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Eloquence Assemblage in Andalusian Poetry
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The eloquence assemblage, as it is appeared in this research, is the most prominent terms that
accompany the art. It includes the whole artworkand it does not stop at the borders of the
construction, but also extends to the material presented in this or that work. It means the
discovery of all that essential in the material presented and it is far away from what is
accidental and fleeting. Moreover, it is the type of pressure of the poetic status and the
familiarity with the material flowing subconsciously. It means that the clever poet masters his
language alongside with his discernment and intelligence framed by fast-witted. The semantic
assemblage within the technical construction means focusing on what embodies that material
and it suggests it and expresses it and gets rid of everything that is redundant, such as extra
explanation and details and every thing that has relationship with disability of the art work
effectiveness. The eloquence assemblage includes the technical image as the image is a spatial
and temporal forms that includes a brief process where no place but for the essentials to
represent a distinct and unique linguistic and stylistics economic. The eloquence assemblage
makes the text opened to interpretation, especially when it becomes a source for the
mysterious and suggested symbols and signs assemblaged within the framework of the
technical picture and what metaphor, allegory and simile it has and it plays an important role
in enriching the semantic meaning. In fact this depends on the poet's ability and the speed of
his picking all that is striking and influential and summarizes his artistic work in the overall
equation similar to the chemical equation. The researcher discusses the eloquence assemblage
in several axes and as followings:
- words assemblage linguistically and idiomatically
- pressure of words and its semantic interpretation
- Mystery and its suggestive connotations
- Clarity and its creative and technical connotations
- eloquence mobilization and its artistic continuous.
At the end, the research puts a list of references and sources and the abstract in English.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
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Among the findings of the research are:
1. This type of ambiguity is old in use and was adopted by the Arab poets as a
reaction against hyperbole and as a tendency towards compression of expression that
results in an. amusing suspension through the use of irony. The Andalusian poets
tended to employ this form because it involves interaction and interrogation,
2. Furthermore, it indicates the poet’s insight, talent and skill and it is, therefore,
regarded as a form. Of verse discourse that appeals to the reader, in contrast to
3. Its presence in Andalusian poetry is evident n eulogy and descriptive poetry and it
held a place of prominence as a poetic form in achieving these purposes.
4. Through i

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Repetition in Criticism Experience in Andalus Poetry
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Internal Music is considered as a basis to form music melody that sends rapture and
ecstasy within ones selves since it occurs directly on ears ( hearing) and since it tightens the
meaning to make it penetrating into Heart. It is rhythmic organization occurred inside the text
due to movements of internal sounds since rhythm heavily depends on language and
pronunciation. Repetition adds music melody to the poetic text since it increases music in
poetry. The sounds that reoccurred either be letters or words are no more than confirmation.
Thus , repetition is artistic phenomena most poets resorted to as to diverse his subjects and
metaphors he depicts in his poetry. The repetition has achieved artistic aesthetics , mean

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Contradictions in experience of Criticism in Andalus Poetry
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Metaphor has been occupied first place among eloquent methods to build metaphors;
poetry with the latter becomes senseless thing. Metaphor is necessary part of energy that
sustains the poetry. Sentence of metaphor regarded more eloquent than the reality since it
does not conduct directly to the meaning , but rather get to it indirectly. Metaphor is
considered one of the most tools for the poet since it is a means of expression about his
sensation and feelings . Andalus paid concerns over metaphors as that being incited by their
country beauty and nature. The poet might resort to contradiction as to picture contraries
within himself.
Through pictures of contradictions depicted by the poets , it has explained that t

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The eloquence of the poetic image in the poetry of the Andalusian son of Labanism is a stylistic approach
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The resort to the eloquence of the poetic image as a style reveals the poet's creativity and creativity in dealing with external influences, and reflect them with emotional images express a sense of intense emotional imagination, and this imagination stems from the experience of a poetic sense of truth, tasted by the recipient before the creator of the poetic text.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Social Motive Behind the Inclusion of Moses Story Within Andalusi Poetry
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The significance of the social motivation lies in showing the great and important role of the story of the prophet of ( Moser ( Peace upon him) in Quran , especially , it is considered the greatest one in Quran , as that confirmed by the poets of Andalusera ,as it includes aspects similar to that prevailing over in their environments and their social life via the social motivation. Moreover , the relation's poets with the Andalus society where suitability prevailing over consistent with the events of the story; bedsides, artistic expression about the society for being considered as a trust mirror reflect real facts surrounded by the Andalussociety with all its sides and aspects . Thus , the poet takes Quran , especially the story of Mose

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The invention in the criticism of the Andalusian Muwashah
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The research has arrived to the following results:
1. There were critical views that accompanied the beginnings of (Muwashah). These
views were derived from literary criticism that handled the ancient Arabic poetry, especially
its kinds that were concerned with artificiality in addition to the views based on rivalry
among makers of (Muwashah) in front of the audience so as to judje who is the best
according to artistic response.
2. There existed new critical views, their originality was shown through the new critical
theories that appeared especially those concerned with receiving the text and reading theory.
3. The Muwashah was one of the most important poetic arts that reproduced previous
text, not in the tra

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Beauty Icon in Andalusian Poetry
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إن تجسيد الشعراء للجمال واقامته تمثالا مصورا مرئيا ، كان الهدف منه اولا اشاعة جو نفسي مريح في مقدمات قصائد المديح ، فهو الجزء البصري الممتع لمدركات حسية اخرى ترافقه، وأما المرامي  الاخرى 

ﻓﮭﻲ إﻣﺘﺎع اﻟﻨﻔﺲ إﻣﺎ ﺑﺎﺳﺘﺮﺟﺎع أﺟﻤﻞ ﺻﻮرة أو أﻧﻤﻮذج ﻗﺎﺋﻢ ﻓﻲ اﻟﺬاﻛﺮة، وﺟﻌﻠﮫ ﯾﺤﯿﺎ ﻣﻦ ﺟﺪﯾﺪ ﻟﺪواﻋﻲ اﻟﺤﻨﯿﻦ للاماكن والازمنة الاثيرة . أو الميل للتعبير عن الوعي الجمالي الذي يتصل بموضوع الج

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 11 2025
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
Musical relational in Andalusian poetry (Ibn al-Abar (d. 595 AH - 658 AH) as an example)
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The voice had a special place in the writting of the Andalusian poet (Ibn al-Abar ) , which aroused my attention because of the sonic capacity of the lettering inside the poetic at Ibn al-Abar poems . So Istudied the qualities of the lettering , structures and their exits . Scientists have not been able to determine the musical from the nonmusical sound , but we find the innate ability of Ibn al-Abar , which was able to determine this by using the lettering the right places and to revival the life to reflect the moments of his life , therefore came votes to express his purposes of praise and pride Etc. The poet Ibn al-Abar could exploit the lettering features in the effect of bilateral – static and moving and its ability to e

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Mother in Contemporary Islamic Poetry _ An artistic study in models of contemporary Islamic poetry
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This research deals with a part of our heritage and Arab culture, which is the poetry of contemporary Islamic poets, especially the poetry that was said in the mother in contemporary Islamic poetry, when extrapolating the offices of some contemporary Islamic poets found a clear presence of the mother, and during the search for the subject or its I found that the subject did not receive research and study, although the bureaus of contemporary Islamic poets included in it a huge amount of verses in which they stood at the mother Pharthua, and expressed their feelings and emotions towards them, and accordingly this research tagged (mother in contemporary Islamic poetry _ Dr Artistic models in models of contemporary Islamic poetry) to stand

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Censurer’s dialogue in Classical Arabic Poetry
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Censure in poetry is a pattern of poetic construction, in which the poet evokes a voice other than his own voice or creates out of his own self another self and engages with him in dialogue in the traditional artistic style whose origin remains unknown. Example of the same may be found in the classical Arabic poets’ stopping over the ruins, crying over separation and departure and speaking with stones and andirons; all in the traditional technical mould. Censure confronting the poet usually emanates from the women as blaming, censure and cursing is closer to woman’s hearts than to the man’ hearts. Censure revolves around some social issues, such as the habit of over drinking wine and extravagant generosity taking risks, traveling,

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