Japans expansionist policy begins (Phase I) after the Chinese- Japanese
war in 1895 until end of the Washington conference in 1922 marine. Therefore
sought to implement the expansion program from the effect that get it after
Chinese- Japan war 1894-1895, and the Russo- Japanese conditions of the
first world war to complete its expansion program through the provision of
twenty- one demands and imposed on china.
In (1916-1917) it was signed a secret agreement with Allied power, that
including the German concessions in the far East to Japan legally has already
received official recognition from the international community.
In sum, the Japan during its period of expansion that has becom the first
Asian power that humiliated the European and Asian powers also and was the
first defeat the power of Estern European power in modern history during the
war (Russian- Japanese) and thus became Japan after (world war I) and one
of the big five forces in the world.
In the expansionist occupation of Manchuria in (1931 phase II), that
finished by the end of world war II in 1945, because the tendency of Japanese
expansionism is not ended with signing of treaties and U. S. Navy in 1922, but
was temporarily interrupted, the arrival of military leaders power that
representative of Gen. (Thanak j. j) in 1927
In the conjunction of the effect of economic crisis and the need for
Japanese launched the largest expansion program in 1931 with the second
world war. In 1939 Japan took the opportunity to apply its new program in the
far east in 1938.
But in 1941, the largest mistake that have been done by the Japanese military
when it was attains the U. S. Navy that tipped the balance in the side of the
state of the Allies and make the Japan loss of it had led the world after the war
instead of the second scientific American and the united stats overturned the
palance of power that now exists.
At the end we can say that the Attempts of the Japanese expansionist
policy, reached to the aspiration for world supremacy or at least nearuniversal.
Also, the end of the days that Japan signed out that make the two power of
the two military, ground Navy forces, that make it defatted and lose the empire
and returned from where it began.
Research Topic: Ruling on the sale of big data
Its objectives: a statement of what it is, importance, source and governance.
The methodology of the curriculum is inductive, comparative and critical
One of the most important results: it is not permissible to attack it and it is a valuable money, and it is permissible to sell big data as long as it does not contain data to users who are not satisfied with selling it
Recommendation: Follow-up of studies dealing with the provisions of the issue
Subject Terms
Judgment, Sale, Data, Mega, Sayings, Jurists
Al-Hamraa palace considers one of the most important urban traces
that the Arab left behind in Andalus .Muhammed bin Al—Ahmer put its fist
stones then it was finished later by his thrown hirer .The poems of (ibn-
Zumrek)were graved on the palaces doors ,halls, and lion cages with all the
proud and dignity those poems contain.
This search identifies this palace first, then studies the contents of the
poems on Walls ,then the Urban features, and description of the palace sites
,buildings materials ,pillars ,decorations, and the geometrical
Vocabularies in the poems such as spaces , direction ,distance ,and
Then the search describes the technical engineering of words
coordination, the
This research examines the electronic check slip of an educational doctrinal study, in terms of explaining the truth of the electronic check and the legal organization of it and the way it is handled, and then devising the jurisprudence related to it.
فسيفساء قبة الصخرة دراسة تحليلية
The Baha'is are a group that belongs to the Baha'iya, the Baha'iya according to the encyclopedia of Religion Sciences is a modern religious sect appeared in existence in the middle of the ninetieth century. The number of their believers is around six million people of different parts of the world. its main center lies in Haifa city in Palestine
Continuous improvement, or Kaizen, is a philosophy that is based on the idea of continuously finding ways to improve things. From this point of view, continuous improvement is not limited to the quality of products or services but it also applies to all the processes in the organization. During the last two decades several continuous improvement approaches were developed and marketed. The advocates of each approach claim that their approach is the best, however all the approaches had their own advantages and disadvantages and had their share of criticism. The important question is how to choose the right continuous improvement approach? This research work addresses the philosophy, the concepts, the assumptio
... Show MoreThis research examines the electronic check slip of an educational doctrinal study, in terms of explaining the truth of the electronic check and the legal organization of it and the way it is handled, and then devising the jurisprudence related to it
Intelligence is the production of nervous system function and it's contents memory and creative thinking and understanding and other processes. It's a general cognitive ability and it's a concept. It's essential for good judgment and reasoning, there's an argument about definition of intelligence, is it one ability or multiple abilities. Multiple intelligences theory presented by (Gardner 1983) view intelligence as composing from six types of intelligences: (1) linguistic. (2) mathematical. (3) visual – spatial. (4) musical. (5) bodily – kinesthetic. (6) personal. Present research has reached to several conclusions. Most important one is that multiple intelligences theory is based on the conception of distinct varieties of intelligen
... Show MoreWith the growth of democratic thought in our country, widened the trading term
citizenship to the magnitude of the meanings of participation in political life, economic, social
and cultural rights, as the recipe ( citizen ) does not mean only affiliation to the homeland and
link him as a child , but is as such an actor in various fields has his being independent , and
own convictions and the right to freely express his views and personal choices and play a
positive role in public life . Do not correct the democratic structure of any state without the
manifestation of the spirit of citizenship in the relations of each individual citizen to state
The current research aims to Pfhom definition of citizen
God urged to read the Holy Qur’an and to ponder it is commanded, and the Most High said: That they ponder over His verses and that those with insights remember ().
And this book that God Almighty sent down to the heart of His Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, is as clear as the sun and the moon.
It is a book of guidance and the constitution of a nation that is the best nation brought forth for mankind, and God has taken care of its preservation as He said: We have sent down the Remembrance, and we are its guardians.
This has been chosen for this topic (Luqman's commandments to his son) for what we see today in our time and society from the loss of morals and values and the neglect of parents to their chi