The Andoluosian literatures has been captured my mind, and had a very
pure and great place in my spirit, which is remembering me the roots of
genuine Arabic civilization spread during eight century in endoluos region.
also the Arabic creation which is moved from east to far way land in that
ages. And very clearly appearance tremendous men interested in science and
all kind of literature and arts especially in poetry, no one who has taste and
minimum knowledge can denied the effect of indoluosan prosperity among
readers. So for that reason I work very hard to choose a very famous poet his
nick name (Al-Ramadee) he is Youseif Bin Haroon born in the first decade
of the 4TH hijri (Islamic Calendar), died in (403H). He was one student of
very popular linguistic called abee Ali Al-qalee.
They called him Almotanabee of his place also they said "poem started
from Kenda and sealed in Kenda" they intended Emraa Al-Kayas,Al-
Motanabee and Al-Ramadee.and for all of that I preferred to search about
the language phenomena and the expansion in his poetry as well as some
glance which focus to reveal about his huge linguistics and literatures
heritage capacity.
I divided this study to three levels:-
grammatical level: dialed with odd linguistic words and converse.
structural level: dialed with preferment, retardation, cancellation, the
linguistic methods and the aims.
laterally level: dialed with laterally acceptance, verbalism synonymy
and analytic.
Finally, conclusion, results that I have got in this study.
The Theoretical bases of women's rights in Islamic shariate
Music and singing are always associated with the movement of society and the emergence of cultural and artistic activities other.
The social and political transformations of the 1930s helped to disseminate the study Music and music in the city of Baghdad and across Iraq This is the beginning of a new era of musical art alongside other arts.
While achieving musical arts A new step was advanced by publishing a technical study among the younger generation they were looking for to contribute to the musical field On the other hand, the city of Baghdad during the period of research many musical and musical performances Egyptian teams have provided many artistic activities and events which have had a significant impact on the development
The condition of Islam and Muslims and what their political, social, cultural and educational status, and even religious and faith status, has led to whoever feels his belonging to this great religion and that middle nation, to try as much as he can to fix what has been corrupted as much as he can, and perhaps in diagnosing illness and illness as It was said half the way to treatment, and from this standpoint I liked to occupy thought, work consideration and harness part of the youth’s life in order to reach what contributes to reforming the situation and the safety of generations, and this is only in seeking knowledge and learning it by following the guidance of the Messenger (r) and his companions ( y) Therefore, the subject of my re
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Общеизвестно, что изменения в языке какой-либо страны, тесно
связаны с общественно - политическими развитиями данной страны.
Демократия и общественно – политическая жизнь в Ираке после
событий 2003 года играли важную роль в изменении языковой ситуации страны, особенно в политической сфере.
... Show Moreאורי-צבי גרינברג, אחד המשוררים היהודים הבולטים במאה ה-20, ולפי מבקרים רבים, היה גרינברג מהמשוררים החלוצים בתקופה שמלאה בחדשנות ובתנודת האירועים הפוליטיים והביטחוניים, באירופה ובמזרח התיכון. גרינברג יליד גליציה ב-1894, גדל במשפחה חסידית, הוא הגר פלסטינה ב-1923, ומשנה ההיא גרינברג נצל את עצמו לעבודה הספרותית והפוליטית ביחד. הוא תרם להקמתם של כתבי-עת והעתונים וכתב יצירות ספרותיות רבות, רובן היו שירים בעלי
... Show MoreAppending is a morphological term which means the addition of one or two letters to a structure to be similar to other structures of well-known abstractor additional nouns and verbs constructions. The goal of appending is to organize what have been expanded linguistically and collect similarities to reduce the syntactic rules. This is because the appended word exists for expanding purposes; however, it has no construction of its own. An appending was included with another construction with mentioning the additional letter. This by itself means that appending as a process is a term that helps organize rather than expand language. Scholars further noticed that the appending letter is not semantically significant, and so it differs from the
... Show Moreان استعمال الاساليب والنظريات العلمية الحديثة في عمل العلاقات العامة من شأنه ان يجعل عمل ادارات العلاقات العامة نافعاً ومؤثراً نافعاً للمؤسسة ومؤثراً في جمهورها ومحيطها الخارجي وكلما اتسع نشاط المؤسسة وكبر حجمها وامتدت الرقعة الجغرافية التي تنتشر عليها تشكيلات المؤسسة وفروعها كلما كبرت وكثرت التحديات والتهديدات التي تواجه المؤسسة ونشاطها وبذلك تكون الحاجة ماسة الى وجود ادارات متخصصة بالعلاقات العامة تس
... Show Moreيتفق معظم العلماء على اهمية الرأي العام في کل الازمنه والامکنة کلها، لکل ناس حکام ومحکومون افراد وجماعات فهو يشکل قوة ضغط على تلک الانظمة والحکومات وان کانت تلک القضايا لها مساس بمصالح الناس ومدى تاثيرها على الانظمة في اتخاذ القرارات من خلال الاحکام التي تصدرها الناس. والبحث هنا يتناول الرأي العام بمفهوم الحرية الممنوحة لهم وان کانت مدة الدراسة لا تتناول المفهوم بذاته ولکن يعبر عنه بمفاهيم مثل ارادة ال
... Show Moreمما لاشك فيه إن من أهم الأساليب التي تعتمد عليها أقسام العلاقات العامة في تحقيق أهدافها هو توظيف الخبر الصحفي ويشمل ذلك اهم أهداف العلاقات العامة ومنها التواصل مع الجماهير داخليه وخارجية ، بناء الصورة الذهنية الايجابية ، الإعلان ، الترويج ،..... الخ وفي اطار التطور الكبير الذي شهده علم العلاقات العامه في العقود الزمنية الاخيرة تزايد وتوسع الاعتماد على التوظيف الإخباري عن طريق بناء وتشكيل ومعالجة مضامين الخب
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