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Contemporary trends for the treatment of the prisoner in the light of the minimum rules for the treatment of prisoners
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The issue of the prisoners' rights and the way of dealing with them is not just a minor or
primary issue according to the contemporary attitudes to deal with criminals, but it is a fatal
issue that goes with the development of life and comprehension of human rights. As the
criminal is considered as a human-being who can be reformed and qualified, according to the
aims of the contemporary social service the prisoner is regarded as an idle human source who
can be reformed, treated and qualified so as to make him participate to improve his family and
society in the end.
This study aims at reconstructing the prisons bases when applying the laws of the lowest
level of treatment through the research of oppositions, attitudes in some prisons laws in Iraq
and among the lowest level rules in treating prisoners and these rules which were
accomplished in the first conference of the United States of preservation from crime and
Criminals treatment in Geneva convention in 1955.
The most important results this study reached are as follows;
-Policy of the Iraqi criminal laws still depends on the policy (The Negative Punishment to
freedom )as a basic punishment which overcomes its decisions that dominate its decisions.
And it was reflected on the prisons positions that we find most of the Iraqi prisons suffer from
being over crowded with prisoners. That caused to the unability to classify them ,besides the
weakness of education and health service. Consequently ,the reforming states will be far away
from its role which is reforming ,qualifying and treating criminals each one according to his
case to requalifying them to the society.
-Most of the reforming organizations ,especially the managers and the staff (for the reform
view)that shows ''Applying the negative punishment to freedom in such circumstances that
the reforming and educational attitude become weak and becom costly for both the society
and the state equally.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The problem of applying Sharia in contemporary Islamic thought
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The Islamic Issue did not rise the “widespread arguments” in contemporary times, just as the issue of applying Islamic Law.  Just as the Islamic forces used this purpose, or employed it during their march to reach to power by adopting the sacred as motivation towered the power, or control the governance. However, the reality show that this goal remained within the boundaries of slogans in the sense of a teleological slogan, and did not go beyond the limits of advocacy or arrangement as the primary source of legislation with differences of teleological reasoning, in a manner that reflected an intellectual problem about the validity of the use of this concept or the ability to apply and enforce the law in today's world, to impose

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Membranes separation process for oily wastewater treatment
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Pilot-scale dead end microfiltration membranes were carried out to determine the feasibility of the process for treating the oily wastewater which discharge from some Iraqi factories such as power station of south of Baghdad and the general company of petrochemical industries. Polypropylene membranes (cylindrical shape) with different pore diameters (1 and 5 micron) were used to conduct the study on micromembrane process. The variables studied are oil concentration (100 – 1000 ppm), feed flow rate (20 – 40 l/h), operating temperature (31 – 50°C) and time (0 – 3 h). It was found that the flux increases with increasing feed flow rate, temperature and pore size of membrane, and decreases with increasing oil concentration and operating

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Unit Plan Based Upon The MI Theory: A theoretical study with an application Inside The Classroom
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This research basically gives an introduction about the multiple intelligence
theory and its implication into the classroom. It presents a unit plan based upon the
MI theory followed by a report which explains the application of the plan by the
researcher on the first class student of computer department in college of sciences/
University of Al-Mustansiryia and the teacher's and the students' reaction to it.
The research starts with a short introduction about the MI theory is a great
theory that could help students to learn better in a relaxed learning situation. It is
presented by Howard Gardener first when he published his book "Frames of
Minds" in 1983 in which he describes how the brain has multiple intelligen

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 09 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Integration between Lean Production and sustainable value chain in light of the trend towards a sustainable circular economy
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In a resource-limited world, there is an urgent need to develop new economic models, from the traditional unsustainable industrial model of product consumption and disposal, to a new model based on the concepts of sustainability in its comprehensive sense, the so-called circular economy, using fewer resources in manufacturing processes and changing practices in product disposal to waste, by removing its use, recycling and manufacturing to start another manufacturing process. In an era of intense competition in domestic and global markets, the importance of the circular economy is highlighted in its ability to strengthen the competitiveness of enterprises in those markets, by reducing the cost and increasing the quality of the pro

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The use of water resources in light of the challenges of water security in Iraq
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Iraq suffers from lack of water resources supply because the headwaters of the rivers located outside its borders and the influence of upstream countries on the quantities of flowing water, in addition to the increase of pressure on available water as a result of population increase and not adopting the principle of rationalization where misuse and wastage and lack of strategic vision to treat and manage water use in accordance with the economic implications fall.  This is reflected fallout on water security and subsequently on national and food security, while the issue of using water resources is development top priority in different countries in the world because of the importance of water effect on the security of indivi

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 10 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The effect of plasma treatment on shear bond strength of soft denture liner with two different types of denture base material (heat cure and light cure)
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Background: In this study we evaluate the effect of plasma treatment (oxygen and argon) gas in two different exposure times on the surface of heat cure and light cure acrylic resin. Materials and method: 100 specimens of heat cure and light cure acrylic resin were fabricated. The measurements of the samples were (75mm, 25mm and 4.5mm) length, width and depth respectively with stopper of 3mm depth. Two types of gas used oxygen and argon in (5,10) min by using (DC-glow discharge plasma device) then we apply cold cure soft lining material, with the help of Instron machine we test the shear stress value. Results: A highly significant effect after argon and oxygen gases treatment in both 5 and 10 min exposure times on shear bond strength to soft

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 09 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Enhancing the effectiveness of the company in light of the practice of leadership empowerment: Applied research in the National Insurance Company
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The aim of the research is to demonstrate the importance of leadership empowerment in its dimensions (knowledge, participation in decision-making, incentives, trust between the leader and subordinate, delegation of authority and communication) and its impact on enhancing the effectiveness of the company in its dimensions Represented by (achievement of objectives, quality of insurance service, adaptation to work environment and job satisfaction), by adopting the questionnaire as a main tool in collecting data from officials in the National Insurance Company, numbering (56) surveyed in job sites (section manager, division official and unit official) Their answers were analyzed using the SPSS statistical program in calculating the a

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 17 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Discrete Mathematical Sciences And Cryptography
Minimum spanning tree application in Covid-19 network structure analysis in the countries of the Middle East
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Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) has threatened human life, so it has become necessary to study this disease from many aspects. This study aims to identify the nature of the effect of interdependence between these countries and the impact of each other on each other by designating these countries as heads for the proposed graph and measuring the distance between them using the ultrametric spanning tree. In this paper, a network of countries in the Middle East is described using the tools of graph theory.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 10 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Optics
Optical signal transmission for the visible light communication system through the water–air interface link
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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measure the effectiveness of the Balanced Scorecard strategic performance management in public institutions of Jordan )An Empirical Study on the Social Security Corporation – Irbid(
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The goal of this research to identify a set of criteria that can be measured on the basis of which the effectiveness of the application of the Balanced Scorecard in the Jordanian Public Institutions in order to identify the basic requirements to ensure the application of balanced performance measures. The study population consisted of the staff of the Public Institution for Social Security - Irbid of directors of departments and heads of departments and administrative staff, was the use of a random sample of (50) an employee and the employee. The questionnaire was used as a tool to collect data, and as a result of subjecting these standards for the field test and the use of statistical analysis tools to the results of the study c

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