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Directing treatments to employ the place in the theatrical performance

The most important topics that constitute the aesthetic and substantive aspect of the theatrical performance represented by the spatial environment of the presentation and the proposed virtual place that contains the technical and artistic elements of the presentation and highlights the strength of influence on it. In light of the above, the researchers divided the topic into four chapters.

The first chapter contained (the methodological framework), which included the research problem with regard to the directing treatments between the directors in establishing or creating theatrical venue, the importance of the research and the aim of the research, and the limits of the research to conclude the chapter by defining the terms.

The second chapter (the theoretical framework) was divided into two sections that dealt with in the first topic: (the concept of theatrical place), while the second topic came under the title (directive experiences of employing the place in the world theater), and previous studies and the results of the theoretical framework. The third chapter contains

(Research procedures) include the research sample, which is a play (Passport), the research community, the reason for selecting the sample and analyzing the sample.

While the fourth and final chapter came with (results and conclusions), and included the recommendations suggested by the researchers, as well as the proposals, and contained a list of sources

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Agricultural And Statistical Sciences
The effect of some herbicides on the companion weed to three cultivars of oats

A field experiment was carried out to find out the effect of some herbicides(Pallas, Crash, U46) on the companion weed to three cultivars of the oat crop (Shefa, Hamel, and Pimula) and the yield and its components of these cultivars. The results showed the superiority of the two treatments of spraying weed herbicides (T1 and T2 ) by giving the best results, as they recorded the lowest number of weed plants after 30 days of spraying reached 1.44 and 1.67 plant/m2 . Besides, the lowest weed dry weight was 0.11 and 0.00 g/m2, and the highest inhibition percentage in dry weight was 98.44% and 100.0% of the two treatments, respectively. The treatment T2 was also superior by giving the highest control percentage of 93.28% compared to the compari

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Scopus (6)
Publication Date
Sun Jul 31 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Role of Hormones and Toxoplasma gondii Infection to Change the Secondary Sex Ratio

     The secondary sex ratio (SSR) is affected by many factors, including the concentration of hormones and infection with some pathogens such as Toxoplasma gondii. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of hormone variability concentrations and toxoplasmosis infection on the secondary sex ratio. 150 pregnant women were selected, 60 infected with late toxoplasmosis (LT), 60 infected with early toxoplasmosis (ET) and 30 seronegative to toxoplasmosis. After tracking the birth outcomes of these women, we calculated SSR in each group. During the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, TSH, T4 and T3 concentrations were measured. The results of the three groups were compared. The results s

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Modifications to Accelerate the Iterative Algorithm for the Single Diode Model of PV Model

This paper discussed the solution of an equivalent circuit of solar cell, where a single diode model is presented. The nonlinear equation of this model has suggested and analyzed an iterative algorithm, which work well for this equation with a suitable initial value for the iterative. The convergence of the proposed method is discussed. It is established that the algorithm has convergence of order six. The proposed algorithm is achieved with a various values of load resistance. Equation by means of equivalent circuit of a solar cell so all the determinations is achieved using Matlab in ambient temperature. The obtained results of this new method are given and the absolute errors is demonstrated.

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Wed Mar 23 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Meta-Motivation and its Relationship to the Uniqueness Seeking of the Engineering Colleges Students

The current study aims to identify:The meta-motivation and Uniqueness seeking of the study sample. The correlated  relationship among them. The present study sample consists of (400) students from the colleges of engineering, University of Baghdad, and the University of Technology in the academic year (2019-2020), and the researcher has adopted the Chen Scale (1995)to measure the meta-motivation after its translation into Arabic by(Al-Samawi,2011).The scale includes six dimensions. The researcher has also adopted the Snyder&Fromkin scale (1980) to measure the uniqueness  seeking after translating and adapting it into the Arabic environment. The scale consists of three dimensions. The results show that students of the Facult

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 02 2016
Journal Name
American Scientific Research Journal For Engineering, Technology, And Sciences
Girder Load Share for the Curved I-Girder Bridge Subjected to the Point Load

The objective of this research is to study experimentally and theoretically the girder vertical load share of the curved I-Girder bridges subjected to the point load in addition to the self-weigh and supper imposed dead loads. The experimental program consist of manufacturing and testing the five simply supported bridge models was scaled down by (1/10) from a prototype of 30m central span. The models carriageway central radii are 30 m, 15m or 10m. The girder spacing of the first two models is 175 mm with an overall carriageway width of 650mm. The girder spacing of the other three bridge models is 200mm with the overall carriageway width of 700 mm. The overall depth of the composite section was 164 mm. To investigate the effect of live load

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 26 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Wisdom-Based Thinking and its Relationship to the Psychological Capital: طلل غالب علوان

The present study aims to identify wisdom-based thinking and its relationship to psychological capital. It further aims to find out the differences in the level of wisdom-based thinking and psychological capital according to the variables of gender and specialization (scientific, humanities). To achieve this, the study has been conducted on a sample of (380) male and female students. The two scales, wisdom-based thinking and psychological capital are implemented to the sample after being constructed by the researcher and after ensuring their psychometric characteristics' suitability for the study's aims. Results concerning the first aim have shown that there is a significant relationship among students. The second aim has revealed that t

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Estimation of the names and verbs of some letters to consider the grammatical industry

Estimation of the names and verbs of some letters to consider the grammatical industry

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Studying of the Amount of Energy Required to Operate the Nursery Tray Planting Machine
Abstract<p>A study was conducted at the University of Baghdad-College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences - Department of Agricultural Machinery and Equipment for the agricultural season 2023 with the aim of designing, manufacturing and testing a machine used to planting agricultural nursery tray with different types of vegetable or horticultural seeds or forest seeds of various forms, and using different agricultural media where they are conducted The planting process is by pulling the seeds with a negative pressure vacuum system, and then they are feding to the dishes in their right place to complete the planting process. The study included three factors: The speed of the main belt in three l</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Craniofacial Surgery
Pros and Cons of the Transconjunctival Retroseptal Approach to the Isolated Orbital Floor Fracture

To get access into the orbital floor 3 paths are commonly used which are transconjunctival, subciliary and subtarsal approaches. Each one of these approaches has its advantages and disadvantages. The study assessed the outcomes of the transconjunctival retroseptal approach, which reflects our experience in this type of surgery. Along 8 years, 26 patients received in the emergency room diagnosed with pure isolated orbital floor fractures, all of them admitted to the maxillofacial surgery department and approached by transconjunctival incision without lateral canthotomy. Three types of complications occurred: laceration of the lower eyelid, injury to the lacrimal system and entropion. All of these complications were managed accordingly with n

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 28 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Activating the developmental potential of the historical center to city of Baghdad (Rusafa side)

The types of development potential in the city vary, from the nature of city, to its society, environment, economy, and history. The city of Baghdad contains many historical development potentials out of using, and most of them towards declining, this will be the research problem, within the aim of trying to clarify how to invest one of the important historical elements in the development of the city, based on the hypothesis that the sustainable development of the city should be stand on the activation of its historical assets. The historical wall of Baghdad is located on the Rusafa side, which is a wall that has not been left except for one gate and the site of another gate from it is f

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