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نظرة المجتمع إلى التقنیات الحدیثة في تنظیم الأسرة (دراسة نظریة في علم الاجتماع الطبي)
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Human use means of birth control in multiple ways including (Isolate
women) and (breast-feeding) and (with drawl) and was used on a small scale for
religious social and economic reasons, but after the industrial Revolution and the
increase in migration from the country side to the city and the over cowing of
population and the limited income and a women going out to work out side the
home and poor relations of the kinship and the weakness of religious morals and
the rule of the individualism and the complexity of life and the Multiplicity of
needs and goals and openness to western culture and the application of love and
spread the principle of democracy and freedom and deviant use of the media, all
this has helped in the popularity of the use of modern family planning methods
which are limited to the following :
1. Contraceptives by mouth through medicines and pharmaceuticals .
2. Intra-uterine devices for contraception made of special plastic or copper.
3. Contraception by injection of medical preparation .
4. New methods of fertility regulation and improved throw anew research and
studies that will help in devising means more receptive and the safety and
effectiveness and far from the expected collateral damage .

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Determinants of Total Factor Productivity Growth: an Analytical Study of a Cross Section of Countries for the Period (2003-2016)
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            This study tests the effect of a large number of independent variables that control the growth of the total productivity, which amounted to 112 variables, gathered from what is mentioned in the specialized theoretical and applied literature. The data for these variables were taken from global reports of sound international organizations and reliable databases covering the period 1991-2016. The data of the dependent variable, the growth of the total factor productivity, were taken from the database of the world development indicators. The study covered 61 countries for which data were available. The study included three regression models to explain

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Evaluation the profitability of public commercial banks using liquidity indicators: A comparison of the Rafidain and Rasheed study
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The issue of liquidity, profitability, and money employment, and capital fullness is one of the most important issues that gained high consideration by other authors and researchers in their attempts to find out the real relationship and how can balance be achieved, which is the main goal of each deposits.

For the sake of comprising the study variables, the research has formed the problem of the study which refers to the bank capability to enlarge profits without dissipation in liquidity   of the bank which will negatively reflect on the bank's fame as well as the customers' trust. For all these matters, the researcher has proposed a set of aims, the important of which is the estimation of the bank profitability; liquid

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
دراسة المتغيرات المؤثرة على زيادة أعداد الحيوانات المنوية النشطة باستخدام نموذج توبت (Tobit Model
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The no parity problem causes determining is the most interesting case by doctors and researchers in this filed, because it helps them to pre-discovering of it, from this point the important of this paper is came, which tries to determine the priority causes and its fluency, thus it helps doctors and researchers to determine the problem and it’s fluency of increase or decrease the active sperm which fluencies of peregrinating. We use the censored regression (Tobit) model to analyze the data that contains 150 observations may by useful to whom it concern.         




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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
(The trade-off between privatization Options General contracting firms Using the strategic analysis of the external environment
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Discussed the research variables are important, privatization options and strategic analysis of the external environment, and that the purpose of the research is the trade-off between privatization options and choose the most appropriate alternative in proportion to the external environment, the research aims to determine the privatization the most appropriate option for companies and public contracting, showing the importance of the study provide the privatization of public companies as a strategy can all its way public sector organizations from the transfer of work practices or private sector organizations and mechanisms to it as contributing to improving the level of skills Develop the current and future level of performance,

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Visual discourse of statues of symbolic figures Christ as a model (An analytical study): مصطفى ممتاز نوري الياور
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The topic of this research deals with an analytical study of the nature of the visual sent by the sculptural monument of the person of Christ around the world, the nature of this monument, the manner of its embodiment, the mechanism of reception for each of the societies that this monument addressed to them, how it was reflected on them, how it was reflected on them, and whether these works are related to their culture or not, I discussed this study All this, and the researcher has established theoretical research axes for the research according to the desired goal of this study, which is the definition of the mechanism of visual discourse of statues of Christ around the world and were as follows: (The first axis: the discourse and visua

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
discriminate analysis and logistic regression existence of multicolleniarty problem(Empirical Study on Anemia)
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The method binery logistic regression and linear discrimint function of the most important statistical methods used in the classification and prediction when the data of the kind of binery (0,1) you can not use the normal regression therefore resort to binary logistic regression and linear discriminant function in the case of two group in the case of a Multicollinearity problem between the data (the data containing high correlation) It became not possible to use binary logistic regression and linear discriminant function, to solve this problem, we resort to Partial least square regression.

In this, search the comparison between binary lo

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
The technique of making Super - realism sculptures by Local alternative materials (Applied Study): إيهاب احمد عبد الرضا
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This research is studying technique sculptures super - realism, search through, how the method of work, and the search for the materials used in their manufacture, and this is the first study in the field of art and the field of academic study in the country.Research consists of an introduction, And four sections, The introduction containing information on: research problem, Importance of research, Goals of the research, Limits of research, research approach, and research tools.The first section contains a technical study sculptures super -realism in contemporary sculpture, while the second section includes a search for alternative materials available in the local markets, for making sculptures super - realism, the third section dedicate

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An exploratory study of history-based test case prioritization techniques on different datasets
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In regression testing, Test case prioritization (TCP) is a technique to arrange all the available test cases. TCP techniques can improve fault detection performance which is measured by the average percentage of fault detection (APFD). History-based TCP is one of the TCP techniques that consider the history of past data to prioritize test cases. The issue of equal priority allocation to test cases is a common problem for most TCP techniques. However, this problem has not been explored in history-based TCP techniques. To solve this problem in regression testing, most of the researchers resort to random sorting of test cases. This study aims to investigate equal priority in history-based TCP techniques. The first objective is to implement

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The credibility of satellite news channels directed in Arabic from the perspective of Iraqi media, Survey Study
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This research aims at identifying the commitment of satellite news channels in Arabic to the set of important standards that reflect their credibility in dealing with the media material, and considering that these channels give special importance to events in Iraq, as well as the Arab region and the world, decide to choose them and study them with a problem The research was a question about the level of credibility of Iraqi media. This research is descriptive research, which used the survey method on an objective sample of 245 items, while the questionnaire was used as a data collection tool. Seven channels were selected in Arabic for the study. The three most watched channels were chosen. These channels included the channels of Russia t

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 05 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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We studied the effect of certain environmental conditions for removing heavy metal elements from contaminated aqueous solutions (Cd, Cu, Pb, Fe, Zn, Ni, Cr) using the bacterium Bacillus subtilis to appoint the optimal conditions for removal ,The best optimum temperature range for two isolate was 30-35○C while the hydrogen number for the maximum mineral removal range was 6-7. The best primary mineral removal was 100 mg/L, while the maximum removal for all minerals was obtained after 6 hrs of Cu element time and the maximum removal efficiency was obtained after 24 hrs of Cu element. The results have proved that the best aeration for maximum removal was obtained at rotation speed of 150 rpm/minute. Inoculums of 5ml/100ml which contained 1

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