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The Infertility problems HS Effects on human development
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  • The problem of infertility considers one of the chronic problem a which faced the
    individual & families equally . This problem causes a negative effects in psychological ,
    social and development fields. The infertility contributes in weakening the human
    development, when the human development has become as a centre point which centered
    about individual preparing , rehabilitation, training and knowledge toreach to the required
    We think that , the infertility destroys the socially development; therefore the socially and
    scientific institutions are working hard to find successful solution to resolve the problem
    infertility through sophisticated and scientific methods. This problem faces the human being
    may be caused to woman by Biological failure or for psychological and social resons , as well
    as the man for the same resons. The scientific studies proved that , there are some solution are
    available for women infertility while unavailable for meninfertility . This research has aimed
    to identify the causes and effects .The first subject has studied the scientific concepts while
    the second subject has studied the topic of marriage and reproduction . then studied the human
    development and its effects on the communities .
    There are two topics which are devoted for the applies side by create a form which is applied
    to a sample of (100) clients of (males and females) were taken from three different places as
    (the Higher Institute of Infetility Diagnosis & the Assisted techniques for the reprouduction /
    Al- Nahrain University , Kama; Al- Samarrai Hospital for Infertility treatment and Zeenat Al—Hayat centre for Infertility treatment and IVF). The research is found to many results ,
    the most impotant one is that the causes of the infertility are resulted from some diseases
    such as (psychic shock, disorder in sexual and environmental pollution).
    The research finds a set of recommendations and proposals which we can contribute in
    finding suitable solutions this problem.
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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Alexandria Engineering Journal
Impact of development on Baghdad’s urban microclimate and human thermal comfort
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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Multi-dimensional poverty and sustainable human development in Iraq
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The problem of poverty and deprivation constitute a humanitarian tragedy and its continuation may threaten the political achievements reached by the State. Iraq, in particular, and although he is one of the very rich countries due to availability of huge economic wealth, poverty indicators are still high. In addition, the main factor in the decline in the standard of living due to the weakness of the government's performance in the delivery of public services of water, electricity and sanitation. Thus, the guide for human development has been addressed which express the achievements that the state can be achieved both on a physical level or on the human level, so in order to put appropriate strategies and policies aimed at elimin

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Development human capital Across practices management
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           The objective of this research is to study the effect of human capital dimensions (knowledge, skills, abilities, value) and his management dimensions (leadership practices, employess engagement, access knowledge, workforce optimization, learning capacity) with the Office of the Inspector General's staff - the Iraqi Ministry of Culture, has depended questionnaire as a tool in data and information related to research collection, as distributed to a sample of (63) individuals were distributed in positions (director, director of the Division of employees) the search data analysis using ready-statistical program (spss) the researcher used hypothesis testing and correlation c

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 16 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
City of Baghdad Analysis of the mechanisms of economic action in the development and development
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The economy of a city has an important role not only in its establishment but also in its development. This is quite clear in the city of Baghdad throughout its history since its building in 762 A.D. In addition, most of its problems that the city is suffering from are basically related to not giving enough importance to the economic factors in the master planning of Baghdad since 1950’s. This may explain the failiars of master plans in dealing with the actual population growth and the city's inability to absorb such increases and interrelated and diverse activities which are negatively reflected on the economic variables particularly the effect on the land values, and the strong competitions amongst the land uses without previ

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Problems Facing Working Women in the Labor Market (The Mall) as a Model:a Field Study in Al-RusafaArea/ Baghdad
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Most studies and research have tried to shed light on unemployment and employment in general, with less focus on the problems facing working women and the resulting social and economic consequences that threaten their human and professional lives. For women, working is one of the basic necessities for the sustainability of human life, and it constitutes an essential axis for both sexes and through it. It also gives a person the status and social status where the individual finds a ready opportunity to practice his intentions and desires, test his abilities and talents, and achieve his ambitions. The availability of full employment in general and the joining of women to the labor market is an important and fundamental factor in the sustai

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Violence in late age of human life
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This study focused on the various forms of violence that aged people encounter in their late life, the significance of taking measures that enhance not only the welfare for aged people but also the influence of early stage of life and how the old age effects on people experience throughout their live. Further, the importance of raising the awareness among communities to the extent of seriousness of old age in order to teach children the right habits and traditions, which are faded away over time.  The researcher indicated that raising the avenues of collaboration among home members, social organization, and all governmental facilities will support and provide a good treatment for this group of people.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The development of imaginal thinking and its relation with adults' problems
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The behavior of thinking is consider one of the modern concepts that appear in the last 20 years, this concept has attracted the attention of psychologists and researchers for thinking has a great role in many fields like teaching ,educational,economical,cultural and social fields.
One of thinking manner is imaginal thinking that has a great role in human civilization. imaginal thinking lead to innovation ,poems, inventions and arts. imaginal thinkingled to highscores in talented schools by escalating their thinking range and solving problems that consider one of organized and free assumption thinking.
The development of problems thinking strategies reflect the development of organized brain process ability.
That studies assumes

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Physics Of Fluids
Modeling the effects of slip on dipole–wall collision problems using a lattice Boltzmann equation method
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We study the physics of flow due to the interaction between a viscous dipole and boundaries that permit slip. This includes partial and free slip, and interactions near corners. The problem is investigated by using a two relaxation time lattice Boltzmann equation with moment-based boundary conditions. Navier-slip conditions, which involve gradients of the velocity, are formulated and applied locally. The implementation of free-slip conditions with the moment-based approach is discussed. Collision angles of 0°, 30°, and 45° are investigated. Stable simulations are shown for Reynolds numbers between 625 and 10 000 and various slip lengths. Vorticity generation on the wall is shown to be affected by slip length, angle of incidence,

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Publication Date
Sun May 07 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Numerical Simulation to Study the Effects of Riemann Problems on the Physical Properties of the Astrophysics Gas Dynamics
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In this work we run simulation of gas dynamic problems to study the effects of Riemann
problems on the physical properties for this gas.
We studied a normal shock wave travels at a high speed through a medium (shock tube). This
would cause discontinuous change in the characteristics of the medium, such as rapid rise in
velocity, pressure, and density of the flow.
When a shock wave passes through the medium, the total energy is preserved but the energy
which can be extracted as work decreases and entropy increases.
The shock tube is initially divided into a driver and a driven section by a diaphragm. The
shock wave is created by increasing the pressure in the driver section until the diaphragm bursts,

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Relationship between Fiscal Policy and Human Development Analytical Studay Of Iraq Using The (ARDL)Model
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Fiscal policy is one of the important economic tools that affect economic development in general and human development in particular through its tools (public revenues, public expenditures, and the general budget).

It was hoped that the effects of fiscal policy during the study period (2004-2007) will positively reflect on human development indicators (health, education, income) by raising these indicators on the ground. After 2003, public revenues in Iraq increased due to increased revenues. However, despite this increase in public budgets, the actual impact on human development and its indicators was not equivalent to this increase in financial revenues. QR The value of the general budget allocations ha

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