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علاقة الاستقلالیة بمفھوم الذات لدى أطفال الأمھات العاملات وغیر العاملات
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The research aimed at revealing the relation between Independency and The
Concept of self of The Children Who have Working and not Working Mothers,
and to accomplish the aim of the research, the researcher built two measures, the
first was to measure Independency and the second was to measure Concept of self
. after Appling them on the sample of the research which consists of Children
(males and females ) Working and not Working Mothers . the following result
appeared :
 The difference in the degrees of independency was in favor of the males
who have working mothers and the females who have not Working Mothers .
 The difference in the degrees of Concept of self was in favor of the males
who have working and not Working Mothers .
 There is a statistical function relation between the degrees of Independency
and The Concept of self of The males Who have Working Mothers.
 There is a statistical function relation between the degrees of Independency
and The Concept of self of The females Who have Working Mothers.
The researcher reaommended the importance of enlightening the Mothers about
the importance of and encouraging their children about their independency and
depending on themselves and realize their selves and understanding them and she
suggested many studies in this field.

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 24 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
"The Relationship critical factors for knowledge transfer in strategic success opportunities"
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    The current research discusses "The Relationship critical factors for knowledge transfer in strategic success opportunities", the attention have been increased on knowledge transfer and strategic success subjects because on being one of the important and contemporary issues, which have a significant impact on the existence of organizations and its future. The research aims to identify the critical factors for knowledge transfer in private high education environment which enables (the college community surveyed) to achieve strategic success, also the research sought to answer questions related to research problem by testing a number of major and minor hypothes in correlation, in order to test the hypotheses I us

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 21 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
علاقة العوامل الحرجة لنقل المعرفة في فرص النجاح الاستراتيجي" (بحث ميداني في عدد من الكليات الاهلية في مدينة بغداد)
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المستخلص: تناول البحث الحالي " علاقة العوامل الحرجة لنقل المعرفة في فرص النجاح الاستراتيجي " إذ يحظى موضوعيّ نقل المعرفة والنجاح الاستراتيجي باهتمام متزايد لكونهما من الموضوعات المهمة والمعاصرة، والتي لها تأثير كبير على وجود المنظمات ومستقبلها. ويهدف البحث الى الوقوف على العوامل الحرجة لنقل المعرفة في بيئة التعليم الأهلي العالي والتي تُمكن ( الكليات الأهلية المبحوثة ) من تحقيق نجاحها الاستراتيجي وقد سعى الب

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Decision Making Styles And their effect on Performance Excellence the university" An exploratory search for a sample of the administrative leaderships in the Mustansiriya University"
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   Addressed this research the impact of intelligence emotional dimensions of the main(self awareness, and self-management, and social awareness, and relationship management) in the performance excellence the university(performance optimization, and strategic development) this is by middling the styles decision making which are (rational and intuitive, and dependent, and spontaneous, and avoidant), and Go search of an intellectual dilemma raise fundamental questions revolve around the search was to answer those questions through a theoretical framework for search variables first and test models of the relationship and second through the impact six hypotheses President.The objective of the research to make sure the contr

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 22 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Relationship of Communities of practice in adoption of, Strategic Change choices
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The research (Relationship of Communities of practice in adoption of, Strategic Change choices) aims to diagnose and interpretation of correlation nature between Communities of practice deportation (participation and spreading knowledge, confidence, social capital build) deportation strategic change choices (reengineering business process, business re-structuring, business innovation) in construction companies in the Iraqi Ministry of Construction and Housing, the research tested 4 construction companies working in investing sector in Iraq, the research applied on a sample of 102 persons who participated in Communities of practice distributed in several administrative levels (directors, division directors, projec

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Prevalence of BRCA1 Oncogen Expression in Breast Cancer Specimens of Patients with Positive Family History
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Background: Breast cancer is the leading female cancer worldwide and in Iraq .Some mutations, particularly in BRCA1, significantly increase the risk of the disease.
Objectives: To demonstrate the frequency of BRCA1 in a group of high risk women with “positive family history’’ of breast cancer; correlating the immune expression of BRCA1 with some parameters of known prognostic significance.
Patients and Methods: Eighty-two female patients diagnosed with breast cancer (50 familial and 32 non familial) were included in the study .The mean age of the patients was 48.07. Immunohistochemistry was performed to assess the BRCA1 oncogene expression, Estrogen Receptor (ER), Progesterone Receptor (PR), Her 2 neu contents of the tumors.<

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
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The research aims at constructing a Scale of Kindness phenomenon among university female students and elicit criteria to it, It also recognizes the differences in kindness levels among female students according to variables (specialization, academic grade, social status, and the age). The sample consists of 534 female students who were selected randomly. The two researchers rely on experience and the results of questionnaire, The questionnaire is given to 130 female university students from different colleges as well as their acquaintance with literary works witch dealt with kindness , The scale consists of 39 items , It has psychometric characteristics (Validity and Reliability) . The criterion (Z) is extracted from it and throu

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Ambivalence among University students
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The current research was aimed at the following:
1. Measurement the Ambivalence among University students.
2. Identify the differences in Ambivalence among University students according to variable of Specialization (scientific / literary).
To achieve this aims of the research, the researcher set up the instrument is scale of Ambivalence that consistent (19) item. And the researchers applying this scale on the sample amounted to (200) among University students. Then after data processing statistically, the researchers reached the following results:
1. University students have Ambivalence.
2. There is no is differences in Ambivalence among University students according to variable of Specialization (scientific / literary).<

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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Increased interest in the subject of the image because of its great and growing link to the life of the individual and society and its impact on the overall political, economic and cultural conditions. This interest is no longer confined to the images of people or institutions, but has become beyond that to the images of countries and peoples and the impact on bilateral relations between them,

However, we find that the image of the Iraqi abroad remained vague and has not been scientifically recognized and the most that we can generalize are the features of the image of Arabs and Muslims abroad; and assume that the image of the Iraqi applies to them as the Iraqi is in the end an Arab or Muslim.

Based on this, the research

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Publication Date
Tue May 31 2022
Journal Name
أوراق ثقافيّة مجلّة الآداب والعلوم الإنسانيّة
الرهاب لدى التلامذة ضعاف البصر
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الرّهاب، اضطراب نفسيّ واسع الانتشار، وتُشير الدّراسات الحديثة إلى أن نسبة انتشاره تتراوح ما بين (7%-14%) في أغلب المجتمعات، وهو اضطراب مُزمن ومُعطّل للحياة الاجتماعيّة، ولكنّه قابل للعلاج. ويتفق العلماء على أن عدم إدراك المعاق بصريًّا للبيئة المحيطة به، وأركانها يجعل تكّيفه معها محصورًا في إطارٍ ضيق، وبذلك تتبلور مشكلة البحث في الإجابة عن التساؤل الآتي: ما مستوى الرّهاب لدى التلامذة ضعاف البصر في المدارس الاب

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Reflective Judgment of University Students
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This research aims at identifying the level of Reflective Judgment for University students in term of gender and stage. To this end, the researcher used Khaleel's scale (2016) for the Reflective Judgment. The scale was administered to the sample of the study which is (200) male and female level first-fourth university students. The results have shown that university students are on the level five of the Reflective Judgment, and the first-stage students have reflective judgment more than fourth-stage students. In the light of these results, the researcher has come with a number of recommendations and suggestions.     

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