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Marksian Aesthetics

the Aesthetics Approach For Marx is Arts goes is live With his Material Philosophy
.But that does not mean that, the aesthetic for Marx is equal with, the aesthetic in Art in its
importance even if there are complicated relations between the two . There for Marx considered
that for each human practiced material activity. There is an aesthetic aspect and this what makes
Arts a distinguished form of social knowledge .The aesthetic here is a dialectic unit used to
reflect life and value.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 08 2024
Journal Name
Aesthetics of experimentation In short television films

Experimentation Multi effective and fertile grew human desire to discover new ways to express beauty in artwork .And dabble term experimentation in the performing arts and arts architecture, cinema and television in the test forms and interest in the visual effects and movements seek to establish and beauty and schools of thought in literature and art. This study aims to identify

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Language Ecology or Ecolinguistics: Conceptual and Theoretical Discussions

Language ecology is the interactions between the environment and language. Such a discipline, ‘language ecology’ or ‘ecolinguistics has been founded by Einar Haugen’. Accordingly,  the study aims at qualitatively reviewing the theoretical and conceptual issues surrounding the subject of language ecology  by tracing the roots of language ecology. It further highlights the fundamental inconsistencies between how the concept of ecology is perceived in sociology and biology, and is applied to language, particularly, transposing the main central concepts of bio-ecology, such as relationship/interaction, environment, and organism to human language and theory of ecological-linguistic. The theory wavers among placing the focus

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 04 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The aesthetics of metaphor sent in Nahj al-Balaghah



       The main goal of this study is to showcase the aesthetic values contained in Nahj Al-Balagha by exploring its wide horizons and enriching the subject of rhetoric with new forms and images that did not exist in other books, as they characterized no other book but Nahj Al-Balagha. Imam Ali mastered the use of rhetorical forms in his speech to the fullest extent that such forms raced to his thought one after the other to book their place amongst the topics of religious and earthly life. One of those rhetoric forms is synecdoche, in its various parts. Due to this form great importance and high status, it was used by the Imam at many

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
Reading beauty through the views of philosophers and its reflection in graphic design

The creative production of the philosophy of beauty in artistic works constitutes a step towards development and progress by meeting the growing and changing needs of humanity according to various factors, including those related to the human situation and others related to technical outputs, as well as the multiplicity of the field for the emergence of new artistic currents and movements concerned with graphic production and communication and communication processes that It is associated with imagination and freedom from social and cultural constraints, in which the design production seeks to link more realistic intellectual contents with the achievements of the creative artwork as a communication system to involve the recipient (the vi

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 19 2017
Journal Name
Aesthetics configuration in the Assyrian winged bull )An analytical study(

Subjected Find winged bull Assyrian monetary analysis in order to identify the formative relations in terms of percentages, movement and public swab for being aesthetic values ​​upon which the mechanisms of artistic composition, which did not give researchers artistic interest that affects the status of these sculptures and the like of the achievements of the Iraqi civilization in Assyria.

Resulting analysis to a number of the most important results, the percentages approved in the calculation of the parts to do with all when viewed status horizontal with a realistic formulas while in the case of considering frontally clear for Ras stylized proportions and head size larger in length, a ratio confirmed by previous studies, and

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
Journal Name
The Aesthetics of the Digital Sound Effects in Television Drama

The sound effects in TV dramas achievements have become very important not only in terms of function and implementation, but at a greater and wider level in terms of artistic and aesthetic values, which are produced and employed in the most important world artistic achievements of drama, using the latest and most prominent technologies and equipment and according to the expressive and dramatic values expressed by these modern digital sound effects. Therefore, the researcher chose the aesthetic effect of digital sound effects in television drama to identify the aesthetic aspects provided by digital sound effects by employing them and their accompaniment for the image.

The researcher, therefor, divided this study into the methodolo

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2022
Journal Name
The aesthetics of the symbol in the Iraqi theater scene

Theatrical performances began with the Greeks when the theatrical scenes and skeletal figures were encoded, where the large wall of the Alskina, which contains three doors, the middle of them with a high height, and the two sides took the natural size, where the middle door indicated a symbolism of the god or demigods, as we find the condensation of the symbol in the architecture of the theater, and the symbol was taken In the theatrical scene, the development semantically and aesthetically, and interpreting and interpreting the current day, where the laser light formed the symbolism of the contemporary virtual scene, and in order to identify the aesthetics of the symbol in the theatrical scene, the current research was evaluated into fo

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 15 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
استعمال إدرار الجمال والخراف والأبقار كعامل مضاد لبكتريا pseudomonas aeruginosa

جمعت عينات من إدرار الجمال والخراف والأبقار واستعملت كعوامل مضادة للبكتريا باستعمال طريقة كأس الغراء وباستعمال 20 عزلة من عزلات بكتريا Pseudomonas aeruginosa . أجريت محاولات مختلفة لأجراء هذا الاختبار لغرض أيجاد أفضل تحضير لإدرار الجمال والخراف والأبقار يعطي قدرة أعلى على تثبيط نمو البكتريا مقارنة مع البنسلين بدءأ من الإدرار غير مخفف المرشح ثم بالإدرار المخفف . اظهرت الن

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
Journal Name
Aesthetics Contents of Data Visualization as an Input to its humanization

The aesthetic contents of data visualization is one of the contemporary areas through which data scientists and designers have been able to link data to humans, and even after reaching successful attempts to model data visualization, it wasn't clear how that reveals how it contributed to choosing the aesthetic content as an input to humanize these models, so the goal of the current research is to use The analytical descriptive approach aims to identify the aesthetic contents in data visualization, which the researchers interpreted through pragmatic philosophy and Kantian philosophy, and analyze a sample of data visualization models to reveal the aesthetic entrances in them to explain how to humanize them. The two researchers reached seve

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 25 2019
Journal Name
The Aesthetics of Sound Use in Cinematography Discourse: مهيمن اسماعيل افرام

The sound in the cinema and television occupies a large space in the level of use and expression. In addition to the functional aspect of the elements of the sound such as the dialogue, music, effects and silence, in shaping and supporting the narrative structure of the image in the dramatic work, it has today become and in light of the technical developments of the sound, an aesthetic value in the structure and formulation of the contents and ideas presented in the work. The sound also created a variety of forms before the work-factories in the artistic functioning, which enhances the emotional and expressive dimension of the image, and the researcher, as a result of many new developments in the expression o

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