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Means of Arguments in Bank's Annual Reports

In line with the most recent trends in genre analysis (Swales, 1990; Bahatia,
1993) and discourse studies on business communication (Dudley-Evans and St.
John, 1998;Bargiela-Chiappini, F. and C. Nickerson, 1999, the article focuses on a
particular financial genre, Bank's Annual Reports (ARs). More in detail, in contrast
in widespread claim about the purely financial and informative nature of ARs,
addressing experts only, this paper aims at illustrating in accordance with Bexley
and Hynes (2003), and Burrough's (1986) considerations, that those reports
endeavour to promote the company image and to leave a positive impression on
readers. Generally speaking, companies communicate because they exist: they have
a name, headquarters, offices, a logotype, and provide cosumers with products and
services that help people to come closer to the company's reality (Brioschi,
1990:51). However, another type of communication exists, this of argumentation: it
is essential to inform the public about the company's activity, to charge its mind
(Cantoni, Di Blas, 2002) and to it act in a certain way. Thus, argumentation aims at
convincing the counterpart that a thesis should (not) be accepted by using
reasonable arguments that impress the hearer/ reader. More specifically,
argumentation can be found in an extremely important economic and financial text:
the ARs. These are considered comprehensible not only to experts but also the
layman: they develop arguments that are within everyone's reach; they use plain
language and effective stylistic devices in order to be readable, to delight and
convince the public (Mignini, 2005:1).
(Some research so far has been based on the definition as well as the content
analysis of ARs, and on their writing's techniques and strategies, but few had taken
into account their argumentative stylistic features and discursive (in the sense of
other-than-purely-financial) sections.
There has been not much research focusing on argumentation in the economic
and financial world up-to-now; in this paper the researcher examines how
argumentation is carried on in banks ARs, what the most exploited topics are, and
how they are arranged to win the public over. A glance at the textual structure is
given first so as to have an idea about how the readers are introduced into the bank's
world. Then, an analysis of the most common topics and the way they are usually
presented (their argument) is provided: examples are also given in order to clarify
the content. 

The corpus of material gathered for the analysis includes four Bank's ARs. All
the selected ARs are published on the web between 2003 and 2006 by the following
prestigious big banks: Deutsche bank (2003), Bank of England Annual Report
(2004), Raiffeisen Centrobank (2005), and Bank of America (2006).

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2022
Journal Name
Representations of puns in the cover designs of Der Spiegel magazine

 Pun concept the design discourse for the cover of magazines the researcher chose the German magazine Der Spiegel as a model for that, as the research problem was manifested by the following question: What are the representations of puns in the covers of the German magazine (Der Spiegel)? The researcher has identified four chapters for this study as follows: The first chapter is devoted to research procedures, and the theoretical framework, which is like the second chapter, included the literature related to the topic of research according to the two interlocutors. A review of the concept of pun in the field of typographic design and the functions that puns achieve in that field, leading to the third chapter, which included the analysis

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Geographical Analysis of Sanitation Workers in the Urban District of Kut

Cleaning is one of the services provided by the state and its ad hoc institutions. Every developed country is clean due to the good planning and attention given to the staff of all municipalities and service institutions. Beside, the attention paid to this sector is considered one of the windows to maintain the states’ aesthetics. If janirtos stop disposing of all the discarded wastes, the result will be having big piles of waste, affecting accordingly the health and safety of its citizens and the aesthetics of the areas. The janitors and those responsible for them are tha staff that the state must take care of because of their importance to the state in general and to the province in particular. The importance of the research

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Directorates of the Ministry of Agrarian Reform Iraq in 1958 - 1968

After the issuance of agrarian reform first law of 1958 events social economic
accelerating out of sync with political events on the application of the agrarian reform law
issued a government executive branch law number (74) in May 1959 was the introduction of
the ministry of Agrarian reform and the development of a new system of the ministry of
agrarian reform and its department to determine structural ministry the new work started
department of the ministry ptt.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Violation of the Strategies of Conversation in Some English Selected Plays

The present study analyzes the violation of the strategies of conversation in two English plays namely Richard II and King Lear. The present study tries to achieve the following goals: 1. showing how the strategies of real conversation can be applied to conversation in plays. 2. analyzing how the characters communicate with each other to discover how Shakespeare violates the strategies of conversation in depicting his characters. The study has been conducted on the bases of the following hypotheses:

  1. The strategies of conversation which are derived from the study of natural conversation can be applied to conversation in drama with some modification for dramatic purposes.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The effect of negation in proving the pathology of the fundamentalists

This research deals with the study of pathways in terms of the negative effect in proving them
And the fact of this influence among fundamentalists.
The research consists of two subjects and a conclusion.
In the first section, I learned about the terms in the title of the research:
Denial and pathology.
In the second section I reviewed the pathways of illness that affect exile in it
Five: the nodding, the fitting, the sounding, the division, the rotation, the inference
A description of the absence of evidence of non-reference to it. And I figured out how
Negation in it by striking some illustrative examples as fruit
Arising from the effect of negation in proving those routes.
As a result of this research, a

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using ARIMA models to forecast the volume of cargo handled in Iraqi ports An applied study in the general company of Iraqi ports

Time series is an important statistical method adopted in the analysis of phenomena, practices, and events in all areas during specific time periods and predict future values ​​contribute to give a rough estimate of the status of the study, so the study aimed to adopt the ARIMA models to forecast the volume of cargo handled and achieved in four ports (Umm Qasr Port, Khor Al Zubair Port, Abu Flus Port, and Maqal Port(, Monthly data on the volume of cargo handled for the years (2006-2018) were collected (156) observations. The study found that the most efficient model is ARIMA (1,1,1).

The volume of go

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of intellectual capital in promoting financial performance an applied study on a sample of the companies listed in Iraq stock exchange

The interest in the intellectual capital and its development is a civilized necessity imposed by the requirements of the times and cannot imagine an advanced society in its potential productivity in poor efficiency of human capital, and features the work environment change permanently, putting the management of financial companies against a constant challenge toward coping with new developments in this changing environment and this is not taken unless owned by these companies qualified human resources and the provision of Culture organizers have, which manifested itself with the research problem by the following two questions:

  1. Did the intellectual capital value specific financial and

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Knowledge Sharing In the Human Resource Capability

         The role of the independent variable and human resources capabilities was the role of the adopted variable. The aim of the research is to identify the level of participation in the knowledge of the organization through human resources and the rigorous scientific investigation to develop new mechanisms of action that help To manage the organization in the implementation of its mission and achieve its main objectives that have been found for it is to encourage the work of scientific research and maintain the preservation of its continuity to increase the competencies of knowledge, technical and skill to form a future workforce qualified to work In the sectors of society.

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Feb 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The developmental role of the social worker in child care

This research discusses the developmental role of the social worker in providing care for children at risk. The research is desicriptive in nature include both the theoretical and field aspects. The theoretical aspect focuses on the characteristics and requirements of these children and what forms and implications are exposed to them by society, what is the developmental role of the social worker in the rehabilitation of this group. As for the field aspect, the study sample took a (40) social workers who working in Aiwa institutions inside Baghdad. A questionnaire of (14) questions was used as tool to collect the needed data.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Measuring wisdom of guidance department students in college of education

The present research aims to measure the wisdom among university students and the differences of the concept of wisdom according to the gender of students in college of Basic Education. The sample of the research reached (300) male and female students in the morning studies upon the four stages of the psychological guidance department, the Scale of wisdom has been designed by the researcher herself and the psychometric feature were obtained as validity and Reliability. the researcher used Chi- square to Know the differences between the number of agreed and disagreed students for the wisdom scale, as well as the researcher used person correlation coefficient to Know the reliability of the scale by re test method for wisdom scale , t- test

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