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معالجات تصفيف الشعر عند المرأة بين عصر فجر السلالات والعصر البابلي القديم
لوادي الرافدين مكانه عريقة بين باقي الدول العريقة الأخرى ويتميز في تطوره الحضاري في عدة مجالات وهذا أعطاه مكانه كبيرة بين الأمم الأخرى المجاورة حتى أصبح منبعا تنهل منه الأمم الأخرى المعرفة بكل جوانبها , وان دراسة الآثار الفنية القديمة تكشف لنا جانب من جوانب التاريخ الذي يعيننا على فهم حاضر الإنسان وكيف وصل إلى ما هو عليه. وتكشف لنا الأصول الأساسية لتراث البشرية منذ أقدم العصور, وكذلك تعد الآثار الفنية مصدرا مهما لدراسة الطرز الفنية القديمة و تطورها من عصر لآخر ولمعرفة الدوافع الفنية والموضوعات التي عني بها الفنانون سواء كانت دينية أو الموضوعات التي تتصل بمظاهر الحياة اليومية .استخدم الإنسان في وادي الرافدين المنحوتات كوسيلة أولى للتعبير عن مظاهر حياته في جميع جوانبها وخص بحثنا بدراسة المعالجات التي قام بها النحات العراقي القديم فيما يخص اختلاف وتنوع أشكال تصفيفات الشعر في فن النحت في بلاد الرافدين من خلال التعرف على أشكالها وأنواعها في عصر فجر السلالات والعصر البابلي القديم, وتوضيح الاختلاف و المقارنة بين هذين العصرين للحصول على النتائج المطلوبة
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparison between RSA and CAST-128 with Adaptive Key for Video Frames Encryption with Highest Average Entropy

Encryption of data is translating data to another shape or symbol which enables people only with an access to the secret key or a password that can read it. The data which are encrypted are generally referred to as cipher text, while data which are unencrypted are known plain text. Entropy can be used as a measure which gives the number of bits that are needed for coding the data of an image. As the values of pixel within an image are dispensed through further gray-levels, the entropy increases. The aim of this research is to compare between CAST-128 with proposed adaptive key and RSA encryption methods for video frames to determine the more accurate method with highest entropy. The first method is achieved by applying the "CAST-128" and

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 10 2016
Journal Name
مجلة الادارة والاقتصاد
تحليل وقياس العلاقة بين نسبة تفضيل السيولة ومعدل التضخم في الاقتصاد العراقي للمدة 1990-2016

تفضيل السيولة - تضخم جانب الطلب - الاستقرار النقدي - معدل التضخم

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 07 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Economic Sciences University
العلاقة بين القدرات المعرفية وتمكين العاملين بحث تحليلي في هيئة رعاية ذوي الاعاقة والاحتياجات الخاصة

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Speech Acts Through Ages - A Comprative Study between Traditional and Modren Approches

This study has been developed axes of the search, including: Search (deliberative) language and idiomatically, and Description Language (b social phenomenon), and the definition of the theory of (acts of speech), and discussed the problem of the conflict between tradition and innovation, as defined objectively have a target aimed at reviving the deliberative thought when Arab scholars , and the balance between the actual done Arab and Western rhetoric, but Meet in intellectual necessity, a sober reading that preserve the Arab language prestige, and its position in the light of the growing tongue Sciences, as long as we have inherited minds unique, and heritage huge able to consolidate the Arab theory lingual in linguistics.

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Organizational Structure Analysis Via the dimension of the Organic synthesis

The study focused on the identification of the natural relation between the organizational components, and the most important is the organizational structure, which not hid its effect on each function and operation of the organizational structure through commanding the individual craters and its forms according to the requirement of these function, also it has relation with an organic synthesis that between the dimensions of the organic synthesis and the practice side in the commission of Integrity.

The problem of the research pensioned in some questions about hypothesis and theoretical parts, in which they go a mention about the hypothesis questions is to use all the knowledge's in this atmosphere and th

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 14 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
التحديات التحديات المعاصرة للثقافة الإسلامية دراسة في الصورة النمطية المتبادلة للسلام وللحرب بين الإسلام والغرب

Islamic Culture face many challenges Such as، Secularism، westrenism، globalism and Colonialism under current attempts For western States and united states of America to dominate on world and Confront all her Opponent Polaris it be clear when U. S. A. Occupied Afghanistan and Iraq and Threatened many Arabic and Islamic States

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 25 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
قراء واسط في كتاب "غاية النهاية في طبقات القراء" لأبن الجزري"ت832هـ"بين التراث والمعاصرة

خص ابن الجزري في كتابه هذا قراء واسط بمجموعه من التراجم التي قدمها وفق صياغات  منهجية منوعه اعتمدت على الأسس والضوابط التي التزم بها في تقديم تلك التراجم الخاصة بقراء واسط بصورة خاصة  والتراجم الأخرى بصورة عامه مشيرا إليها من خلال بعض الصياغات الفنية في الروايات التي كان لها أثرها في البناء الفكري للتراث .

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 18 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
التعايش السلمي في الاسلام بين التنظير والتطبيق عهد الامام علي (عليه السلام) للاشتر النخعي / انموذجا

     Peaceful coexistence is not seen as a new topic of secretions of modern civilization, a requirement to solve the problems of our era or one of the indications of urgent immediate needs, rather, tolerance is considered basis for building a state. Therefore, we can touch on the principles and basics of tolerance in the Holy Qur’an, the speeches of the Messenger (may God bless him and grant him peace) and his hadiths, and the principle of brotherhood that he established

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The relationship between the muslim authorities and prominent Christian personalities within their territories


The prophet said that it anybody burdened any of the people or the book more than they could endure he would ben his opponent until the day of judgment.

-under the rightly guided caliphs the Christians had much freedom .this is shown by a letter attributed to ishu-yab III. The Nestorian catholics.

-The third caliph,Uthman favoured the Christians either because of the spcial skills or abilities which they possessed or through the imfluence of his Christian wife Na'ila.

-Under the early Umayyade,the christiansins the Isalamic umma had as much freedom as they had previously enjoyed under the best of their Christians governments because they restorted their churches and appointed many Christians to the

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of the relationship between the degree of economic freedom and foreign trade of selected developing countries for the period (1990-2005) *

Is a high degree of economic freedom an important part in the development of the economies of developing countries in the last decade of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twentieth century and the atheist. This is because a test subject (deltoid analysis of the relationship between the degree of economic freedom and foreign trade of selected developing countries for the period
( 1990 -2005) to determine the degree of economic freedom in foreign trade promotion in Singapore and Turkey. The research recommends a number of  recommendations, the most important is the responsibility of the Ministry of Planning in Iraq that is providing the necessary data for the Fraser Institute, the aim of increasing cooperation

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