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Art as a therapy to relieve symptoms of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), in children
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The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effectiveness of using Art as therapy to reduce the symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyper Activity Disorder (ADHD), in primary school children.
A clinical approach was used to test the validity of the hypothesis of our study, conducted on two second and fourth-year primary school pupils from Algiers, aged 7 and 9 years respectively.
In addition to the clinical observation and interview, we made use of the "Conners" scale for a (pre and post intervention) ADHD assessment, consisting of a combination of Art media in the form of mosaic works on purposely prepared panels. After 10 therapy sessions, results revealed the effectiveness of Art therapy in reducing ADHD in primary education children.

Once the diagnosis of ADHD symptoms in the two study subjects, aged 7 and 9 years, was confirmed through the "Conners" ADHD assessment and by carrying out a clinical interview with the parents as well as an in-depth analysis of subjects’ clinical observation and interview, a treatment using Art as therapy was implemented and found to be very effective in reducing the symptoms of ADHD.

In order to attract children’s attention, this type of therapy uses purposely designed graphics, since the assortment of colors made at their disposition prompted them to willingly engage in the activity and cooperate with the specialist implementing the treatment program.
The child begins to ‘own’ the work of Art, absorbing himself with it until it was finished, all along stimulated by positive reinforcement. The piece of mosaic art has become the child’s focal point onto which he projects his frustrations and internal conflicts and discharges his emotions.
Therefore, a child with ADHD can be helped settle down into calmer behaviours, by using Art media to decrease his hyperactivity. The more in-school training workshops and homework, the further this type of therapy would prove itself to be more effective compared to the other treatments used to treat this category of children.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Generative Adversarial Network for Imitation Learning from Single Demonstration
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Imitation learning is an effective method for training an autonomous agent to accomplish a task by imitating expert behaviors in their demonstrations. However, traditional imitation learning methods require a large number of expert demonstrations in order to learn a complex behavior. Such a disadvantage has limited the potential of imitation learning in complex tasks where the expert demonstrations are not sufficient. In order to address the problem, we propose a Generative Adversarial Network-based model which is designed to learn optimal policies using only a single demonstration. The proposed model is evaluated on two simulated tasks in comparison with other methods. The results show that our proposed model is capable of completing co

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 18 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
تحقيق القسم السادس من مخطوطة خبرة الفقهاء للفرغاني
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    In fact, the main idea of ​​the manuscript is to take note of a branch of Islamic jurisprudence, which is the science of jurisprudential and this manuscript in its title and subject to the men of knowledge of jurisprudence because of its ambiguity calls for thinking, and the brainstorming mood to test the intelligence of jurisprudence, Of students of knowledge jurisprudence. This section contains (25) questions starting with the question (101) and ending with (125) .

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Conjunctive Adverbials Used by Iraqi Men and Women Authors
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This paper highlights the main features of conjunctive adverbials and their occurrence in English academic prose. It accounts for the semantic roles of conjunctive adverbials, forms in which they are used, their positions within a sentence, and their frequency of occurrence in different registers with special reference to academic prose. It also tries to investigate possible differences in men's and women's use of conjunctive adverbials.
Keyword: conjunctive adverbials, linking adverbials, stance adverbials, circumstance adverbials, academic prose

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Educational values when Imam Shafie i through his hair
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In this research was the study of the educational values ​​when Shafei, contained in hair Shafi'i, and that what the role of these values ​​in the education of generations, and the possibility of their application in the educational curriculum. Find addressed Shafei life and his time. The values ​​derived from his hair, as well as quoting from the Koran and influenced by it, which is evident in the hair, governance and eating Alomthal.okzlk Find the importance of this thought in modern education, so as to realism and ease of application. It is the search results, the Shafi'i put thought educationally integral based on the Koran rise to the level of theory. Find and conclusions: that education in its present situation

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 28 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
تحقيق تحقيق القسم الثاني من مخطوطة خبرة الفقهاء
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In fact, the main idea of ​​the manuscript is to deal with  subdivision science of Islamic jurisprudence, it has a touch of ambiguity that attract all knowledge men , many students like to study it according to its ambiguity and trying to solve

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Sub–Nyquist Frequency Efficient Audio Compression
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This paper presents the application of a framework of fast and efficient compressive sampling based on the concept of random sampling of sparse Audio signal. It provides four important features. (i) It is universal with a variety of sparse signals. (ii) The number of measurements required for exact reconstruction is nearly optimal and much less then the sampling frequency and below the Nyquist frequency. (iii) It has very low complexity and fast computation. (iv) It is developed on the provable mathematical model from which we are able to quantify trade-offs among streaming capability, computation/memory requirement and quality of reconstruction of the audio signal. Compressed sensing CS is an attractive compression scheme due to its uni

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 19 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
فصول فصول من تاريخ يوحنا النيقي فتح مصر
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These Chapters are concerning a lot of information about Islamic conquest of Egypt . The important chapters are the following :- Chapter 111 :- Concerning the first encounter of Amru with the Romans at the city of Heliopolis . Chapter 112:- How all the Jews assembled in the city of manuf owing to their fear of the Muslim . the Jews left the gates of Misr open and fled to Alexandria .

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 17 2014
Journal Name
مجلة دراسات في التاريخ والاثار
نصوص اقتصادية غير منشورة من أرشيف تورام ايلي
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يعود الأرشيف إلى تورام ايلي التاجر والذي عرف في النصوص أيضا بوكيل التجار(ugula-dam-gàr)، في دوره هذا له سلطة بين التجار في مجتمعه(مجتمع التجار)، يذكر(Garfinkle) أن التجار غالبا ما اكتسبوا ألقابهم عن طريق الوراثة ذلك قد يمنح التجار حق الدخول إلى حسابات المؤسسات العامة. كان تورام ايلي تاجرا نشيطا في أعمال قروض الفضة في أواخر عهود سلالة أور الثالثة(3)، لمدة (ثمان عشرة) سنة أعتبارا من السنة الرابعة من حكم الملك أمارسن وحتى ا

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Microcontroller-Based Function Generator
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This paper describes a microcontroller-based function generator system. By the function generator sine wave, square wave, quasi-square wave, saw-tooth and triangular waveforms are generated over a wide frequency range according to user requirements. By utilizing processing capabilities of the microcontroller the hardware is minimized exceedingly. The output waveform shapes are digitally-controlled to achieve the required wave shape. The single chip microcomputer of waveform generation equipment offers the possibility of improvements in manufacture reliability, maintenance and servicing and increased control flexibility. The system is built and tested. The results of test were satisfactory and appreciated by test engineers at different ce

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Plant Archives
The effect of adding nano concentrations of hydrogen peroxide to the diluted semen of iraqi local roosters on some laboratory characteristics after cooling and cryopreservation
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This study was conducted at the poultry farm located in the College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Baghdad, Abu Gharib (the old site), and laboratories of the Animal Production Department, Jadriya, to investigate the effect of adding hydrogen peroxide H2O2 at nanoscale levels to semen diluents of local roosters sperm in a number of semen characteristics. In this study, 80 roosters local Iraqi chickens were used, the roosters were trained three times a week, to collect semen, until the largest number of them responded. Then the best 40 of the roosters were elected for the purpose of collecting the semen with a pooled sample, and then the samples were diluted and divided equally into four parts. The concentrations of 0, 1

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