In our time, not too long ago, the universities of the world have been fast to take care of the study of an innovative type of technical and human studies, called the science of "comparative literature". Comparative research studies have grown and flourished rapidly in response to the demands of both mental and artistic life. This shows the increasing awareness at both the modern national and the international levels in order to develop through connecting with the international intellectual, nental and artistic currents to nurture ethics and originality. Comparative studies show that the beginning of the comparative literature goes back to the time when the Latin literature was connected to the Greek literature and th

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 05 2016
Journal Name
The Technical Experimentation in contemporary plastic arts
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The current research that entitled (t Technical Experimentation incontemporary plastic arts) deals with study in used techniques and the material's functioning and its variations in artwork.It present the following questions :- 1-Does technical experimentation for mate an important phenomenon in contemporary art.2-Does technical experimentation construct an ability in creating new constructive and formative achievement in plastic art ?.The research includes three chapters . the first one deals with the problem of the research and its limits with the specification of terms . the second chapter present the technical Experimentation in contemporary plastic art with shapes display . the third chapter involves conclusions with discussions . t

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 20 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation of the Quality of Health Services from Patients’ Perspective: A Comparative Study between Public and Private Hospitals
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The current study aimed to identify the quality of health services provided by the Omani health sector through the comparison between public and private hospitals in Dhofar Governorate, Oman. A questionnaire has been developed to collect data from 360 patients who received health services in one public Hospital (Sultan Qaboos) and three private Hospitals (Badr Al-Sama, Lifeline, and Al-Hakeeim). The data were analyzed using independent samples T-Test and One Way ANOVA. The results of the study showed that the quality levels of health services offered in private hospitals were better than public hospitals. The study results also reveled that there are significant differences between public hospitals and private hos

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Ruling on questioning children by the security authorities: (Comparative Study between Sharia and Law)
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Some of the issues that have become common in our society recently after the Americans entered our country and were rubbed by some security agencies: obtaining some information from children, and the serious consequences that may lead to the lives of innocent people, became common interrogation of some security agencies and rely on their words.
There are significant cases where their testimony needs to be heard, such as their presence in some places where incidents are not witnessed by others, such as schools or being witnesses to certain crimes.
I saw the study of this case in the light of Sharia and law

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 28 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Content of Data Journalism in Security Topics - Security Media Cell Model Research extracted from a master’s thesis
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This paper aims at the analytical level to know the security topics that were used with data journalism, and the expression methods used in the statements of the Security Media Cell, as well as to identify the means of clarification used in data journalism. About the Security Media Cell, and the methods preferred by the public in presenting press releases, especially determining the strength of the respondents' attitude towards the data issued by the Security Media Cell. On the Security Media Cell, while the field study included the distribution of a questionnaire to the public of Baghdad Governorate. The study reached several results, the most important of which is the interest of the security media cell in presenting its data in differ

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2016
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Idealism and Realism in The Design: A Comparative Study
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At the beginning of the twentieth century distorting handling totalitarian phenomena of art, which can be called the stage of the test, transition from the theory of ideal theory and other realistic is not cushy, since it requires vision and reading and other concepts, and in light of this dialectic manifested research problem by asking the following Is affected by the design idealism and realism. Through the above mentioned questions, the researcher found rationale for addressing this problem, the study through his research, which is marked (idealism and realism in a comparative study design). And demonstrated the importance of research in the identification of the concept and the effectiveness of the two theories idealism and realism a

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2018
Journal Name
Journal Inspector General
Some examples of police errors - a comparative study of the scope of civil liability between American and Iraqi laws
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Police play an important role in any society. Where they maintain public order by stopping and deterring crime and bringing criminals to justice. In order to achieve these objectives, they have certain means of law (search, arrest, use of force that may be lethal in some cases). However, such means may be misused in a way that harms members of society such as (Exceeding the Scope of a search warrant, violation of privacy of individuals, False Imprisonment, Excessive use of force, Sudden Deaths in custody, Sexual Assault and Harassment, Failure to respond for Domestic violence calls), which raises the civil liability of police officers and their agencies for such damage. Police officers may even abuse their characteristics even outside offic

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Correlation Expression between P52 and BCL2 among Iraqi Women with Breast Carcinoma
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 12 2017
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Expressive speech in the art of acting
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The expressive speech in the art of acting is considered to be the leading action for thinking and the interior interaction of the individual, in the organization of his relationship with the elements of the environment and its content, and the more acquired the individual's performance today skills in organizing and export of his conflicts and natural occasions , whenever , becomes more adaptable and an interpreted physically and acoustically inside pluralities in personalities, suited to the modern age. This research has addressed a range of topics related to expressive speech in the art of acting, since the first chapter included a systematic framework of the research, represented by the problem , the importance and aims of research t

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Publication Date
Sun May 10 2015
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Performing processors of view between impressionism & superrealism (A comparative analysis): فريد خالد علوان
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Addressed the problem of the research is marked: (Performing processors for the time between Impressionism and superrealism) the concept of time and how to submit artwork. The search came in four sections: general framework for research and identified the research problem and the need for him. With an indication of the importance of his presence. Then determine the research objectives of (detection processors performing to the concept of time in works of art in each of Impressionism and superrealism. And a comparison between them to reveal similarities and differences), followed by the establishment of boundaries Find three (objectivity, the temporal and spatial) were then determine the terms related to the title. Then provide the theore

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