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Divorce and its effects on women rights - A field study in Baghdad city / ALMADAIN COURT
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The problem of divorce from the phenomena that characterized the nature of privacy,
although their impact beyond the individual to include the community as a whole, the parties
to the relationship affected by divorce caused them harm moral and material for a long time,
resulting imbalance in the personal relationship and family and social relations because of the
high divorce rates, particularly in Iraq high rates of 28690 thousand cases in 2004 to 59 515
thousand cases in 2011 and an increase of more than (100%) during the period above, and this
rise caused by aggravation of many of the problems led the reasons for social, economic and
incompatibility spouses, health and lack of reproduction, not spending The wife and children,
to marry at an early age, violence against the wife, to marry a second wife, the abandonment
of the husband to the wife, treason and others, and is an indicator may reflect a deterioration
in the quality of social life

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Publication Date
Thu May 14 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Visual Pollution and its Impact on the Aesthetics: The Town of Eizariya as a Model
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This study seeks to shed light on the aspects of visual pollution and its impact on the aesthetics of the town of Al-Eizariya known to suffer from the phenomenon. In order to identify the real causes of the problem which develops in various forms and patterns, threatening not only the aesthetic appearance of the towns, but also causes the emergence of new problems and phenomena that will have negative repercussions on the population. The researcher uses the analytical descriptive method to analyze the phenomenon of visual pollution in terms of reality, development, manifestations and spread and uses photos which document the visual pollution and its impact on the aesthetics of the known. The study concluded the existence of a strong rela

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Publication Date
Wed May 13 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Urban creep on the green areas and its environmental effects on the city of Baghdad
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he planning process is generally aimed at developing the city and making it meet the needs of different citizens. The green areas constitute one of the basic needs of the city and with the rapid and unusual growth in the size of cities, especially in the third world countries, which is often embodied in capitals. Which was achieved as a result of many reasons, including political, economic and social and even enshrined through some of the decisions that were issued and the city of Baghdad, but a clear example of these cities. The city and the environment are inseparable terms. The city is where people spend their lives and their daily experiences, and the environment is the center in w

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 19 2022
Journal Name
Ishraqat Tanmawia
The reality of the divorce problem in Iraqi society Reasons, solutions and results
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Praise be to God, who created people from one soul, and made her husband, and prayers and peace be upon His Messenger, Mercy given and the grace given, and on a machine and companions pure. Divorce cases have increased in recent years in a worrying manner, especially since divorce has unforeseen consequences at the individual and social levels. The source of concern stems from the fact that the cohesion and integrity of society starts from a family as it is the cornerstone of the social structure, which is the foundation upon which the large society is based. Marital life may suffer from problems and obstacles that are difficult to solve, so the man presents the divorce of his wife and that the phenomenon of divorce is not a result of it, b

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Authorization of women in divorce
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The Shari'a of Islam is the end of the laws revealed by God, including the goodness of the servants in the pension and the restored. They are supported by the enemies of Islam, especially in these days when the Islamic Ummah is subjected to a fierce campaign by its enemy to repel it from its religion through what they claim from the rights of women, including the right to equality with men.
      Islam came to announce to all mankind that women are part of life in society without which they can not imagine life for them. Islam did not leave women under the absolute authority of men, but raised their status and worked to liberate them, and these rights are divorced from her husband, does she have the right

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A field study of the problems of queues at some checkpoints in the city of Baghdad
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Due to the momentum of winning in the streets of the city of Baghdad as a result of the large number of checkpoints so felt researcher to conduct a field visit to find out the main reasons that led to this congestion and to find practical solutions to mitigate wastage winning the arrival time citizen to where you want the least possible time.

This research aims to overcome the difficulties experienced by citizens to reach their places of work and reduce waste at the time of service and waiting time as well as reduce the cost of waiting.

Has emerged study a set of conclusions, including the use of model queue (G / G / C) and the mome

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 11 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Terrorism and Internal Displacement in Iraq: A Field Study in Baghdad
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    Terrorism is a serious problem for many societies today. This research aims to identify the impact of terrorism and displacement crisis on human security, which was a shock to the Iraqi society in terms of its impact on the psychological, social and economic conditions of the individual, family, and society. The variety of methods of carrying out the terrorist operations that resulted from the phenomenon of human displacement witnessed by Iraq since the middle of 2014. This phenomenon has its demographic, political and social dimensions.

    In order to achieve the goal of this study and the importance of the subject, the social survey method was used by selecting a sample of 200 IDPs in a compou

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Factors associated with the phenomenon of marriage outside the court And the consequences of it A field study in Sadr City
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Marriage outside the court is a manifestation of the oppression that women are subjected to in Iraq its seriousness comes out of the consequences that it leads to The. It overlooks the age of the girl and her marriage in younger age or coerced to marry as it leads to neglecting the affordability of marital relationship as long as the marriage does not have any legal or material consequences. The present study aims to detect Characteristics of both wives, husbands and families Who agree to marry her daughters outside the court. And the reasons that lead them to marry outside the courts. It also aims to provide information on the circumstances of marriage and reasons for refusing to ratify it in court. The study was based on the sample soc

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Divorce Effects
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The consequences of divorce after separation have several legal and legal provisions among them is that the wife must wait for a certain period specified by the legislator before marrying another, whether her husband left her after the practice of interning or died until the expiration of the period of counting and compensation for arbitrary divorce and the right of the unmarried to live in the marital home and complete her dowry is gold. But it cannot block the object of material and moral damage, especially if it was fired without shortening them and therefore these rights were decided by the provisions of the absolute and remove the effects on its reputation

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Reflective Mercifulness and its Implications for Social Cohesion / field study in Baghdad Governorate
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Mercifulness is a trait of civilization, humanity, and a moral value in society, because it has an impact on social life and its role in spreading interdependence, joint liability, and solidarity among people. Mercifulness means spreading mercy, synergy, sympathy, and cooperation. Generally, a society that enjoys strong ties tends to have a kind of stability and development, as well as, is able to face the economic, political, and security crises. Conversely, a weak society leads to weak social cohesion and weak community infrastructure that is more vulnerable to social, economic, and political instability. Thus, this is the aim of the research that has used a social survey method applied to a sample of respondents who have reached (300)

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 31 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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A field study was conducted on a sample of the public in Baghdad to study the audience's exposure to the television promotion of pharmaceutical products and their trends in order to determine the rate of exposure of the public to the television promotion of pharmaceutical products according to the theory of uses and rumors and to determine the public's attitudes towards television promotion of pharmaceutical products. A survey of (25) a questions was distributed to a sample of the audience of 150 people. The statistical program SPSS was used to unload the data and for the calculation of frequencies and percentages and correlation coefficients. The research reached several results, Most importantly, the television promotion is well receiv

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