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المضامين الفكرية في تصميم الطوابع العراقية

تعد الطوابع احدى وسائل الاتصال المهمة في المجتمع لما تتميز به من مستوى في القيمة الفنية والفكرية، فضلاً عن كونها وسيلة من وسائل الخطاب الاعلامي وذلك لتعدد وظائفها التي من ابرزها:التوثيق لمرحلة معينة وحدث ما.التداولية الرسمية للمراسلات المحلية والعالمية.الاعلانية كونها تعطي انطباعاً عن مراحل التطور والتقدم الاجتماعي والحضاري والسياسي للمجتمع.الدعائية لما تتضمنه من مفاهيم وأفكار وتوجهات سياسية واقتصادية.انطلاقاً مما تقدم تأتي عملية الاهتمام بالطوابع بشكل عام وتصاميمها بشكل خاص كمطبوع له مضامين فكرية تخدم تلك الوظائف المشار اليها أنفاً.بناءً على ذلك اجرى الباحث دراسة استطلاعية تمحورت حول:اصدارات الطوابع البريدية العراقية للكشف عن جوانب الضعف في تصاميمها فنياً وفكرياً، فضلاً عن الاطلاع على المصادر والادبيات التي تناولت في محتواها موضوع الطوابع البريدية، كذلك تم الاطلاع على الدراسات والبحوث العلمية التي تناولت في مشكلاتها تصاميم الطوابع البريدية، فوجد ان هناك اشارات عديدة حول وجود خلل فني وفكري يتمثل بضعف التوافق بين الشكل والمضمون لاغلب تصاميم الطوابع

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
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Design contexts in interior space design (sewing workshops as a model)

The topic of context is one of the important topics, which was mentioned as a concept in several fields and different fields, and there were many points of view that defined that concept.
He specified the title of the research (design contexts in the design of the interior space), as the research sought to identify the concept of context in the interior design of the spaces of sewing workshops. The research was divided into four chapters:
The first chapter, which consists of the methodological framework, the problem of research and the need for it, the importance of research, the goal and limits of research for sewing workshops for vocational schools from (2020-2021).
The second chapter: consists of previous studies and the theo

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
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Emotional Motivation in industrial products design and its reflection on the consumer

This research discusses the subject of emotional stimulation factors through the stages of product design interaction with the consumer and what they reflect in the formation of a self-consideration of the design in his emotional memory regarding the specific brand through the following question (What is the emotional stimulus in the design of certain products and its reflection on the consumer during the processes of receiving and using it?), The importance of the research comes in the connection of design elements with many sensory factors used and motivating to attract the consumer to the acquisition of a specific design and the demand for its experience, the study aims Detection and access to emotional stimulation in the design of th

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
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Formal Substitution in Logo Design: حاتم كاطع لكن حسن

substitution is considered a method of meaning enrichment and is a formal substitution for the letter or the word inside the text, and it is an expression substitution that is a replacement of an element of a text with a formal or graphic element, and a substitution of a latter form by a previous vocalization, thus it results in a cohesive expression. Replacement inside the text happens through the existing relation between the word or the letter and the form within the phenomenon that is based on enhancing the meaning in a way that delimits the context. There are many studies and researches written about replacement, especially in the textual linguistics that focused on the literary and linguistic texts. Hence, the researcher found that

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
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Functional variables of responsive materials in product design

The research discussed the topic of the functional role of responsive materials in being elements of a functional transformation in the design of industrial products, based on the study of the structures of smart materials and their performance capabilities at the level of action and self-reaction that characterize this type of materials.

Basic features of responsive materials have been identified to be elements of self-functional insertion into the industrial product design, which contributes to raising the efficiency and functional capacity of the industrial product and enhancing the ability of products to perform self-acting interactions in the structural structure of the material structure of the product and its ability to res

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Designing system cost for water pollution plants in mayoralty of Baghdad

          There is an increase in the need for cost accounting in all organizations and from different sectors to provide detailed information to the totals of financial accounting, first and help solve problems associated with inventory and analysis, tabulation and allocation of cost elements II and do the planning process and provide the necessary oversight and help to take the right decisions such as pricing decisions that need to Information cost accounting.
And suffer most of the non-governmental organizations from the lack of a cost accounting system provides information on the cost of service in these organizations and the department research sample circle v

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 12 2017
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The reality of Figure and content in the design of logos, civil society organizations

Civil society organizations in Iraq have become a community hard case dispensable as the link between the state institutions and their leaders, and between citizens of different orientations and age groups, as it represents the diversity of the terms of reference and understanding of the laws and standards of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which requires governments to provide supplies president of its citizens to live in dignity, direct and Msasha in the life of society and the dictates we scientific our role in achieving scientific benefit and transfer of expertise to the community has become imperative for the researcher to campaign in the midst of the scientific research of the slogans of those or

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 24 2016
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Balance Role in designing cloth curtain: مها غازي توفيق

Designing cloth is a part from culture and civilization of the area of every state to prove its being in all times because it is grown with Man to establish both goals: usefulness and beauty.It is necessary that designer puts in his mind the importance of the designing sources that he derives his designs from , because those sources are also important in that time especially :The Iraqi Ancient Civilization , the Islamic Civilization and Iraqi Folklores . Not to use the cloth sources that doesn't have well known roots in addition to lacking of elements and bases of balance in its different aspects. In conclusion to that studying research subject comes. (Balance Role in designing cloth curtains) The idea or the problem of the research is t

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
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Usage of the visual elements in the interior designing of indoor swimming pools

The research specializes in (Usage of the visual elements in the interior designing of indoor swimming pools), the research seeks to provide a study that contributes to providing scientific and knowledge material, as a reference for researchers, students of interior design and architecture, and companies constructing indoor swimming pools.
The objective research is to detect the actual state of the interior design of the indoor swimming pools, and recognize the most important standards and techniques used in its design to provide appropriate design solutions if needed also Proposing a development proposals for the interior design of indoor swimming pools, the theoretical framework of this study, included two sections, The first one ta

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 08 2025
Journal Name
Economics And Administrative Studies Journal (easj) (formerly Al-dananeer Journal)
تاثير مبادئ حلقة القرار OODA)) في خفة الحركة الاستراتيجية – دراسة ميدانية في عدد من مستشفيات مدينة بغداد

The research aims to diagnose the level of relationship and effect of the decision cycle (OODA) principles on strategic agility, aware of the importance of the subject itself as one of the modern themes which were writings around it somewhat limited, as well as pursuing to study it in a field which the nature of its activities requires the a necessary link between the decision cycle principles and strategic agility, the health institutions was the best, (Medical city, Al Yarmouk) both hospitals were selected as a society for research, and doctors working in emergency departments was as a sample, included (26) doctor from the first hospital, and (27) doctor from the Second, total sample was (53) doctor, by applying a number of descriptive st

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 21 2011
Journal Name
Tikrit Journal For Agricultural Sciences 11 (3)‏
تأثير الأسمدة الكيميائية وطريقة الري في الصفات الخضرية لفسائل صنفين من نخيل التمر المزروعة في الترب الجبسية.