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Untold Story in the Language of Theatre

The language of theatre is made by a number of physical tools and moral elements. So as the actors, costumes, lightings and accessories represent the physical aspects of the show, they also represent its moral aspect too. When they transform from plastic words in the space of the visual show to become signs carrying its indications that give the meaning through the link, overlap and arrangement of its movements so as to finally look like as wording in a sentence carries the meaning and represent the language of theatre speech.
The show usually sends the recipient continuous signs that go beyond the limits of expressions that are conveyed by these tools, and that cover the largest part of the meaning. So what is kept hidden or unannounced, which is called the (Untold Story) in literature, is known as a constant image that reaches to the recipient and all of a sudden it goes away and proceeds. Every attempt that the recipient tries to take would add one segment to the whole meaning structure that the show is drawing. Therefore, what is the frames and limits of the untold story in the language of theatre..? and what is its aesthetic dimensions..?
The researcher chooses "Insu Herostrat" as a sample to apply what is given in the theoretical chapter of the study. The most important results that the researcher has come up with are that the untold story in the language of theatre draws the attention of the recipient to the meaning of the dramatic conflict and its stylistic forms and aesthetic aspects, and so achieving the most significant springs of the aesthetic structure that are made by the datum of the untold story in the language of theatre.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 18 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Calculation and Analysis of the Total Electron Content Over Different Latitudes and Seasons Using the Numerical Trapezoidal and Simpson Methods

It has been shown in ionospheric research that calculation of the total electron content (TEC) is an important factor in global navigation system. In this study, TEC calculation was performed over Baghdad city, Iraq, using a combination of two numerical methods called composite Simpson and composite Trapezoidal methods. TEC was calculated using the line integral of the electron density derived from the International reference ionosphere IRI2012 and NeQuick2 models from 70 to 2000 km above the earth surface. The hour of the day and the day number of the year, R12, were chosen as inputs for the calculation techniques to take into account latitudinal, diurnal and seasonal variation of TEC. The results of latitudinal variation of TE

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences (pen)
Estimating the reliability function of the asymmetrical hybrid parallel-series system: Applied study at the state company for vegetable oils industry

The research studied and analyzed the hybrid parallel-series systems of asymmetrical components by applying different experiments of simulations used to estimate the reliability function of those systems through the use of the maximum likelihood method as well as the Bayes standard method via both symmetrical and asymmetrical loss functions following Rayleigh distribution and Informative Prior distribution. The simulation experiments included different sizes of samples and default parameters which were then compared with one another depending on Square Error averages. Following that was the application of Bayes standard method by the Entropy Loss function that proved successful throughout the experimental side in finding the reliability fun

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effect of the Iraqi dinar exchange rate on inflation and economic growth using the joint integration methodology "a standard study"

The exchange rate is of great importance at the global and local levels alike, as this importance increases with the increasing rates of development of economic relations between countries of the world due to openness and integration into the global economy, expressed by the expansion of the volume of trade and financial relations between countries. The Central Bank of Iraq has set the need to stabilize this price as a goal to reduce inflation rates and reduce them to the internationally accepted rates by using the foreign currency sale window to achieve a balance between the forces of supply and demand for foreign currency and to preserve the value of the Iraqi dinar. The research concluded that the central bank was It has a maj

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 23 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Optics
Single mode optical fiber sensor based on surface plasmon resonance for the detection of the oil aging for the electrical transformers

This work presents a novel technique for the detection of oil aging in electrical transformers using a single mode optical fiber sensor based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR). The aging of insulating oil is a critical issue in the maintenance and performance of electrical transformers, as it can lead to reduce insulation properties, increase risk of electrical breakdown, and decrease operational lifespan. Many parameters are calculated in this study in order to examine the efficiency of this sensor like sensitivity (S), signal to noise ratio (SNR), resolution (refractive index unit) and figure of merit (FOM) and the values are for figure of merit is 11.05, the signal to noise ratio is 20.3, the sensitivity is 6.63, and the resolution is 3

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Management of Hypertension in Elderly

Background:The document on hypertension in the elderly promoted by the American college of cardiology and the American heart association (ACCF/AHA) was written with the intent to be a complete reference at the time of publication on the topic of managing hypertension in the elderly. More recently, the European society of hypertension (ESH) and the European society of cardiology (ESC) issued the 2013 ESH/ESC Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension, followed by The 2014 Canadian Hypertension Education Program (CHPE), and the Eighth Report of the Joint National Committee (JNC8), all of which has endorsed specific recommendations for the management of elderly hypertensive patients.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 05 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Propagation of Chickpea in vitro

Apical meristems, lateral buds, anthers of immature flowers and immature embryos of chickpea ( Cicer arietinum L.) were cultured on MS media with different growth regulators and incubated for 6 weeks at 25-27?C with 16 hrs photoperiod for callus initiation. Results indicated that 1 and 0.1 mg/l of 2,4-D and BA were suitable for callus initiation when apical meristems and lateral buds were used. While 2 and 0.5 mg/l of both growth regulators were essential for immature embryos. It was noticed that using chickpea anthers of the MS medium must contain 1mg/l 2ip and 0.5 mg/l IAA. However, MS medium supplemented with 1-3 mg/l of BA and 2,4-D respectively was good for callus initiation from lateral buds, anther and immature embryos.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison of Some Methods for Estimating Parameters of General Linear Model in Presence of Heteroscedastic Problem and High Leverage Points

Linear regression is one of the most important statistical tools through which it is possible to know the relationship between the response variable and one variable (or more) of the independent variable(s), which is often used in various fields of science. Heteroscedastic is one of the linear regression problems, the effect of which leads to inaccurate conclusions. The problem of heteroscedastic may be accompanied by the presence of extreme outliers in the independent variables (High leverage points) (HLPs), the presence of (HLPs) in the data set result unrealistic estimates and misleading inferences. In this paper, we review some of the robust

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Phonological Metathesis in Iraqi Arabic Dialect: A Synchronic Perspective

Phonological metathesis can be defined as an alternation in the normal sequence of two sounds under certain conditions. The present paper is intended to give a detailed synchronic description of phonological metathesis in Iraqi Arabic dialect. For data collection, the researchers have adopted two naturalistic techniques, viz., observation and notes taking. A synchronic analysis is carried out to provide some evidence that describe the sequential change of phonological metathesis in the dialect under investigation. Such sequential changes of metathesized sounds are presented and tabulated. The study concludes with the following finding that this process is not limited to cases where two consonant sounds are transposed, but three consonant

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Educational Policies in Singapore and their Reflections on Development

Singapore has invested its human resources for the development of the country since earlier times, so it has directed attention to the education sector. Education and development complement each other, as investment in education has contributed over several years to the development of Singapore economy and has made it one of the strongest economies in Asia and the world. Despite the obstacles that faced educational policies in Singapore, the presence of a wise leadership capable of overcoming difficulties and solving them, and providing the appropriate atmosphere for the development of education has contributed significantly to making it one of the most advanced educational systems in the world, and making this system the main pillar for

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 19 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Diplomatic work and its importance in foreign policy planning

That the diplomatic work and its importance in foreign policy planning assumes the following points: 1. Choosing the tool in the sense of choosing the most correct tool that reflects the reality of the situation on the one hand and the disposal of strong energy to reach the implementation of the political decision. The declaration of war and entering into a resolution that uses force merely to face insulting ambassadors does not mean Power of the State concerned. But an imbalance in its foreign policy. 2. The coordination of the tools, that the foreign policy scheme must be such a role, and on the external style, diplomatic work, military action and propaganda must complement each other, to the extent that each of them is the first attac

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