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Dictation mistakes In Iraqi News – papers
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The aim of this research is subjected to discover The Dictation mistakes which occur
widely in the Arabic Language written by Iraqi – News papers.
The research classified These Mistakes in Three groups as Follows:
1. The first group dealing with distinguishing between the Arabic – letter ) ا ( When Written
or ) أ ( at The beginning The word and as ) ئ ( which differ in meaning from each other .
2. The second group dealing with the writing of The Arabic ) ٙ( and as ) ٛ( at the end of The
word which differ in meaning from each other.
3. The Third group dealing with distinguishing in written The Arabic letter as ) ض( or as ) )ظ
which differ in meaning From each other.
4. The fourth group dealing with The writing The one Arabic – letter sometime as ) ٕ ( and
other time as ) ح( which differ each other .

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 27 2018
Journal Name
Wireless Communications And Mobile Computing
Developing a Video Buffer Framework for Video Streaming in Cellular Networks
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This work proposes a new video buffer framework (VBF) to acquire a favorable quality of experience (QoE) for video streaming in cellular networks. The proposed framework consists of three main parts: client selection algorithm, categorization method, and distribution mechanism. The client selection algorithm was named independent client selection algorithm (ICSA), which is proposed to select the best clients who have less interfering effects on video quality and recognize the clients’ urgency based on buffer occupancy level. In the categorization method, each frame in the video buffer is given a specific number for better estimation of the playout outage probability, so it can efficiently handle so many frames from different video

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Scopus (9)
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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Effect of ginger alcoholic extract on the ovary tissue in quail
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This research was carried out in quail in the laboratory of histopathology diseases during four months. The objectives of this study was to detecting the effects of the addition of the alcohol extract of ginger to ovary tissue of quail. The two groups of birds were in almost similar weights and were placed in cages. Each group consisted of 8 quails. The first group (control group) fed on regular feeding without adding alcoholic extract of ginger. The second group (treated group) fed on the same normal food after adding the alcohol extract of ginger at a concentration of 300 mg / kg. The results indicated that ginger have positive effects on folliculogenesis.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2019
Journal Name
Kufa Journal For Veterinary Medical Sciences
Phylogenic study of Genotypeing Giardia duodenalis from Cattle in Wasit province
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The present study aimed to investigated Giardia duodenalis in cattle in some different areas of Wasit province by using molecular study and verification of the genotype of Giardia duodenalis. Collected one hundred fecal samples from cattle, the result showed that the rate of infection was 83% (100) . DNA was extracted from the 100 positive samples from the cattle then amplified using the special tris-phosphatesomerase gene for genotyping A and B. The result of type A infection was (69%) and (45%) of the genotype B. The purpose of this study was to investigate the genotypes of cattle in Wasit province and compare them with previous sources at the NCBI data bank.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Route Educational And Social Science Journal
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Psychosocial Alienation is a modern concept that arises from the capitalist and materialistic conceptions of individuals. The evergrowing competitive nature of domestic societies crystallised the concept in its modern form. The intensity of the rapid changes in the urbanised societies prevents the individuals from exploring their inner selves. Thus, a new generation is created with an alienation crisis which is reflected inward towards the self and outwards toward society. Alan Ayckbourn (1939), A British playwright, presents Alienated characters inspired by his life on and off stage. He explores their Alienation and their path toward recovery and self-realization. A Brief History of Women (2017) Ayckbourn explores the depth of the individu

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Gsc Biological And Pharmaceutical Sciences
Revision of public health and clinical importance of amoebiasis in Iraq
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Amebiasis, related to the pathogenic parasite Entamoeba histolytica, is a prominent cause of diarrhea globally. Amebiasis is primarily a disease of impoverished communities in developing nations, although it has recently arisen as a significant infection among returning tourists and immigrants. Severe cases are linked to a high case fatality rate. Although polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based diagnosis is becoming more widely available, it is still underutilized. Treatment with nitroimidazoles is now suggested, however novel parasite medication research is a top priority. To avoid problems, amebiasis should be considered before corticosteroid therapy. Because there is no effective vaccination, sanitation and availability to clean w

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 10 2013
Journal Name
Asian Journal Of English Studies
The Use of Restrictive Relative Clauses in Letters to the Editors
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A restrictive relative clause (RRC hereafter), which is also known as a defining relative clause, gives essential information about a noun that comes before it: without this clause the sentence wouldn’t make much sense. A RRC can be introduced by that, which, whose, who, or whom. Givon (1993, 1995), Fox (1987), Fox and Thompson (1990) state that a RCC is used for two main functions: grounding and description. When a RRC serves the function of linking the current referent to the preceding utterance in the discourse, it does a grounding function; and when the information coded in a RRC is associated with the prior proposition frame, the RRC does a proposition-linking grounding function. Furthermore, when a RRC is not used to ground a new di

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 1990
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Notes are given regarding new record species of the braconid parasite short note in Iraq. That is Apanteles angalcti it is found to parasitize early larval instaxs of Ectomyslois ceratontae, one of the most serious pests of pomegra- nate fruit.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Photocatalytic Degradation of Methyl blue by TiO2 Nanoparticles Incorporated in Cement
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In this study, titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles incorporated with cement were synthesis by a simple casting method as a function concentration of TiO2 (0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1, and 2 wt%). The prepared samples were characterized using the technique of Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) and UV-Visible spectrophotometer, which was used to measure the adsorption spectra. The observed photocatalytic efficiency of TiO2 nanoparticles (NP) incorporated with cement was investigated by decomposing the dye methyl blue (MB) solution under sunlight irradiation. According to the slope, the value of the k constant at the best sample is 0.8wt%, k=0.8265 min-1. FESEM image of the TiO2

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Toxicology
Acute β - N -Methylamino-L-alanine Toxicity in a Mouse Model
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The cyanobacterial neurotoxinβ-N-methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA) is considered to be an “excitotoxin,” and its suggested mechanism of action is killing neurons. Long-term exposure to L-BMAA is believed to lead to neurodegenerative diseases including Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s disease). Objectives of this study were to determine the presumptive median lethal dose (LD50), the Lowest-Observed-Adverse-Effect Level (LOAEL), and histopathologic lesions caused by the naturally occurring BMAA isomer, L-BMAA, in mice. Seventy NIH Swiss Outbred mice (35 male and 35 female) were used. Treatment group mice

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Scopus (20)
Publication Date
Sun May 01 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Efficient text in image hiding method based on LSB method principle
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The steganography (text in image hiding) methods still considered important issues to the researchers at the present time. The steganography methods were varied in its hiding styles from a simple to complex techniques that are resistant to potential attacks. In current research the attack on the host's secret text problem didn’t considered, but an improved text hiding within the image have highly confidential was proposed and implemented companied with a strong password method, so as to ensure no change will be made in the pixel values of the host image after text hiding. The phrase “highly confidential” denoted to the low suspicious it has been performed may be found in the covered image. The Experimental results show that the covere

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