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دور قبیلة بجیلة في التاریخ العربي الإسلامي في العصر الأموي
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The Bajilian had their important part in the first civilian war between
Muslims. Whether they were against the Umayyad caliphate or with it, who
were small in number, but they had their important part in that actions.
The Bajilian who were against the umayyad caliphate had an important
role in the fall of Umayyad monarchy.
The tribe connections between the bajilians were stronger than their
political differences, which had influnces in that time. The bajilians who were
in muawiya palace were a good diffencer for the bajilian who were in the side
of the caliph ali. They managed to be their medicater in the muawiya palace. 

There were big efforts giving by others in order to decrease the bajilian
efforts in conquering Iraq and the east. That made bajilia realizing that the
caliphate treated them injustly, that made the bajilian feeling angry against the
rightly guided caliphs and the umayyad caliphate that made this tribe to be
with the opposition partys against the caliphs.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 19 2017
Journal Name
Place Sexuality in the Arabic Text Theatre
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     It is doubtless that the sexual place has some common indicators due to the masculine and feminine bodies which may be natural or deviated (homosexual). The female has an act of voice in the imaginary masculine place whereas the male has an act of image recognized in the parental mind in both the secular and sacred place. Those places create different limits and perceptions according to the auditory and visual readings in search of identity, text and body in the feminine dramatic text.

    The research includes four chapters; the first, the methodological framework, involves the problem which is centralized in the following enquiry: What is the relationship between the place and the term of

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 03 2003
Journal Name
النحت العربي في جنوب شبه الجزيرة العربية (اليمن) قبل الاسلام
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النحت العربي في جنوب شبه الجزيرة العربية (اليمن) قبل الاسلام

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Phenomenon repercussions Globalization on pedagogical action and Educational in Arab society
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Globalization as phenomena has affected   all aspects of life and reflected its impacts to the Arab world politically, economically, and culturally and became a vital field that related directly to our life. This field of searching needs as many studies and Academics as for employing the means that needed to face a national challenge which targeting the Arabic man Character in its ethics and values. This very important thing needs a very important reaction to face that challenge to protect the cultural ARABIC & ISLAMIC characteristics and to take care of education in all its levels and   forms as it is an invincible fort. For that, this field has become as the priority of the studying and researches if the

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
La réception du Petit Prince de Saint-Exupéry dans le monde arabe The impact of The Little Prince on Arabic audience
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Le Petit Prince est apparu en 1943 vers la fin de la vie de son auteur. La mondialité qu'a gagnée ce récit le rend un des livres les plus lus et les plus vendus dans le monde. Cette popularité en fait un des classiques de la littérature française.

En effet la littérature française a un impact profond et direct sur la vie intellectuelle et littéraire dans le monde arabe. La circulation des œuvres littéraires écrites en français a bien influencé les lecteurs arabes soit en langue française  soit  traduites en arabe. Cette réalité est identique lorsqu'on parle de la réception du Petit Prince ; l'œuvre la plus connue dans le monde entier dès son apparition officielle.


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Publication Date
Sat Dec 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Camille Ben Ziad and his Place in the Arab-Islamic Heritage (Historical Study)
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In a quick reading of the character of Camille Ben Ziad al-Nekha al-Kufi al-Taabi, one of the most sincere companions of Imam Ali (peace be upon him), he enjoyed great status and status because he was one of the people of his people who lived alongside Imam Ali (peace be upon him) since his tribe migrated from Yemen to Kufa To this end, he became loyal during the reign of Imam Ali (peace be upon him), who is also a member of the delegation coming from Kufa to protest against the actions of the Wali of Kufa during the reign of Caliph Uthman ibn Affan. After the death of Caliph Uthman bin Affan, (Peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) (Duaa kamil), one of the most famous and important supplications in Islamic history, and each one of u

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 14 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
المجتمع المجتمع الاسكندري: عاداته وتقاليده الاجتماعية في العصر المملوكي (648-923هـ/1250-1517م)
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ان دراسة الاحوال الاجتماعية في الاسكندرية خلال العصر المملوكي امر مهم لاسيما ان الحياة الاجتماعية في مصر عامة والاسكندرية خاصة اتصفت بكونها بطيئة التغيير خلاف جوانب الحياة الاخرى التي اتصفت بسرعة تغير مجراها كما وان تاريخ الاسكندرية الاجتماعي كان زاخرا بالكثير من نواحي النشاط الانساني من ميادين العمل والتسلية والترفيه والاعياد والافراح فضلا عن تنوع عناصره السكانية وهذا ما سنتناوله ضمن محاور هذا البحث.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
مراكز التعليم ودورها التربوي في حركة التدريسينفي العصر العباسي الأخير (447-656 ﻫ)
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لم يكن من السهولة على الباحث في مجال التربية والتعليم تحديد مراحل التعليم في العصر العباسي الأخير او وضع فواصل محددة بين تلك المراحل المختلفة من ذلك العصر، لان التعليم آنذاك كان يتميز بالمرونة التي تتيح للتعليم الحرية المطلقة في اختيار نوع الدراسة والمادة الدراسية التي يريد دراستها.

فكانت المساجد والكتاتيب والمجالس العامة والخاصة هي المؤسسات العلمية الاولى للتعليم عند المسلمين في عهد ال

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 18 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
التيارات الثقافية في العصر العباسي ودور اهل البيت (ع) في مواجهتها (الامام الحسن العسكري انموذجا
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In mid 3rd century H . and exactly in the second Abbasid  era, Thereappeared ideological trends which are skeptical of Islamic religion depending upon the magic at one time , and Telmudi ideas at other times . The Muslim scholars , headed by Imam Al – Hasan Al – Askari , answerd them by Iogic and scientific arguments , relying on the gloroious  Qur an and the prophetic Sunnah ,and what He learnt from his grandparents . Therefore , He managed to take down their ideas in the bud and rescue the Islamic religion from anything irrelevant to what the prophet brought .

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Historical development of Islamic jurisprudence - Develop a model
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       Praise be to God, and prayers and peace be upon our master Muhammad, the Messenger of God, and upon his family, companions, and those who are guided by his guidance.


       Our Islamic jurisprudence and its basic principles are fixed, namely: the Noble Qur’an, then the Prophet’s Sunnah, then consensus, then analogy. However, it is characteristic of what makes it developed to meet the requirements of renewed life, including: sent interests, custom, approval, blocking pretexts, changing times. That is why it went through different stages, growth, brilliance, stagnation and endowment; Therefore, many scholars of Islamic jurisprudence divided its stages into four sections: the stage of inf

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 28 2021
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الزواج المبكّر بين التشريع الإسلامي والواقع الاجتماعي
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    Marriage is a sacred bond in all religions, including the Islamic law, but the early marriage in particular – as the focus of my research - is common in Islamic regions, especially for girls, and it has been approved by Islamic law in accordance with special criteria and

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