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دور قبیلة بجیلة في التاریخ العربي الإسلامي في العصر الأموي
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The Bajilian had their important part in the first civilian war between
Muslims. Whether they were against the Umayyad caliphate or with it, who
were small in number, but they had their important part in that actions.
The Bajilian who were against the umayyad caliphate had an important
role in the fall of Umayyad monarchy.
The tribe connections between the bajilians were stronger than their
political differences, which had influnces in that time. The bajilians who were
in muawiya palace were a good diffencer for the bajilian who were in the side
of the caliph ali. They managed to be their medicater in the muawiya palace. 

There were big efforts giving by others in order to decrease the bajilian
efforts in conquering Iraq and the east. That made bajilia realizing that the
caliphate treated them injustly, that made the bajilian feeling angry against the
rightly guided caliphs and the umayyad caliphate that made this tribe to be
with the opposition partys against the caliphs.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Divine attributes In Islamic thought
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The subject of divine attributes is one of the most important Islamic tenets, which must be
To stand up to its accuracy and multiplicity unlike the difference of speech, which led the teams to disbelieve
The other, when they were engaged in the issue of divine attributes, but they are agreed and assembled on
That God is one in himself and his qualities and actions. It is not similar to Himself and does not have two qualities of sex
One . It has no similar or real similarity between its qualities and the qualities of the creatures, as well as the acts of God
God is one in His actions and does not share it with anyone, and they have based their consensus on belief
In the unity of God and the unification of Raboubiya and t

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 13 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الخراج الخراج في الفكر الإسلامي
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Tribute in Islamic economical system was considered one of the matters that took great importance where there put for it many jurisdictions that organize its work and the tribute was considered one of the permanent income for the state and the tribute had direct benefits for the life of the people where with the increasing differences in the

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 06 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
التربية التربية في المنظور الإسلامي
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 The Islamic religion approach Rabbani urges and seeks to bring happiness to people, as Allah says: ((We sent thee not all people glad tidings and a warner, but most people do not know))

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The shield And its provisions in Islamic jurisprudence
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Since I live in a society in which violence has become widespread, and killing among its own people flared up till they began to kill under the excuse of taking shelter, in these pages I would like to explain the status of taking shelter in the light of Islamic Law (Sharia), exploring scholars’ opinions in the legitimacy or illegitimacy of this issue according to the legal standards.
And, to acquaint people, and myself in the first place, with the true nature and the gravity of this issue; to expose it to those who are unaware of it; to remind those who are already aware of it. I would refute the fabrications, remove the suspicions which surround it untill it made the forbidden permissible; the wrong right. I would explain to those

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Orphan care In the Islamic perspective
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I was invited to deliver a research paper on orphan care at the Center for Psychological and Educational Research. So I sought help from God Almighty and began writing a research in which I explained the meaning of the orphan, his condition, and the Holy Qur’an’s care for him. Therefore, I intended for the title of my humble research to be (Caring for the Orphan in the Islamic Perspective), since the papers were mixed up in the time of accidents, disasters, and deadly weapons, all of which reap men more than what we suffer. In this wounded country of ours, with civil wars, sectarianism, and insecurity, research began to solve the problem of orphans at a time when society had become an orphan with no shepherd. When I addressed this to

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The provisions of the monkey in Islamic jurisprudence
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The provisions of the monkey in Islamic jurisprudence

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2018
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
مؤخّر الصداق في الفقه الإسلامي
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The science of jurisprudence of the most honorable science, and engaged in the great reward with God Almighty; Today, they strive to highlight this tremendous wealth by searching for it, studying it, realizing it and presenting it to mankind for the purpose of benefiting from it.
   It is a blessing to me that guided me to write in jurisprudence on the subject: (Delayed dowry in Islamic jurisprudence) Islamic law has preserved the rights of the wife to her husband, which is a financial and moral right. It is one of the provisions of the marriage contract and not a health condition and therefore marriage is held without mentioning in the contract.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Sponsorship of widows in Islam
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The research addressed the problem of widows that increased recently enormously. The researcher also referred to the perspective of Islam that gave a significant attention for both widows and orphans as powerless groups. Some straightforward example were presented to reflect the actual difficulties that encounter these groups as well as the author proposed number of appropriate ways that mitigate their psychological and physical sufferings such as: the provision of convenience jobs, and the legislation of rule that save their rights. Moreover, the researcher addressed the importance of marrying widows and what these challenges that encounter polygamy in Arab societies, the advantages and disadvantages of polygamy, and discussing all the

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 17 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Cultural Coexistence in Islamic History
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The difference and pluralism among members of the same society is a fact undeniable and ignored, passed by the Quran, and confirmed by the Sunnah of the Prophet Mohammed in more than one occasion, so that the Apostle r placed a document included in its terms an agreement with the Jews, and recognized the coexistence between Muslims and Jews, which stems from the great principle of a tolerance, which recognizes the rights of others and the freedom to believe what is believed to be right, so it was incumbent upon us, and we live in rivalry repulsion and jealousies to recognize the principle of coexistence with the other, and accept it in accordance with the legitimate controls with pride of belonging to the Islamic religion, in this sense

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 14 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الواقع التربوي والتعليمي في العصر الراشدي
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حظيت التربية والتعليم برعاية كبيرة في المجتمع العربي الاسلامي عامة والعصر الراشدي بشكل خاص ونزلت الايات القرأنية الكريمة التي تناولت مفردات العلم والتعليم ومنها قوله تعالى : " وانزل الله عليك الكتاب والحكمة وعلمك ما لم تكن

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