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People of China's Economic Diplomacy Toward Japan 1949-1972
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Chinese policy was characterized in general toward Japan caution and fear and try to
mobilize all energies and alliances possible in order to interact and deal with that neighbor
foe, has that policy been in all its aspects to the enticements of regional and local conflicts, as
well as international variables that were the hardest and most influential on them.
The importance of the choice of the People of China's economic diplomacy toward the
study of Japan during the period of the Cold War is that each of them was in transition, China
at that time was barely beyond the midst of a civil war (1945-1949) led to the split into two
states: China, led by the People Mao Tse-Tung and Beijing as its capital, the National China
(Taiwan), led by Chiang Kai-shek and the capital, Taipei, has been for each of these two
countries own ideology which constitutes the basis of international alliances and relations
with its neighbors, particularly Japan, the People's China once believed in the Communist
ideology and taken economically and politically, have a system, and it allied with the Soviet
Union as the leader of that thought, while China took the national title of capitalist ideology
and its allied with its leader of the United States of America.
As for Japan, the position was not less disruptive of China as they are also constrained
by international agreements imposed after losing in the Second World War in 1945, as well asthe United States control over the policy of internal and external that country, so Japan were
not free to choose friendships and economic cooperation with other countries.
All These premises show the importance of popular economic diplomacy study of
China to Japan during the period 1949-1972, since this study reflect a clear and
comprehensive picture of the visions and the Chinese trade in all its aspects during that
period, especially that of China followed a new style of politics, namely the use of the
economic side as a means to achieve a political goal Fabtadt so the style and the military trend
that prevailed, as well as, the importance of the study of this subject at that time specifically is
that it is absent and a new page reveal at the same time of the Cold War pages were raging in
the continent of Asia, used the economic hub as a weapon new and important in that war.

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Hydrogeological Conditions of Qazaniyah Sub-basin in Diyala / Iraq
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The study area is located in the eastern part of the Diyala Governorate close to the Iraqi-Iranian border. This study was set to investigate the hydrogeological calculations of northeast of Qazaniyah wells where the groundwater moves in directions of from the northeastern parts towards the southwestern par, that is, the same direction of the topography and the same direction of the tendency of the layers t. The study‘s region is characterized by visible geological layers or those that can be penetrated to a reasonable depth by wells which are sedimentary rocks deposited in continental or semi-continental conditions in the bays. From the study of the hydraulic properties of the two hydrogeological and exemplary systems, the values of tr

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
symmetric analysis of multiple variables classified ranked orthogonal polynomials
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MCA has gained a reputation for being a very useful statistical method for determining the association between two or more categorical variables and their graphical description. For performance this method, we must calculate the singular vectors through (SVD). Which is an important primary tool that allows user to construct a low-dimensional space to describe the association between the variables categories. As an alternative procedure to use (SVD), we can use the (BMD) method, which involves using orthogonal polynomials to reflect the structure of ordered categorical responses. When the features of BMD are combined with SVD, the (HD) is formed. The aim of study is to use alternative method of (MCA) that is appropriate with order

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The phenomenon of military governments in the Arab countries
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The modern nation state, by virtue of its institutional nature, is divided into political and non-political institutions according to their respective jurisdictions. It is natural for non-political institutions to perform their functions under the control of the political establishment, for two reasons: first, Second: Ensuring the achievement of cooperation, harmony and integration between these different institutions in serving the stability of the society and its continuity and achieving its supreme objectives. The location of the military establishment is part of the non-political institutions of the state, since it carries out a non-political function that is based on defending the homeland against any threats that may threaten its s

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 07 2025
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
Efforts of Modern Arabs in Neurolinguistics, a cognitive approach
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Neurolinguistics is a new science, which studies the close relationship between language and neuroscience, and this new interdisciplinary field confirms the functional integration between language and the nervous system, that is, the movement of linguistic information in the brain in receiving, acquiring and producing to achieve linguistic communication; Because language is in fact a mental process that takes place only through the nervous system, and this research shows the benefit of each of these two fields to the other, and this science includes important topics, including: language acquisition, the linguistic abilities of the two hemispheres of the brain, the linguistic responsibility of the brain centers, and the time limit for langua

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Explaining the actions of God Almighty in Ash'ari thought
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Are the actions and rulings of God Almighty justified by intentions and purposes or not? This is a matter of the minutes of the science of theology in which there was a wide difference between the Islamic groups, especially the verbal ones.

This study is an attempt to reach the correct opinion or to avoid it, and to clarify the disagreement that took place in this issue, especially in the Ash'ari school of thought, and it is also an attempt to reconcile opinions as much as possible, and to explain what may appear to be disagreements among some.

Therefore, I divided this research into two topics, and issued it with an introduction in which I defined the terms that are related to the explanation.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2012
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Profiles of indignation and indiscretion in pre-Islamic poetry
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Profiles of indignation and indiscretion in pre-Islamic poetry

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Dialectical perspective and treatment in poetry of Khalil Hawi
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Were not experience Khalil Hawi capillary module as presented or routine in the format
of the implications , but was saturated transitions quality that targeted built by visionary and
mechanisms expressive , Valgosaidp when the container is a clash between two worlds world
Nahdi to promote world on the ashes , and often strained poet himself to achieve an approach
between worlds , and in the midst of those caesarean section exhausted poet in touch his tools
and visions , and this is why the poetry Hawi toward westernization expressive as a result of
the conflict concepts chronic , be sure to researcher not engaged in the overall qualitative
changes in the structure and content, but the goal Acetknah level that qualit

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 05 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of vibrio cholerae enterotoxin on phagocytosis in vitro
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Enterotoxin of Vibrio cholerae was extracted by cooling centrifuge at 6.000 rpm for 30 minntes. and filtrated by using milipore filter (0.22 ?m). The effect of crude enterotoxin on phagocytosis was studied by measuring the phagocytic index for 20 blood sample which were collected from healthy people and treated with enterotoxin in addition to control samples. From the results we found that phagocytic index of blood sample which were treated with enterotoxin was 42.9% while the phagocytic index of control blood samples was 64%. This means that there is a negative effect for the enterotoxin resulted from vibrio choleaa on the activity of phagocytic index.

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Behavior of Gypseous Soil under Vertical Vibration Loading
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The dynamic response of foundation rest on collapsible soil in dry and soaked states is studied through wide experimental programmed. Gypseous soil from Tikrit governorate area was obtained and subjected to various physical and chemical analysis to determine its properties. Steel rectangular footing (400x200x20) mm is manufactured. The machine is fitted to the footing, then the model machine foundation is placed centrally over the prepared soil layer in steel container (1200x 1000x1000)mm with proper care to maintain the center of gravity of whole system lie in the same vertical line with container.Then, the footing is subjected to vertical harmonic loading using a rotating mass type mechanical oscillator to simulate different dynamic lo

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Buckling Analysis of Stiffened and Unstiffened Laminated Composite Plates
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The present study focused mainly on the analysis of stiffened and unstiffened composite laminated plates subjected to buckling load. Analytical, numerical and experimental analysis for different cases has been considered. The experimental investigation is to manufacture the laminates and to find mechanical properties of glass-polyester such as longitudinal, transverse young modulus, shear modulus. The compressive test was carried to find the critical buckling load of plate. The design parameters of the laminates such as aspect ratio, thickness ratio, boundary conditions and number of stiffeners were investigated using high order shear deformation theory (HOST) and Finite element coded by ANSYS .The main conclusion was the buckling load c

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