Human use means of birth control in multiple ways including (Isolate
women) and (breast-feeding) and (with drawl) and was used on a small scale for
religious social and economic reasons, but after the industrial Revolution and the
increase in migration from the country side to the city and the over cowing of
population and the limited income and a women going out to work out side the
home and poor relations of the kinship and the weakness of religious morals and
the rule of the individualism and the complexity of life and the Multiplicity of
needs and goals and openness to western culture and the application of love and
spread the principle of democracy and freedom and deviant use of the media, all
this has helped in the popularity of the use of modern family planning methods
which are limited to the following :
1. Contraceptives by mouth through medicines and pharmaceuticals .
2. Intra-uterine devices for contraception made of special plastic or copper.
3. Contraception by injection of medical preparation .
4. New methods of fertility regulation and improved throw anew research and
studies that will help in devising means more receptive and the safety and
effectiveness and far from the expected collateral damage .
In this research, (MOORA) approach based– Taguchi design was used to convert the multi-performance problem into a single-performance problem for nine experiments which built (Taguchi (L9) orthogonal array) for carburization operation. The main variables that had a great effect on carburizing operation are carburization temperature (oC), carburization time (hrs.) and tempering temperature (oC). This study was also focused on calculating the amount of carbon penetration, the value of hardness and optimal values obtained during the optimization by Taguchi approach and MOORA method for multiple parameters. In this study, the carburization process was done in temperature between (850 to 950 ᵒC) for 2 to 6
... Show MoreThe current research involves psychological pressure (educational,environment andemotionly) for secondary level to 2013-2014.This research includes comparison among students who are trained and not trained in physical education .The sample is(126) students from each gender from first education.Al-Karkh and the research found out that physical education has an effect in lessing emotional and educational in a big degree in student in secondary which affect them positively in their study. &n
... Show Moreالحقوق والحريات السياسية " دراسة مقارنة بين المواثيق الدولية والشريعة الاسلامية"
This study was conducted to determine the effects of concentration of hydrochloric acids, temperature, and time on the hydrolysis of soya proteins (defatted soya flour) by determining the value of total protein nitrogen concentration, and amino nitrogen concentration of protein, peptides, and amino acids, and then calculated the hydrolysis rate of proteins.
The variables of the conditions of hydrolysis process was achieved in this study with the following range value of tests parameter:
- Concentration of HCl solution ranged between 1-7 N,
- Hydrolysis temperature ranged between 35-95 °C, and
- The time of hydroly
أظهرت نتائج تقدير التركيب الكيميائي لمعزول بروتين بقول العدس المنبت التي تم الحصول عليها من الأسواق المحلية في محافظة بغداد وذلك باستخدام الاستخلاص القلوي عند الرقم الهيدروجيني 9.5 PH ثم الترسيب عند نقطة التعادل الكهربائي 4.5 PH،كانت نسبة البروتين، الرطوبة، الرماد، الألياف، الدهن والكربوهيدرات (71.58، 6.44، 2.58، 1.09، 0.25، 8.66) % على التوالي، وبينت نتائج تقدير المعادن في المعزول البروتيني لكل من الكالسيوم والفسفور والحد
... Show MoreKarbala is one of the oldest cities in Iraq. It was named after the name of the child. This is the saga that Imam Hussein was martyred in
The mediation system is based on settling the dispute amicably through the intervention of a third party by bringing views closer away from the judiciary, which is an amicable way to settle disputes, which disputants resort to voluntarily, but some Western legislation has begun to impose resorting to mediation to settle disputes compulsorily, to take advantage of its advantages, get rid of the disadvantages of resorting to the judiciary in some disputes, and relieve pressure on the courts.
Roughness length is one of the key variables in micrometeorological studies and environmental studies in regards to describing development of cities and urban environments. By utilizing the three dimensions ultrasonic anemometer installed at Mustansiriyah university, we determined the rate of the height of the rough elements (trees, buildings and bridges) to the surrounding area of the university for a radius of 1 km. After this, we calculated the zero-plane displacement length of eight sections and calculated the length of surface roughness. The results proved that the ranges of the variables above are ZH (9.2-13.8) m, Zd (4.3-8.1) m and Zo (0.24-0.48) m.
In this paper we present a method to analyze five types with fifteen wavelet families for eighteen different EMG signals. A comparison study is also given to show performance of various families after modifying the results with back propagation Neural Network. This is actually will help the researchers with the first step of EMG analysis. Huge sets of results (more than 100 sets) are proposed and then classified to be discussed and reach the final.