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A Unit Plan Based Upon The MI Theory: A theoretical study with an application Inside The Classroom
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This research basically gives an introduction about the multiple intelligence
theory and its implication into the classroom. It presents a unit plan based upon the
MI theory followed by a report which explains the application of the plan by the
researcher on the first class student of computer department in college of sciences/
University of Al-Mustansiryia and the teacher's and the students' reaction to it.
The research starts with a short introduction about the MI theory is a great
theory that could help students to learn better in a relaxed learning situation. It is
presented by Howard Gardener first when he published his book "Frames of
Minds" in 1983 in which he describes how the brain has multiple intelligences not
only one general intelligence as it was believed before.He classifies these
intelligences into six or ten intelligences as will be explained later in this research.
The next section is a unit plan which is designed in accordance with the MI
theory for teaching the simple present and the present perfect tense for the first
class students in computer department of college of sciences. This plan consists of
four activities each involves more than three intelligences which suppose to help
most of the students in the class to learn better, each using their own intelligence in
learning. In all the activities, the students are supposed to work in groups.
Activity number one is teaching the simple present tense by writing a
description of pictures taken from the net using the simple present tense.
Activity number two is teaching the present perfect tense by using a game
called: "tell us what has happened". The teacher or groups of students do something
and then the teacher asks the other students to tell what has happened.
The third activity is teaching the simple present tense by using songs which
are taken from the net and designed for teaching purposes. These songs are
followed by a cloze sheet about the song to be filled by the students using the
simple present tense.
The fourth activity is teaching the present perfect tense using the
questionnaire. Students ask and answer using the present perfect tense as the
teacher gives each group a specific theme to talk about.
presents the teacher's reaction to using the MI theory in designing the unit
plan and teaching it to the students and the students' reaction to the unit plan with the type of assessments according to the MI theory which is followed by the researcher to assess the students.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
L’imaginaire de l’épidémie dans La Peste d’Albert Camus et Le Choléra de Nazik al-Malaika The Imagination of Epidemic in Alber Kamo's Novel " Plague" and Nazik Al-Malaekah's poem "Cholera"
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The present study deals with the story of Epidemic in two literary works issued in the same year (1947). One of them is a novel titled "Plague" written by the French writer Alber Kamo, the second is a poem of the Iraqi poetess Nazik Al-Malaekah. The research reflects a contrastive study of the war vision in the two works as both writers used science to serve literature by using Epidemic as a metaphor to refer to the dangers that the societies faced.

The problem of the present research lies in answering the question about the reason that makes the two writers use metaphor while narrating the issues of the society instead of mentioning them directly and illuminate what implications do the narrative style of Epidemic story have and

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
امكانية تكييف نظام الجودة في شركة الاسمنت العراقية وفقا لمتطلبات نموذج تاكيد الجودة iso9001 الخاص بنظام العمل والعاملين دراسة استطلاعية لاراء عينة من المديرين في الشركة
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امكانية تكييف نظام الجودة في شركة الاسمنت العراقية وفقا لمتطلبات نموذج تاكيد الجودة iso9001 الخاص بنظام العمل والعاملين دراسة استطلاعية لاراء عينة من المديرين في الشركة

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
المعالجة المحاسبية لعقود الإجارة المنتهية بالتمليك لدى المؤجر وفق معيار المحاسبة الإسلامي رقم (8)المعدل: دراسة تطبيقية في عينة من المؤسسات المالية الإسلامية العاملة في الأردن
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 لقد توسعت وتطورت انشطة منشآت الاعمال بشكل كبير، وقد تمكنت المحاسبة من التعامل مع هذا التطور من خلال ايجاد المعالجات المحاسبية التي تتوافق مع خصوصية هذه المنشآت وطبيعة انشطتها، وقد ادى مجلس معايير المحاسبة الدولية دوراً مهماً في تحقيق توافق المعالجات المحاسبية في غالبية دول العالم مع المنطق الذي يحمله الفكر المحاسبي.

       في الربع الاخير من القرن الماضي ظهرت منشآت ذات خصوصية معينة يس

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 31 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The Q-switched Nd:YAG laser shock processing effects on mechanical properties of C86400 Cu-Zn alloy: Q-switched Nd:YAG laser shock processing effects on mechanical properties of C86400 Cu-Zn alloy
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The aim of this paper is to investigate the effects of Nd:YAG laser shock processing (LSP) on micro-hardness and surface roughness of 86400Cu-Zn alloy. X-ray fluorescence technique was used to analyze the chemical composition of this alloy. LSP treatment was performed with a Q-switched Nd: YAG laser with a wavelength of 1064 nm. The results show that laser shock processing can significantly increase. The micro-hardness and surface roughness of the LSP-treated sample. Vickers diamond indenter was used to measure the micro-hardness of all samples with different laser pulse energy and the different number of laser pulses. It is found that the metal hardness can be significantly increased to more than 80% by increasing the laser energy and t

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
ФОРМИРОВАНИЕ КОММУНИКАТИВНО-РЕЧЕВОЙ КОМПЕТЕНЦИИ СТУДЕНТОВ КАФЕДРЫ Р The formation of verbal communication for students of Russian Language Department at College of Languages at University of Baghdad by using multiple technological means
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В статье рассматривается вопрос об использовании мультимедийных средств для оптимизации процесса формирования коммуникативной компетенции  в иракской аудитории с привлечением компьютерных технологий. Статья посвящена  использованию мультимедийных технологий  и  различных  приемов формирования интереса к русскому языку. Включение в процесс обучения коммуникативно-значимого, аутентичн

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Diyala Journal For Pure Sciences
Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Activity for Complexes VO(II), Mn(II), Co(II) and Ni(II) With New Multidentate Ligand [2-((E)-3-(2-hydroxyphenylimino)-1,5-dimethyl-2-phenyl-2,3-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-4- ylimino)acetic Acid][H2L] type (N2).
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In this work, the precursor [2-(1,5-dimethyl-3-oxo-2-phenyl-2,3-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-4-ylimino)acetic acid] was synthesised from 4-aminoantipyrine and glyoxylic acid, this precursor has been used in the synthesis of new multidentate ligand [2-((E)-3-(2-hydroxyphenylimino)-1,5-dimethyl-2-phenyl-2,3-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-4-ylimino)acetic acid][H2L] type (N2O2). The ligand was refluxed in ethanol with metal ions [VO(II), Mn(II), Co(II) and Ni(II)] salts to give complexes of general molecular formula:[M(H2L)2(X)(Y)].B, where: M=VO(II), X=0, Y=OSO3-2, B=2H2O; M=Mn(II),Co(II) ,X=Cl, Y=Cl, B=0; M=Ni(II), X=H2O, Y=Cl, B=Cl. These complexes were characterised by atomic absorpition(A.A), F.T-I.R., (U.V-Vis)spectroscopies (1H,13C NMR for ligand only), alon

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
Chemical And Process Engineering Research
Synthesis and Characterization of Complexes of Schiff Base [1, 2-Diphenyl -2- 2-{[1-(3-Amino-Phenyl)-Ethylidene]-Hydrazono Methyl}-Phenol] with Mn(II), Fe(II), Co(II), Cu(II), Zn(II), Cd(II), Ni(II), and Hg(II) Ions
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The new tridentate Schiff base ligand (HL)namely 2-{[1-(3-amino-phenyl)-ethylidene]-hydrazono methyl}- phenol containing (N N O)as donors atoms was prepared in two steps:Step (1): By the reaction of 3- aminoacetophenone with hydrazine monohydrate under reflux in methanol and drops of glacial acetic acid gave the intermediate compound 3-(1- hydrazono ethyl)-phenol amine.Step (2): By the reaction of 3-(1-hydrazono ethyl)-phenol amine with salicyaldehyde under reflux in methanol, gave the ligand (HL).The prepared ligand was characterized by I.R, U.V-Vis,1H- 13C NMR spectra and melting point and reacted with some metal ions under reflux in methanol with (1:1) ratio gave complexes of the general formula: [MClL]. Where: M= Mn(II), Fe(II), Co(II),

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Religious Discourse of Biblical Intertextuality in Abraham Regelson Works: Selected Samples from the Collection "House of Brightness": הנאום הדתי של האינטרטקסטואליות התנ''כית ביצירותיו של אברהם רגלסון סיפורים נבחרים מקובץ "בית הניצוץ"
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This research display a selected sample of Regelson's texts, there were interrelations and interactions unfolded so as to show his creativity in the employment of religious texts. In the story "In the Youth of Moses", he inter-texted the episode of the Prophet Moses from the Torah, the Source of legislation, to signify a legislative issue needed by the community. As for the story of "Samson, One of the Falling", he originated the character of The Judge Samson by alluding to the Book of the Judges, which is the Book which reminded of the defeat and slavery of the Palestinians by a Jewish leader, as is related in Jewish religious texts. Further, and the story of "And Haman Said", he chose the story of the Queen Esther from the Book of Esth

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages
הנאום הדתי של האינטרטקסטואליות התנ''כית ביצירותיו של אברהם רגלסון סיפורים נבחרים מקובץ "בית הניצוץ" Religious Discourse of Biblical Intertextuality in Abraham Regelson Works: Selected Samples from the Collection "House of Brightness"
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Diyala Agricultural Sciences Journal (dasj)
(OLIGO-X) the effect of salinity of irrigation water and magnetisation and soaking Alalascorbek acid and extracted sea Your protected agriculture. DALIA in germination and growth of seedlings seeds of hybrid option
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