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Rightness in Evalating Basra and Kufa’s Views in The Work Of Al _ Anbary, Al - Insaf Fi Masael Al - Khilaf
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This paper deals with the Kufis and basris agreements in Abo Al _ Barakat Al _ anbary’s
work “ Al- Insaf Fi Masael Al - Khilaf.It attempts to settle the disputes and find out the right
The book presents the issnes that the two schools of Kufa and Basra dispute upon and try to
evaluate them so as to support the correct ones .The present researcher has noticed that the
author of the above work was not always right or accurate in picturing a number of issues as
disputable whereas they implicitly shared the same views .Accordingly ,this papor sheds light
on such cases and drew acadernic researchers, attention to the invalidity of Al –anbary’s
misjudged views.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Corrosion Inhibition of Al-Si-Cu Alloy in the Basic Media by UsingSix Inhibitors at Four Temperatures
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The research involved attempt to inhibit the corrosion of Al-Si-Cu alloy in 2.5x10-3 NaOH solution (pH=11.4) by addition of six different inhibitors with three concentrations (1x10-3, 1x10-2, and 0.1 These inhibitors include three organic materials (sodium acetate, sodium benzoate, and sodium oxalate) and three inorganic materials (sodium chromate, disodium phosphate, and sodium sulphate). The data that concerning polarization behaviour are calculates which include the corrosion potential (Ecorr) and current density (icorr), cathodic and anodic Tafel slopes (bc & ba), and polarization resistance (Rp). Protection efficiency (P%) and activation energy (Ea) values were calculated for inhibition by the six inhibitors. The

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Publication Date
Sun May 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The level of Trends banking leaders towards organizational confidence and its and reflection on the dimensions of the strategic position: An applied research in Egypt in Al-mansour Investment and the Business Bay
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The aim of this research is to show the level of banking leadership trends in the importance of  organizational  confidence and its reflection in the dimensions of the strategic position the research was applied in a bank (Al- Mansour Investment, Business Bay), and the Questionnaire Was adopted as a tool to collect data and information from the number of the sample (15) who are in allocation (Department Manager, Department Manager Department Manager, Division Officer, Unit Officer) and he used the statistical program (spss) to calculate (standard deviation, arithmetic mean, percentages, regression, analysis,F-test coefficient of determination R2, Coefficieent, square Kay and the research reached a number of conclusions, the mos

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Performance Evaluation the Turbidity Removal Efficiency of AL-Muthana Water Treatment Plant
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Turbidity is a visual property of water that expresses the amount of suspended substances in the water. Its presence in quantities more significant than the permissible limit makes the water undrinkable and reduces the effectiveness of disinfectants in treating pathogens. On this basis, turbidity is used as a basic indicator for measuring water quality. This study aims to evaluate the removal efficiency of AL- Muthanna WTP. Water turbidity was used as a basic parameter in the evaluation, using performance improvement evaluation and data from previous years (2016 to 2020). The average raw water turbidity was 26.7 NTU, with a minimum of 14 NTU, with a maximum of 48 NTU. Water turbidity value for 95% of settling daily reading data was

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Crossref (5)
Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The jurisprudential approach Imam Al-Qurtubi through his interpretation Verses of rulings
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There are great figures in our nation, who are famous for their encyclopedia in their sciences, and their fame spreads across the horizons for what they presented to their religion and nation.
So they became torches of guidance, advocates of goodness, and treasuries of knowledge until God inherits the earth and those on it.
Among these imams is Imam al-Qurtubi, who died in the year (671 AH), after whom he left a great legacy of valuable books, including this one, which is the subject of my research, his valuable interpretation (Al-Jami’ Li Ahkam Al-Qur’an). Taking from him and his approach in interpreting the verses of judgment, following the method of extrapolation, investigation and deduction to know his style, which he used

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Performance Evaluation the Turbidity Removal Efficiency of AL-Muthana Water Treatment Plant
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Turbidity is a visual property of water that expresses the amount of suspended substances in the water. Its presence in quantities more significant than the permissible limit makes the water undrinkable and reduces the effectiveness of disinfectants in treating pathogens. On this basis, turbidity is used as a basic indicator for measuring water quality. This study aims to evaluate the removal efficiency of AL- Muthanna WTP. Water turbidity was used as a basic parameter in the evaluation, using performance improvement evaluation and data from previous years (2016 to 2020). The average raw water turbidity was 26.7 NTU, with a minimum of 14 NTU, with a maximum of 48 NTU. Water turbidity value for 95% of settling daily readi

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Crossref (5)
Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
Reading beauty through the views of philosophers and its reflection in graphic design
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The creative production of the philosophy of beauty in artistic works constitutes a step towards development and progress by meeting the growing and changing needs of humanity according to various factors, including those related to the human situation and others related to technical outputs, as well as the multiplicity of the field for the emergence of new artistic currents and movements concerned with graphic production and communication and communication processes that It is associated with imagination and freedom from social and cultural constraints, in which the design production seeks to link more realistic intellectual contents with the achievements of the creative artwork as a communication system to involve the recipient (the vi

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Int. J. Agricult. Stat. Sci.
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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
Journal Name
The plastic structure in the lyrical introduction to pre-Islamic poetry " The hanging Tarfa bin Al-Abd as a model": زينب خليل حسين
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The research deals with the lyrical introduction in the commentary of Tarfa bin al-Abd as a formative system characterized by flexibility and richness of imagination, which achieved a formative treatment and a unique construction within the structures of the structural and semantic language. I dealt with the poetic verses represented by the lyrical introduction as a formative hypothesis, basing its goal on a methodological framework distributed on the problem that was summarized by the following question: Is it possible to look at the poetic pattern within the pre-Islamic poem / hanging blinking as a model, in its plastic dimensions and to identify the stylistic treatment that achieves the formation space within the poetic text. The rese

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 13 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الخلاف الخلاف على ولاية العهد وأثره في ظهور الأحزاب في إنكلترا
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It may say that of difference towards a state that had  witnessed the birth of modern party system in England ،and it appear a new case of  organization and use ways effecting in general opinion through the election parties that had different in their ideology as Alweel party which dealt with religion related among its members with Buretan with its members participation understandings of free expression of their opinions trying to fight the control of Christ men in a time that Tory party was Enklikanian  more than as it was loyalty one .

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Waste Water Bacteria and some chemical properties on drinking Water in AL-Mada,in Treatment Plan Station
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Three stations were chosen on the water treatment plan of al- madaan .The Samples collected from the (Raw water) and the Sedimentation, filtration and storage water and the drinking water of outlet. Coliform densities T.S and F.C and TS and F.S and total bacterial count as bacteriological pollution indicators, as moste probable number (MPN) method was studied in test. Also some of the chemical characteristics of the water like pH , total suspended solid T.S.S, T.D.D.and S04 , T.Hardness , Ca++ , Mg++ . From the results it were indicated . The study showed the drinking water of outlet (distriputed in system) was agree with WHO criteria and Iraqi limits standards .

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