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Analysis of Errors in Paragraph Writing in English by Second Year Geography & History Students at University of Baghdad
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This study focuses on the writing skill which is a social act .Students need to express
themselves in writing, but students of History and Geography departments are poor in
writing. This study aims at identifying and classifying the errors committed by the
students, and then giving remedies.
Writing can be considered as a channel or as a goal of language learning.
Students learn to write in a foreign language. Writing as a goal basically focuses on
the development of writing skills to fulfill such purposes as note-taking, summarizing,
narrating, reporting and replying required for various real-life situation
Students at Departments of Geography and History study English as a part of
their syllabus requirement in the College of Education for Women. The researcher
realizes that it is important to improve students' skills in writing because it is an
important tool to their profession and for further education in the future. Therefore,
this study is an attempt to evaluate the writing skills of the second class evening
students (History and Geography)Departments.
The students are asked to write a paragraph on topics based on their reading
passages, chosen from their prescribed textbooks. They had been trained to construct
a well- organized paragraph in their preparatory schools for three years until their
graduation. Hence, the study attempts to find the students' errors in their writing in

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 13 2023
Journal Name
E3s Web Of Conferences
Assessment of Soil and Water Properties in the Central Marshes Southern Iraq
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The Central Marshes are one of southern Iraq's most important wetlands and ecosystems. A study on evaluating soil quality and water quality in terms of chemical properties at certain sites in the southern Iraqi Central Marshes has been conducted to investigate their types and suitability for enhancing the agricultural reality of most field crops. Soil and water samples were collected from 15 sites and transferred to the laboratory. In the lab, the following parameters were determined: electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved salts (TDS), organic materials (OM), pH, gypsum, and total sulfate content (SO3). The tests conducted on the samples indicated that it could be said that the soil of the Central Marshes

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Push out bond strength of different obturation systems (An in vitro study)
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Background: The bond strength of the root canal sealers to dentin seems to be a very important property for maintaining the integrity and the seal of root canal filling. The aim of this study was to evaluate the shear bond strength of four different obturation systems using push-out test. Materials and methods: Forty straight palatal roots of the maxillary first molars teeth were used in this study, these roots were instrumented using crown down technique and ProTaper system, instrumentation were done with copious irrigation of 2.5% sodium hypochlorite and 17% buffered solution of EDTA was used as final irrigant followed by distilled water, roots were randomly divided into four groups according to the obturation system (ten teeth for each g

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
كلية التربية-الجامعة المستنصرية
Study the drift velocity of electron in mixtures Cf4,O2 and Ar
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical Prediction of Bond-Slip Behavior in Simple Pull-out Concrete Specimen
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In this study the simple pullout concrete cylinder specimen reinforced by a single steel bar was analyzed for bond-slip behavior. Three-dimension nonlinear finite element model using ANSYS program was employed to study the behavior of bond between concrete and plain steel reinforcement. The ANSYS model includes eight-noded isoperimetric brick element (SOLID65) to model the concrete cylinder while the steel reinforcing bar was modeled as a truss member (LINK8). Interface element (CONTAC52) was used in this analysis to model the bond between concrete and steel bar. Material nonlinearity due to cracking and/or crushing of concrete, and yielding of the steel reinforcing bar were taken into consideration during the analysis. The accuracy of this

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences And Humanities
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Dell Hymesin 1964coined The Ethnography of Communication in an attempt to explain the ways in which people use the language to interact. It hypothesizes that ethnography is less applicable among participants who have the same sociocultural background. It was proven that all the basic speech components occur whenever there is an interactional situation. The elements of (SPEAKING) schema are closely connected. However, the findings establish the fact that these elements take place effectively among participants who have the same sociocultural background.One of the most outstanding conclusions is the capability of the (SPEAKING) model to analyze not only an interaction between two or more participants, but also any event which consists of a mo

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 18 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences And Humanities
A Linguistic study of Presupposition in Rattigan’s play ‘while the sun shines’
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As a kind of linguistic study, the study of presupposition in drama is one of captivating topic to explore, because of the capability of this topic to make people perceive the presupposition differently. Presupposition is one of the most important concepts in linguistics. It refers to the implicit inferences made in communication between people. These inferences are necessary to understand the utterances correctly. The research particularly endeavors to focus on the linguistic constructions that activate presupposition.

Publication Date
Mon Jun 03 2019
Journal Name
Rawal Medical Journal
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Clavicle fractures are common injuries in young, active individuals. The majority of the fractures (80% to 85%) occur in the mid-shaft of the bone and account for approximately 2.6% of all fractures. For many years the standard treatment of fracture clavicle was the "figure-of-eight" bandage but several indications for operative fixation, the position of plate fixation for clavicle fracture remains controversial. The aim of this study is to compare between anterio—inferior and anterior-superior plating of mid-shaft displaced clavicle fracture in complications, plate prominence, nonunion, malunion and range of motion. This study is a prospective study conducted in Al-Kindy teaching hospital .A total of 30 patients with fracture mid –sh

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 29 2022
Journal Name
Current Trends In Geotechnical Engineering And Construction (pp.52-61)
Simulation of Residual Chlorine in Al-Yarmouk Drinking Water System Using WaterGEMS
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Abstract To ensure that the distribution system has safe drinking water. It is necessary to know the residual chlorine concentrations at various points in the network. A chlorine photometer device was used to measure twenty points taken every day for a week at a selected time in the distribution system. Both pressures and flows in the network were measured using bourdon gauge and Tuf-2000H Handheld Digital ultrasonic flow meters. WaterGEMS CONNECT Edition update one software was used to simulate the flow in the network. The Baghdad water department provided the data about the network, such as the lengths of pipes, the layout of the network, and pipes diameters. The network calibrated consists of 781 pipes of different lengths and 542 juncti

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Agricultural And Statistical Sciences
Antibacterial activity of thuja orientalis and green tea in pseudomonas areogenosa infection
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Seven isolates were identified as Pseduomonas aeruginosa from clinical samples. Antibiotic sensitivity test were done to determine their sensitivity to number of antibiotics, the results illustrated all that isolates were resistant to most used antibiotics. The ability of Pseduomonas isolates to produce haemolysin, protease and pyocyanin were detected in this study, all isolates had the ability to produce pyocyanin pigment, hemolysis and protease. The antimicrobial activity of the ethanolic extracts of Thuja orientalis and green tea against P.aeruginosa were investigated. The results showed that both these plant extracts have inhibitory effect against Pseduomonas isolates and it was shown that ethanolic extract of green tea was more efficie

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Lecture Notes In Networks And Systems
Advanced Security Technique in Presence of Open Communication System and Cyber Era
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